Soboba Long Jump Contest Sponsored By UTVUnderground & Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!!


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The video above gives you an idea of where camping is and the landing area for where we are hosting the Long Jump Contest!

This year will be the first year that SOboba Grand Priz will be holding a Long Jump Contest for UTV's! Origionally a prize ammount of $1000.00 was being offered but then our Team Driver Mark Turner and the good people over at Daystar stepped up and tossed in another $1000.00 to bump the prize to a total of $2000.00 to the WINNER!!!

The contest will consist of a long ramp style jump that will launch you down a graded slope allowing for mazimum speed and smooth landing! The contest will measure the furthest jump witht he winner taking home the $2G's!

Cost to enter the jump contest is $40.00 and you can pay when you register!

So far here are the people I think confirmed to enter the UTVUnderground Long Jump Contest Sponsored By Daystar

Tyler Winbury
RJ Anderson
Bobby Vanbeekum
Ryan Beat
Bronco Dan Kelly
Mark Turner

This has the makings to be an EPIC event on Saturday Night!!! The ramp and landing will be lit up, there will be a staging area for the drivers to be introduced and then the games will begin!!!!


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Re: Soboba/UTVUnderground Long Jump Contest Sponsored By Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!!

one run at the jump per $40?

this is gonna be badass, make sure to take lots of video.

how long is the take off?
Re: Soboba/UTVUnderground Long Jump Contest Sponsored By Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!!

you actually get 3 runs at the jump!!! Not sure on the length of the ramp yet, they are building it this week.
Re: Soboba/UTVUnderground Long Jump Contest Sponsored By Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!!

This is going to get crazy with all these guys jumping further than ever!! Way to step up DAYSTAR!

$2000.00 on the landing

Do you have to land it???

HOW MUCH $ $ TO ENTER THE PIT Challenge? Per pit crew?
Re: Soboba Long Jump Contest Sponsored By UTVUnderground & Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!

i'll take Dan Kelly for the win!
Re: Soboba Long Jump Contest Sponsored By UTVUnderground & Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!

Who else is camping? I'm thinking about it, I only live 15min away but if people where going to camp I'll camp and hang out.
Re: Soboba Long Jump Contest Sponsored By UTVUnderground & Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!

I cant wait for this. All the shit talking comes down to that night. Good luck to all. Im the booky for the night.

Taking bets on who will come out on top, and also closes to distance guessed.

Re: Soboba Long Jump Contest Sponsored By UTVUnderground & Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!

someone better get video of this!
Re: Soboba Long Jump Contest Sponsored By UTVUnderground & Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!

Where exactly is this? sounds like a do not miss event
Re: Soboba Long Jump Contest Sponsored By UTVUnderground & Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!

San Diego - Via the 15 North take the 215 North for 15 miles. Exit the 74 East towards Hemet and proceed for 17 miles. 74 East change to Florida Ave. Turn Left on San Jacinto St and stay for 2.5 miles. Turn Right on Main Street and proceed for 2 miles. Main Street will change to Lake Park Dr. Turn Right on Soboba Road and proceed for 1 mile. You will pass the Soboba Casino and then stop at the Soboba Security Gate. Inform them you are going to The Oaks at Soboba. After ½ a mile turn Left on Castile Canyon Rd. Stay on Castile Canyon Road for 1.5 miles following The Oaks signs until you arrive.

Orange County
- Via 91 East exit the 60 East/215 South ramp towards Indio for 5 miles. Merge Left onto 60 East and continue for 10 miles. Take the Hemet/San Jacinto exit Gilman Springs Road and proceed for 13 miles. Turn Left on Soboba Road and continue for 6 miles. You will pass the Soboba Casino and then stop at the Soboba Security Gate. Inform them you are going to The Oaks at Soboba. After ½ a mile turn Left on Castile Canyon Rd. Stay on Castile Canyon Road for 1.5 miles following The Oaks signs until you arrive.

Los Angeles - Via 60 East proceed for about 60 miles, depending on starting point. Take the Hemet/San Jacinto exit Gilman Springs Road and proceed for 13 miles. Turn Left on Soboba Road and continue for 6 miles. OR Via 10 East proceed for about 70 miles, depending on starting point. Take the 79 South/Beaumont Ave exit for 6 miles. Take the Gilman Springs Road Ramp turn Left and proceed for 3 miles. Turn Left on Soboba Road and continue for 6 miles.
You will pass the Soboba Casino and then stop at the Soboba Security Gate. Inform them you are going to The Oaks at Soboba. After ½ a mile turn Left on Castile Canyon Rd. Stay on Castile Canyon Road for 1.5 miles following The Oaks signs until you arrive.

Las Vegas - Via the 15 South proceed for about 200 miles. Take the 215 South for 14 miles until you reach the 10 East. Exit the 10 East and proceed for 23 miles. Take the 79 South/Beaumont Ave exit for 6 miles. Take the Gilman Springs Road Ramp turn Left and proceed for 3 miles. Turn Left on Soboba Road and continue for 6 miles. You will pass the Soboba Casino and then stop at the Soboba Security Gate. Inform them you are going to The Oaks at Soboba. After ½ a mile turn Left on Castile Canyon Rd. Stay on Castile Canyon Road for 1.5 miles following The Oaks signs until you arrive

Re: Soboba Long Jump Contest Sponsored By UTVUnderground & Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!

What time is the jump going to be on sat.....sounds like a gd time and one i dont want to miss
Re: Soboba Long Jump Contest Sponsored By UTVUnderground & Daystar! $2000.00 PRIZE!!!

think the jump will be around 5pm under the lights!!! I will need to verify....Its on though! Gonna be so sick, I hope lots of people come out and enter

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