RZRforums.net is a joke

Welcome to the site. You aren't the first to leave another site and come to us. With that said, this thread should be the only one you start on the subject.

FRANKly, we don't really care what they do over there. We at UTVUnderground.com have our own deal going on over here. We roll at a different pace and the beauty of UTVUnderground.com is we dont discrimate or judge you based on what you ride. Want to drive a Kymco, a Pitster Pro, a Kawi or Honda.. cool, welcome to the site!

People come to UTVUnderground.com because IT IS different. We literally have 2 moderators. Rusty and I are it. And you know how much moderating we do? Virtually NONE. We have spammers to ban and we do move threads occasionally to the correct area and I have been known to stick certain threads (possibly this one) into the Octagon where they still live and are active but don't show on the homepage.

The reason we don't have to moderate is because our members get it. This isn't the site you come to start crap and get away with it. If the members don't police it then we will but rarely do we have to deal with an out of line member. Occasionally someBEARdy gets a complex and we have to REID the threat and then deal with him/her accordingly. But in most cases the membership speaks to those who are out of line and either run them out themselves or the guy/girl just quits.. lol

We are not RF's, we do not want to be RF's, however I as a business man admire the traffic they get. I respect FJK for the job he performs even though he has no ownership of the site. He is simply a volunteer who has taken on the role of PAPA BEAR to the site he loves and for that I respect him. We don't have an FJK, instead we have a LA FAMILIA who put there efforts into helping us grow and maintain the site from a membership level. Again, we are different. We don't rely on one guy to be the face of our site, we rely on everyone who reps UTVUnderground.com to be the face! Racers, riders, builders, OEM's, everyone is a part of our community!

We don't care about your post count, how old your Rhino or RZR is, or if you like the helmet law or not. We respect you all the same and are happy to just have you here. We love the guys who post, but we appreciate those who lurk.

With all that said, we like to keep the Underground positive. Sure, sometimes the stuff hits the fan and you need to vent or need to share a problem or try to solve one, and for sure we will allow you to do so. All we ask is that you post with some respect. Got beef? Take it the Octagon, or PM or better yet, challenge the member to a sword fight! Gentlemans Dual perhaps? But keep the threads clean. Wifes, Kids, Grandmas, and Grandpas read this stuff too. I don't want to babysit, nor do you want me to so just keep that in mind.

Anyway, RF's sucks for a lot of reasons, but there is a lot of good going on over there too and for that we let bygones be bygones. There is more positive to be had on their site than negative so in their defense let it go and move on. Same rules apply here, don't like our site then GTFO. No harm no foul..

Merry Christmas everyone! To those who read this, thank you for being a part of UTVUnderground.com at some level. We do appreciate every single person who visits our homepage and forum!!

Joey D.
Im waiting till Jan to get the new XP1,, just incase they add the factory turbo,,
I know that there is an issue with the 4 seater but it does not seam to be with the 2 seat
I know a guy that broke 4 belts in his 1000 4 over thanksgiving at glamis,,

doesnt make sense that high HP turbo 800 and 900s don't have these problems, just mainly the 1000 4

Have read and been told this:
factory Polaris belts are supposed too be washed in warm soapy water and dried then installed on cleaned sheeve surface,, then heat cycled,,, PITA,,
I didn't say I want to Sword Fight... Just saying, someone wants to have it out, do what you got to do..

As for Mistletoe.. People are always trying to F me! lol
My post was deleted from this thread because I spit out the plain truth. Wtf . Thats total b.s.
Like I said you can not say anything in corporate America anymore. This country has become what are ancestors left behind, but on a much bigger scale. With that being said, what my post was, is mute because it will just be deleted again. You know cuz I am sure the manufacturer in question told the moderator to delete my post. Free speech ha.
My post was deleted from this thread because I spit out the plain truth. Wtf . Thats total b.s.
Like I said you can not say anything in corporate America anymore. This country has become what are ancestors left behind, but on a much bigger scale. With that being said, what my post was, is mute because it will just be deleted again. You know cuz I am sure the manufacturer in question told the moderator to delete my post. Free speech ha.

Oh by the way, still love my rzr 4 800, rock solid. :cool:
Welcome to the forum. Keep it positive.....we dont need a dozen Eff rzrforums threads here;)

Who is this and what have you done with Jim???

I didn't say I want to Sword Fight... Just saying, someone wants to have it out, do what you got to do..

For some maybe tummy sticks would be a better suggestion...

My post was deleted from this thread because I spit out the plain truth. Wtf . Thats total b.s.
Like I said you can not say anything in corporate America anymore. This country has become what are ancestors left behind, but on a much bigger scale. With that being said, what my post was, is mute because it will just be deleted again. You know cuz I am sure the manufacturer in question told the moderator to delete my post. Free speech ha.

I dont know what you posted, dont care, but i can say this. Free speech only goes so far before it becomes liability and when it crosses that thresh hold it has to be dealt with, maybe not in the fashion you like but remember this, you and I dont own the site, Joey does.
Respect that, be constructive, and all will be cool.
My .02 as a former mod for the UG.;)
I need to spend more time here...Great post and Leadership JoeyD23!! Anytime a forum becomes more a "corporate entity" where the goal becomes keeping the faith and the peace for the sake of membership and advertising revenue...the truth and honesty of a product isn't always seen as "Good Business"!! Rock on UTV Underground!!

and as a Wildcat pilot...I don't have much to say about mistletoe but hope a love of cameltoe is acceptable....:D
My post was deleted from this thread because I spit out the plain truth. Wtf . Thats total b.s.
Like I said you can not say anything in corporate America anymore. This country has become what are ancestors left behind, but on a much bigger scale. With that being said, what my post was, is mute because it will just be deleted again. You know cuz I am sure the manufacturer in question told the moderator to delete my post. Free speech ha.

Which post are ya talkin about?

This one?

There were 2 identical threads and this is the one that took off. Your post is still on the other thread :cool:

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