Re: Round 4 SXS Stadium Series THIS WEEKEND!
Well, this wasn't the best weekend for me, but the worst day racing is still better than any day NOT racing!

I was battling the flu all weeked, and then was just plagued with silly little issues with my Rhino throughout practice and qualifying. 4 laps into the main, lower a-arm popped out and my race was over....spent the rest of it watching the race on the infield with Doug Mittag.
Big thanks to Weller Racing as always....I'm excited to get some testing done and rip around some more! XMF - its ALWAYS awesome to have you guys out there with us!!!

Thanks so much for coming out! It's always fun pitting with everyone...Bobby, Kimbrells, Jake, etc......and a HUGE thank you to whoever it was that parked my little broken Rhino under our canopy last night!!! You guys rock!!!
Rog, it was fun as always battling it out on the track....see you next time!
Also wanted to welcome my newest sponsor - DMC/Advantage - thank you so much for coming onboard despite my performance this weekend - lol!

The Tilted Kilt is also sponsoring me for the M4SX Series as well as LOORRS - so big thanks there,too!!
Thanks to the Dirt Alliance for a fun event once more! Nice to always know there will be plenty of people in the stands, and lots of good competition on the track!!!
I'm tired.....sick....gonna go get a pedicure now. 'Night all!!