RZRforums.net is a joke

Scared myself. :eek:

Here yea go Baby ;-)

Dont be sorry when it comes to the truth. Polaris owns rzr forums by providing Doug and Frank with all the free rzrs and goodies they want. Their job is to act like a boss and shut you up. Its not right when corporate America can now silence you if you do not agree with them. Its total b.s. I dont $ hit about their bad press. I put my rzr 4 800 up for sale. Probably going to retract it and keep it. My rig has been rock solid and I woukd hate to buy a nrw one and have nothing but problems.
I have gotten emails from various dealers and they have a lot xp1ks and xp41ks ready fot sale ready to make a deal. The big rush for these new machines came to a screeching halt and now dealers are having a hard time selling. In fact xp 900 sales went up in the pasr 2 weeks.
So ya if Hitler corporations can shut you up they will.
Who is this and what have you done with Jim???


Hah!!! As a former Pot Stir'r I know that you can kill a forums homepage with Eff this forum, Eff That forum turdslinging.....UTVUnderground has never been that Go To site to vent/slingturds and as hard as these guys work on media it would be a shame for it to turn into that site.:oSorry to Disappoint Doug...Ill try harder next time:p
DNF spot on.. AGAIN.. First off, some discussion about issues is different than out right ranting and cussing.
2nd, I thought these were 20k not 25k? and if your not installing the new belt as per Polaris instructions how can you complain about failure?

You guys all wanted 100+++ HP and you got it, they pumped that bad boy out, you lost a couple belts now Polaris is a POS?
Have you taken up the issue with your dealership?

Love the site Joey, the info the race coverage, especially being from the NW is awesome way for me to follow whats going on. You guys are great.
DNF spot on.. AGAIN.. First off, some discussion about issues is different than out right ranting and cussing.
2nd, I thought these were 20k not 25k? and if your not installing the new belt as per Polaris instructions how can you complain about failure?

You guys all wanted 100+++ HP and you got it, they pumped that bad boy out, you lost a couple belts now Polaris is a POS?
Have you taken up the issue with your dealership?

Love the site Joey, the info the race coverage, especially being from the NW is awesome way for me to follow whats going on. You guys are great.

WOW, I did not know that this 22.5 K toy did not come with a belt ;-)
Belt issues will be solved and fixed. It sucks when these issues happen on new models. The OEM doesn't like it, the dealers don't like it and the consumers certainly hate it. But no one wins here so everyone needs to take a deep breath and know that just like with most everything else, Polaris will make good.

Now, I see a lot of comments about Polaris owning RF's, and how these guys get all kinds of free cars and that means they are controlled or something by Polaris. Let me be clear. I don't know what deal Frank or anyone over there may have struck but I can tell you, they dont get a whole lot for "free". Frank might get a demo that he can buy, not sure he is getting keepers for free. Maybe he is? Either way, when you have a site like RF's its smart for a company like Polaris to hook them up with units to build up and show off on the site. Its content for Polaris for a minor investment. No one should hate on that aspect.

I am the last guy to hate on that obviously, heck, I get a lot from the OEM's. They dial us in on all the latest and greatest units for us to build and I am extremely grateful for these opportunities. If I had to buy all these cars there is no way we would have the depth of content we do surrounding custom builds and UTVUnderground race machines. Polaris and the other OEM's are pretty darn generous with taking care of our site, but I like to think we give them a tremendous return on investment. I like to think we inspire thousands of people to build there own bad ass machines and I know we take a lot of people who doubt UTVs and turn them into consumers and believers when they see our bad ass cars. My goal with every build is to help set trends and help inspire others in their builds. I think we do that. Look at the list: Fat Rod (rhino), T4 (Kawi), Black Mamba (RZR), Stormtrooper (RZR), XP1K (video/RZR), Wildcat X (arctic cat), etc etc etc.. these are all super cool custom cars that I think are some of the best builds our sport has seen. Of course I am biased but you get my point there.

I will add this. No where in any of my contracts does it say that when they give me a machine that I have to then protect them as a company on my sites, not do anything with other companies, etc etc etc. Polaris, Can-Am, Kawasaki, Yamaha, etc all understand that the beauty of UTVUnderground.com is we speak to all consumers, we are not brand specific. They also understand that we are an authentic source of unbiased consumer information and even they don't want to spoil that by putting unrealistic expectations on us to favor one brand over another or go out of our way to overly protect them. I will say, that I protect all companies and brands in our sport. I refuse to just let our site become a dumping ground for disgruntled enthusiasts.

Perfect example is the leak of the XP1000. We took a stance to NOT share any of the leaked images even though RF's and sites all over were sharing them and letting them live on their site. The reason had nothing to do with "protecting" Polaris more so then it does with protecting our rights as journalists who are under non disclosure agreements. Sure, I could let it go but am I being a good professional to my clients (i.e Polaris) if I just say F it and let it post? No I am not. At the same time its tough because I want to let the latest and greatest information flow freely here so its a hard line to walk to remain legit to you guys, the members, and still remain respected by the OEMs who essentially spend lots of money with us to launch new machines and develop content for them. They aren't controlling us, its just us honoring relationships something I think everyone can respect and understand.

The XP1000 was a tricky one because I had lived in fear since first obtaining our 2 XP1K's back in March. We learned of the machine in early January and were put under strict contracts that essentially said, blow or leak this vehicle and our relationship could be terminated. So when I saw the machine leaked it pissed me off personally because I had worked for almost 7 months on my end for it to remain a secret so that Polaris and us could properly surprise the community. To see other sites openly promote the leak and spread it just drove me nuts, just like it did internally at Polaris. And for those who thought that was a planned leak, you are sorely mistaken.

I have already said to much but I want to elaborate a little more here. UTVUnderground.com is not just a forum like RF's. We are a respected media outlet that creates more content then we just regurgitate. Most forums rely on members for their content, occasionally they re-post the same PR or news byte that is sent to everyone in the media. What we have done is build strategic partnerships and relationships that allow us to create our own content to feed you all with stuff that you can't get anywhere else. We don't want to follow the trends created by other sites, we want to create our OWN trends, our OWN content and give everyone in this community a reason to come to UTVUnderground.com not just to interact but to also consume content that speaks directly to them. I know all of our videos and photos do not speak to all of you as individuals, some builds are not your style, some of you don't like racing, whatever it may be. But hopefully you all can respect that instead of sitting behind the computer all day just babysitting a forum, we are out living the lifestyle and documenting it to come back here and report it for you all to see!

Anyway, love you all! Time for a beer.. My dog is dying and I got a ton of stuff to do..

Joey D.
Well said Joey, It is truly why I enjoy coming to your site and enjoying the pics, stories, news, build threads, and all other content that is posted on the UNDERGROUND.... BTW, you see that one guy guy asking for more CAMELTOE....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dj1gUMS8fyY"]The Cameltoe Song-Original- Johnny Dare - YouTube[/ame]
Pretty class comments, Joey...very well said. I think you can say whatever you want on either forum, but HOW you say it over there, is maybe more of a factor. The owners/moderators start threads asking for reported problems so I don't think that's an issue. I am on both forums, and love them both. They ARE different, and that's a good thing.

BTW...I noticed on one of my threads that JoeyD got 'moderated' by Rusty, LOL...now that's treating EVERYONE equally.
Pretty class comments, Joey...very well said. I think you can say whatever you want on either forum, but HOW you say it over there, is maybe more of a factor. The owners/moderators start threads asking for reported problems so I don't think that's an issue. I am on both forums, and love them both. They ARE different, and that's a good thing.

BTW...I noticed on one of my threads that JoeyD got 'moderated' by Rusty, LOL...now that's treating EVERYONE equally.

I hate when Rusty does that! I need to report that to the admin! lol
not that I have a XP1K, but when I had a stock 800 4 with 2700 miles on it and never once had a belt issue, again stock HP.
now that same car built with a turbo at 155 HP, im replacing a belt every time I take it out... HUMMM Im going to go start a rant about how my motor guy dicked me.... NOT !!!

MORE HP , you asked for it ... lol....

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