RZRforums.net is a joke

If i had the money i would buy a xp1k and 5 belts right now. That thing is still bad a$$. Every time i watch RJ drive his. It makes me want one.
That was Dave and the Russian. I just can't figure out how he has silenced Onerich for so long:eek:

So Dave's a sword fighting Russian mistletoe loving rich silencer? Oh and a pimp in Oxnard...
Scared myself. :eek:
Well said Joey, It is truly why I enjoy coming to your site and enjoying the pics, stories, news, build threads, and all other content that is posted on the UNDERGROUND.... BTW, you see that one guy guy asking for more CAMELTOE....

The Cameltoe Song-Original- Johnny Dare - YouTube

A lady who camped with us over Xmas- New Years went over to the Polaris Rzr Experience camp for a replacement tire. She ended up buying a tire from a vendor, then the Polaris guys gave her a new tire on a rim for free, plus they installed the new helix and new belt for her and I think they also gave her the old belt back or a new spare belt.

I remember back in the old days when the Rzr 800s had the air filter that could fall off whenever it felt like it, destroying the engine. I remember hearing a lot of people with ruined engines that Polaris didn't replace complaining about poor treatment and getting blamed for the engine destruction.

Looks like the guys running Camp Rzr have really turned things around, the new Rzr 1K owner was really impressed with how they hooked her up!
A lady who camped with us over Xmas- New Years went over to the Polaris Rzr Experience camp for a replacement tire. She ended up buying a tire from a vendor, then the Polaris guys gave her a new tire on a rim for free, plus they installed the new helix and new belt for her and I think they also gave her the old belt back or a new spare belt.

I remember back in the old days when the Rzr 800s had the air filter that could fall off whenever it felt like it, destroying the engine. I remember hearing a lot of people with ruined engines that Polaris didn't replace complaining about poor treatment and getting blamed for the engine destruction.

Looks like the guys running Camp Rzr have really turned things around, the new Rzr 1K owner was really impressed with how they hooked her up!

Ya.. They were giving everyone a new helix and belt. If you need it installed or the new clutch set up, call Chris at benchmark. He has it fixed for sure.
Pretty class comments, Joey...very well said. I think you can say whatever you want on either forum, but HOW you say it over there, is maybe more of a factor. The owners/moderators start threads asking for reported problems so I don't think that's an issue. I am on both forums, and love them both. They ARE different, and that's a good thing.

BTW...I noticed on one of my threads that JoeyD got 'moderated' by Rusty, LOL...now that's treating EVERYONE equally.

The admins over there are a serious joke. FRANKly, one specific individual over there wrongfully bans by the hour. That's not being papa bear... that's just being power hungry.

Be prepared to be reprimanded for speaking your mind over there. He was a easy going guy until people started criticizing his excessive posting of his XP1K (and questioning where all that was coming from) that he constantly stuck in everyone's face. Then a ton of ban hammers started droppin'. Oh well; I'm glad I found Underground. Seems more whole here. No shady stuff around this eck of the woods. Hats off to you, Joey.
Was just kicked off the RZR forum. After reading all these posts, it has become much more clear to me now. Yesterday I posted, inquiring about a issues thread that was a place people would list mechanical problems they had with their new machines, and solutions on how to fix them. This thread use to be on the front page, but now was nowhere to be found, pages back. I only posted a question: "Where is the issues thread"? I received replies from the adimns that "the board was probably deleted because it was full of only complainers, and we like positive comments here". I told him that was a stupid comment, and people use that thread to help solve issues. After some going back and forth I told him that he was a dork, who is only a cheerleader, drooling over new machines, and wondering if the next model will come with a factory turbo or not, ect..... They took offense to this and Kicked me from the forum. What's funny, is imediately after kicking me, they moved the "issues" thread to the front page.
Was just kicked off the RZR forum. After reading all these posts, it has become much more clear to me now. Yesterday I posted, inquiring about a issues thread that was a place people would list mechanical problems they had with their new machines, and solutions on how to fix them. This thread use to be on the front page, but now was nowhere to be found, pages back. I only posted a question: "Where is the issues thread"? I received replies from the adimns that "the board was probably deleted because it was full of only complainers, and we like positive comments here". I told him that was a stupid comment, and people use that thread to help solve issues. After some going back and forth I told him that he was a dork, who is only a cheerleader, drooling over new machines, and wondering if the next model will come with a factory turbo or not, ect..... They took offense to this and Kicked me from the forum. What's funny, is imediately after kicking me, they moved the "issues" thread to the front page.

The threads only stay on the front page if people post in it... no posts and it gets farther back as more active threads get posted on... like most forums.

you were given a 30 day time out by one of the moderators, not banned for life.,, and it wasn't for asking about the thread.
Tuf-Skin is one of the "super moderator's" FYI. So I am sure he will be chiming in, anytime.

ya, I started the thread you were looking for...
so it pisses me off when people say that the moderators protect polaris... well I started a thread where people could report their problems on the new model.. how do you think Polaris liked that?
I never suggested you personally were the one that gave me a "30 day time out". I was never mad that the thread was pages back and hard to find. I was only posting a question. There is an obvious defensive sediment over there at RZRforums, and if you read this thread people believe there is a pattern of dictating the subject matter, instead of just the language over there. I also was not the one that made a smart ass comment, like "the thread is full of complainers". Like "GIL" did if I remember correctly he is a moderator...? However, I did call him out that his comment was stupid. Without being said not helpful, but only trying to draw in already unhappy owners that have problems with their machines into a fight. I also called him a dork, for being a cheerleader drooling over new machines, and making sarcastic comments about kicking his friends "other moderators off" for showing him pics of new RZR's from the dealer show. Lets be clear, I didn't make this comment on his thread, which is what I thought when I read it, only on my thread after he made a sny remark. It does piss people off when they buy a brand new machine, and there are critical mechanical failures. At the least, they should be able to use a informative thread as you posted, to help them with solutions.
The so called complainers, on the thread that you posted for "issues", in most cases had a right to be upset. Yet this was constantly debated, with arguments like, all manufacturers have problems ect.... This is fine If you have a problem with my opinion post it, don't try and silence people. If I remember, you and I previously had a disagreement about the drive shaft issue. Which is defenseless in my opinion. But I would never try and silence you for your opinion, like many on here have been. There were people on the "issues" thread trying to seriously defend Polaris, for putting out, out of phased drive shafts. Some went to the lengths that they were designed this way intentionally, which is just laughable if you ask any engineer. It was an obvious design flaw, and Polaris still refuses to address it. All they had to do was come out and explain it, which they won't, because they are in the business to make money. Just don't act like they are something they are not. If you want to be a "dork" like GIL or whomever, and be a cheerleader no matter the circumstances go ahead. But at least have the balls to say I was suspended for calling someone a "dork", which is weak!
I don't know Gil. he is not a moderator.
I have never been to a dealer meeting.
you can discuss why you were given a "time out" with the moderators and admins that gave it to you when your account is active again. I wasn't involved.
I never said you were involved. It may have been GIF, not sure, but he was a moderator. There is nothing to discuss with them, they are to sensitive anyways.

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