Pic Of The Day UTVUnderground Style!

What can I say.... Porkers Racing brings out the worst in me!!! :D

Checked the car out today JD, not a ding on her from the "incident". I'm ready to go back out when you are homie!!!
joey me and sully427 went on some poop this weekend. i got some pics i will post up tonight. let me know what you think. i need some suspension from magnum. looks like you had some fun.
It was a blast!! The Milk Truck is quite the machine!!! Gotta get on that UTVUnderground Magnum LT Special!!! This kit is virtually bulletproof!! We hit some shiz, I wont go into detail, but lets just say we hit hard enought to bust a battery box, send my headset out the window and we did not break a thing on thr suspension! It was BURLY!! That kit is strong as hell!!!
sweet deal. my buddy as funco on a teryx and its cool but still bottoms. dont like that. but it will perform. but they are the sway-aways also
i can side with JoeyD on that magnum kit i was behind the milk truck and they hit some like 2 feet deep of whoops at full speed and bucked them straight up then straight down in the face of more whoops and all that broke was the battery box and maybe joeyD's head lol, other than that, that kit is definitely race proven! Magnum all the way
new color scheme

how do you like the black and red theme instead of my regular silver roll cage and raw aluminum door pannels??? and yes this was done witha sharpie lol this is what happens when you are bored at work
haha yea they are horrible because now that i like that i will end up spending like 500 in powder coat lol. all because of a sharpie haha

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