Official UTVUnderground 2012 WORCS RD2 Primm Pictures & Results !!UPDATED!!

Those Results are horseshit.

WORC's needs a better system and needs to break up the classes PERIOD!!! $200 for a Tear down is also a little cheap. By the time you pay for labor and new rings, gaskets, and anything else the 'NON Quailfied TECH" tore up your definatly upside down on $$$$$$ for a non paying race. that tear down was a straight CHUMP move.

There will be a new cost to utv motor protest we are working on it but it will be at least 500 for single cylinders and maybe 750 for v twins and twins. To compensate the cost.
Sean told me a couple weeks back that he would consider running the Production 1000 class by itself every round but it would come at a cost to the racers in the form of an entry fee increase. I can't accurately remember the number he threw out to me in terms of the increase. Havasu FOR SURE there will be 2 races.
Can we say dooooo ovvverrr for prim, wipe the slate and just do it again???:D

I say we just all meet their again and race for a six pack LOL
It was great seeing everyone at round 2. A big congrats to all those who competed in what appeared to be tough conditions. I wish the results were a bit more definitive, but as it has been said the turnout was insane!!! My main concern is safety and rule enforcement. It was a bit scary seeing as many people as close to the track as they were. Also, when you have cars going the wrong way in the pits and re-entering the track in the wrong direction bad things are inevitable. I hope everyone is ready for Havasu; WORCS included.

Alba Racing
Sorry to see this race had some issues. It is never good to have the timing system go down - but it can and does happen.

We do not run the WORCS series (too far away from OR), but we will be racing several events here in the PNW - COORP, QCMX, OTBG, etc. As a racer I take it as my responsibility to ensure all laps are counted and my time recorded. This includes big readable numbers, a crew member running video / Go Pro on the dash, and now with all the new GPS/ iPhone /Android apps there are many ways to capture and record lap activity. Not sure which is the best App to use, but with a Bad Elf antenna on the roof and a iPhone / Android all this data can be captured.

Best of luck going forward
Some of the posts in this thread show what a great group of racers are out there competing in the WORCS series. Awesome competitors, and an awesome organization! Once the little bugs get worked out I see BIG things in the future for not only WORCS, but UTV racing in general.:D
Some of the posts in this thread show what a great group of racers are out there competing in the WORCS series. Awesome competitors, and an awesome organization! Once the little bugs get worked out I see BIG things in the future for not only WORCS, but UTV racing in general.:D

Dan just proved a great point. So many long time racers and true fans of the sport speaking so positively on this issue. I thought a lot about how sideways this thread could get on my 11hr drive home yesterday. Only to see now that the true racers of the group agree with me. The positive realistic racers have out weighed the piss n moaners. Proud to be a positive WORCS supporter.
Some of the posts in this thread show what a great group of racers are out there competing in the WORCS series. Awesome competitors, and an awesome organization! Once the little bugs get worked out I see BIG things in the future for not only WORCS, but UTV racing in general.:D

Rep Points!
Re: Official UTVUnderground 2012 WORCS RD2 Primm Pictures & Results

That would be great Justin. Stop the course cutting and get tracked. The irc tracker is a 3rd party correct >??

yes it is 3rd party, i am sure entry fees would go up, but at Cal City they were higher with the tracker included. I would pay higher if they split the classes up into 2 races, and had a better tracker.
worcs is a professional racing orginization that i am proud to race. it is afforadble and extremely competitive,probably the most competitive sanction there is in the united states for utvs and is the top western united states sanction for the quads. Racing is not for everyone, a true racer races with his heart and never quits no matter what.yes primm is the most brutal course i have ever been on but it sepereates the boys from the men.for those who finished consider that an accompishment. this course was dusty but with how dry of a winter we have had what do you expect for a desert track race.this couse did have lots of passing room, more than last year.for those who didnt like it i suggest they stick to thier weekend rides in the desert or the dunes.for those who did like it welcome and i look forward to seeing you guys at the track.see you guys in havasu!
That be cool if the tracker and registration fee were together...saves some time in lines lol

So back to the contingency thing, did we get an answer. I am going to pre register for havasu but i wanted to see the steps prior to that. Todd you wana do your magic and open a havasu thread? :)
Re: Official UTVUnderground 2012 WORCS RD2 Primm Pictures & Results

WORCS Side by Side car counts have increased 3 fold over the past year and this has come with some growing pains. First and foremost I want to take full responsibility for the scoring issues and delays with results reporting. We strive to provide accurate results as a standard and anything less is just not our policy. That is why we delayed the results. There are multiple systems used to score a WORCS race, transponders, manual backups and individual time keeping. Our electronics used to score the race had a non recoverable failure that effected the 4 rows of Production 1000.
The top 5 results were known however beyond that giving absolutes was not possible because of the time separations between the rows. In light of this 6th/15 points were awarded to all racers finishing 5 laps. All racers finishing 4 laps were awarded 12 points. All racers finishing 3 laps were awarded 7 points and all others did not finish enough laps and were given a DNF.

In this scenario all racers were awarded more points than they could have earned and it awards more points to those that completed more laps.

Once again we see the issues and we know what broke. Fixing that is priority number one. As previously posted the next round in Lake Havasu we will have Production 1000 in its own race. A timing solution will be programmed and ready. Thank you for the support of WORCS and our efforts to provide you a cost effective and fun racing program.

Sean Reddish
Off Road Sports llc.

The other problem is, the current score and time keeping efforts do not tell officials wether or not someone has cut the course. There is not enough officials on the course to see someone cut, nor extra check points, and there has been talk of at least one person admittedly cutting the course at Glen Helen. The growth of this class and expense in these UTV's warrants a better tracking system to track time and position better. I feel there was some black flag worthy bumping and pushing going on out in the desert, with no officials available to witness. I have one very good example on my GOPRO.
There were only two places I could pass at Havasu the year I raced it - the 100 yards or so by the lake, and you need to be ready to pass right when you get there - and there is a whooped out wash that you can squeeze past someone in if you hurry. Everyone will have to have their patience in full swing at Havasu. There are plenty of tight, high walled, deep sandy turns and lots and lots of whoops! It's a fun track, for sure.....and I'm glad they are splitting the classes, but even with the class split, it's going to be kinda crazy! I'll have to see if I'm busy that weekend....maybe I will at least come take pics with my fancy camera! :D
I guess I don't understand how you are allowed to enter the pits backwards and re-enter the course in the incorrect direction and not be penalized and get the same amount of points as others when the rulebook clearly states that vehicles may only travel in the direction of the course. This is a race series and many of us are looking for a series win, but if I am incorrect someone please fill me in...

Alba Racing
I guess I don't understand how you are allowed to enter the pits backwards and re-enter the course in the incorrect direction and not be penalized and get the same amount of points as others when the rulebook clearly states that vehicles may only travel in the direction of the course. This is a race series and many of us are looking for a series win, but if I am incorrect someone please fill me in...

Alba Racing

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