Short track or big track

The way the track was at the last race was small but they r trying to make it bigger. 2 weeks before the race i went and practiced the small track and it was a lot smaller then the way they had it at the last LOORRS race. The only problem that i will agree with is that they need to make the corners longer and a bit wider............Rusty the old skool pics were pretty sick:cool:. TYLER...
i loved the big track every one voted last race and almost every one voted on the big track thats y we raced the big track.
K we ran the big track. ya it was fun cuz we went fast and jumped far now lets try something new, lets mix it up and give everyone a new challenge:D
Not to beat a dead horse but again the track at Elsinore was about 50-50 big track to small track. Yes maybe the small part was tight but it is OK for you to use the brakes, slow the car down and make a turn. That is all part of a good driver and a good car.
I think it could go both ways. Lets just get out there race the small track, see how it goes and make changes as we go.
Great idea, run a race on the smaller track to see how things go(remember there are 2 pedals in the car). Then make suggestions to LOORS and see how they respond. Who knows maybe everyone will love the action on the small track and be happy.
The sport was born on a narrow track. Lets see some old school racing.



Mike should have never of sold the white Porkers Rhino....with a motor he would have been untouchable!
what they will do is most likely the samething as last race take a vote on which track and the track that gets the most votes wins. I think that is fair....? am i right?
Thanks for bringing this up Chad. In my opinion, its hard to say over the computer. Yes, last race we ran on the big track and i personally cant really speak for the small track because i broke a rear diff on the first lap, but i think for what they gave us small track wise, we ran on the right track. But i do appreciate what lucas was doing for us and i WOULD rather race a small track. I think the car count would come back up and it would be much better racing, not to mention i have a RZR:rolleyes: I am looking forward to what lucas has for us next round but if the little track remains the way it was, i am voting for the big track again.
Heres my opinion I dont think its about what we like. Yeah i like to go fast on the big track too but its about what the fans like. Its about getting invited back and moving the class forward so that we have a place to race in the future. From a race promoter and spectater view point its boring to watch on the big track. So i think we should a least give the little track a shot and ask LOORS what they think. Or even the announcers
the only issue I had with the small track, like I said earlier was the width of it.
and that is the only reason I voted for the big track. even though I know I am out powered on it.

and Brakes had nothing to do with it. :(

If they make some changes, then I am all for a shorter track.

For those who are not paying for repairing a race car, then as far am I am concerned you opinion does not count yet. :p some of us can barely make it to these races, let alone have to through down some $$$ for repairs. I f you want the car count to stay up then consider these things for the racers that can make it there, and not just the sponsored ones. OK?

I am having fun racing with my friends and Foes (on the track, haha). which ever track we run.

I'm all in for a change up in track conditions. As long as we do it for the spectators. With that said it needs to be a True MX track like the old Elsinore or ET Moto in AZ. That track they had last race was not a track built for UTV's. Hell I would even want to race a Quad on it. It was just to narrow & too slow. No big air no action other than one car slamming in to the next. If that's what you think the spectators what I'll build a Sherman tank UTV & race it. Most of us have a ton of money & time invested in our car & we surly don't want to see them tore up. I just can’t see them building a track that we need to show the people what a UTV is capable of without blocking the view of the big track. I'm an Old Pro MX quad racer so I love the action of a quick track with big jumps for big air. Build that & I’ll race it but until then I'm for the big track.
What i am saying is that if everyone just opts out for the big track nothing will ever change. If everyone tries the small track then all drivers go to LOORS and makes some solid suggestions as a group, maybe they will make some of the changes suggested.
The short track was not set up for UTVs. It was set up for Karts. The track would have been a wodded up mess of UTVs in every corner with the Sherman Tank winning. Too small. But yes, it would have been interesting if the track had been wider.
Now that we have heard a lot of veiws lets make a decision.

1. race small track and make some needed changes.


2. Leave it as it is and run the big track.

I think if loors sees that we are coming together and working together they might listen. Who do we need to contact for track changes. Let me know so we can call or approach them.
I think a smaller track is a good idea for the UTV's, but only because of the motocross tracks that I've raced on. The problem with the LOORS small track is that it doesn't have the technical sections and big jumps of a traditional motocross type track. I just am not sure if lucas will want to put the effort into a utv track like we are talking about.

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