Short track or big track


Monster Energy / Funco Kawasaki - UTVUnderground A
Hey guys, so im pretty sure that at the next Loors we will have a choice of the big track or the little track. In my opinion I think we should race on the little track. For one it gives all the cars with less power a better chance to be farther up in the field and it will also make for a way better show for the fans.....................?
I agree that I think it will be abetter race, but I think it may be more carnage for you guys trying to pass. How about lobying LOORRS to throw a big huck jump in there!!!
I like the short track idea as long as there is room to pass. I did not see you guys run the short track so not sure what it was like.
Glad you got this out there Chad. I think with all our thoughts on this we could get loors to build a sweet track. I agree with everybody, A tight smaller track would be good as long as you have room to pass. rubbing is racing but we dont have to kill the cars for a good show. And I know there are guys out there not afraid to go big either. Lets get together and pose the question to loors.
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Glad you got this out there Chad. I think will all our thoughts on this we could get loors to build a sweet track. I agree with everybody, A tight smaller track would be good as long as you have room to pass. rubbing is racing but we dont have to kill the cars for a good show. And I know there are guys out there not afraid to go big either. Lets get together and pose the question to loors.
Thanks I think if we can get enough people together we can talk Loors into opening up the corners a little bit to allow passing. I believe that we do have to give it a shot though if we want to have a say in the changes for the following race.
I ran the short track in practice, it is very narrow, if it was wider then I would be down for it. everything was the same as TK's except when they went through the little moguls to the front straight, we turn right and go towards turn 6 then onto the front straight.

no jumps, just the two on the front straight really

The kawi's will still pull away on the long front straight:eek:

Just my .02
whatever you guys do you better keep the whoops cause that was the sickest part of the TK track was watching the TK's hit the whoop section wide open then throwing it into that turn!
I need to point out that the LOORRS group is the first to even entertain the idea of a UTV track. Much less try to make it happen. Thanks to the LOORRS group.

The UTV guys have been telling the powers that be, we want a small track ,we can put on a better show, we are'nt really boring ,so they gave us something to start with and the bulk of the racers shot it down before even giving it a chance.

We were of the minority that wanted to run the small track , was it perfect ? Of coarse not. But IMO we blew an opportunity that may not be afforded us anytime soon. We could of run on the small track and shown what a good UTV show was,even if it was not perfect, it may have motivated the management to try working on it further.

If you were in there shoes would you go out of your way after last weekend. No matter how you look at it,It's going to cost time and money to do something different for the UTV's .
Lets not turn this into an argument. This post is a good post to get us together and make something more of our sport. I really dont care about the little B.S. Lets just voice our opinion and see what they say. I'm on the list to voice my opinion anybody else.

1. Junior Quisquis-Hellbound Natives
I need to point out that the LOORRS group is the first to even entertain the idea of a UTV track. Much less try to make it happen. Thanks to the LOORRS group.

The UTV guys have been telling the powers that be, we want a small track ,we can put on a better show, we are'nt really boring ,so they gave us something to start with and the bulk of the racers shot it down before even giving it a chance.

We were of the minority that wanted to run the small track , was it perfect ? Of coarse not. But IMO we blew an opportunity that may not be afforded us anytime soon. We could of run on the small track and shown what a good UTV show was,even if it was not perfect, it may have motivated the management to try working on it further.

If you were in there shoes would you go out of your way after last weekend. No matter how you look at it,It's going to cost time and money to do something different for the UTV's .

At least I was one of them on the small track, some others did not even try it.
We should ask for time with Tony, Corry and Lee, right after a Drivers meeting and discuss this maybe, but all of us need to be there IMO.

If you were in there shoes would you go out of your way after last weekend.
Yes I would, we need each other.

No matter how you look at it,It's going to cost time and money to do something different for the UTV's .
Probably less money than they stand to lose if they just dropped the UTV's alltogether, as it stands if you added up all the fee's of the TK's & UTV's generate as a group it probably pays for the fuel bill and part of the equipment rental. We do need to work together though..

I wasnt aware thay ran the UTVs on the TK track, I was on vacation. I can understand the complaint of it being one lined w/ no passing opportunitys, TK wide is not UTV wide...if that makes sense.

I said it before as a joke but maybe we do need a UDG, like the PDG, some sort of neutral spokes person or persons that could give input on a TK/UTV track design while its still on paper(if LOORRS would entertain that idea). That way if a say for sake of arguement a spec of 20' track width was agreed upon that could be incorperated in the the main track design during its construction insted of it being an after thought going between the lanes....

or maybe Im thinking to Supercross'ish where they have a years worth of track designs in the books and build/race/tear down a track in 7 days time.
Lets not turn this into an argument. This post is a good post to get us together and make something more of our sport. I really dont care about the little B.S. Lets just voice our opinion and see what they say. I'm on the list to voice my opinion anybody else.

1. Junior Quisquis-Hellbound Natives

If my post came off argumentative I apologize , that was not my intention. It was more trying to bring some light to the subject and share what has already happened at the last Lucas round.
hey everyone it's tyler. we need everyone to not be scared to bump fenders and we need everyone to race the small track. i may have only been racing for a short time but growing up watching everyone race the small tracks they put on the best show..... k look at it this way. when all of the trucks race there track it looks big, but for them it is small. And when people watch us race it looks massive and to spread out, so if we race the small track it would look as if we are racing the same size track as the trucks......k well now everyone knows my point of view so let race and have fun:D
Its ok Grant, maybe I took it the wrong way. Here is a thought. Why not race the small track next round and see how it goes, then if it needs changes getting together then confront LOORS. Maybe the small track will see who has balls and driving style and not just the bigger motor.
there is room for improvement. the track needs to fit the cars. That will make for the best racing.
The sport was born on a narrow track. Lets see some old school racing.


Ya rusty. Lets everybody just get out there race your heart out, and See what every one can do. Dont be scared of some old school ways.
I tried the small track, and it wasn't good. Would I be up for giving a shorter track a shot - yes! But it has to at least have enough room to maneuver through corners without stacking us up. If anyone has seen my car, they know I'm not afraid of a little (or alot of) contact - that's not the issue. It's just important to have enough room to to able to actually race....

I love that LOORRS is willing to hear us out - only good things will come of this if we can all get on a similar page. And I think we all basically want the same have a good race and put on a good show for our fans and our sponsors. I'm definitely open to change, if it's positive.....
The sport was born on a narrow track. Lets see some old school racing.



i agree with rusty :D the old track elsinor had is what made me want to get into these sxs's watching chad george , chad mitag ,todd author to name a few put on some awesome racing and that is what people want to see and would even be good to be televised too :D:D

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