Suggestions for Havazoo, its going to be a zoo
1. Get the tool to CC the motors through the spark-plug. Its easy, pump the motor and measure the cc's. No tear down required. Leave cost at $200.
2. Real Drivers meeting before the parade lap for both classes. Discuss passing, bumping and how do deal with lap traffic.
3. Have large front number plates that designate what row people start in. Seems to me most people have rear mirrors and see us coming. No need for bumping and rubbing with someone of a different row. If multiple classes out at the same time have colored front number plates. This should help keep different classes from knocking Nerf bars or block passing
4. Try to make a few more passing locations. Really liked the split parts of the track were people had to pick right or left line . (PRIMM)
side note( any one know who was driving the blue teryx 4 seater I would really like to see his footage from lap 2 or 3 the rear go pro.)
5. Maybe since there is going to be two races of UTV. We can get the 850 and 700 guys to help out trackside for 1000 class and visa versa. There's going to be carnage it needs to get cleaned up quick. Then we won't have to worry about cutters if there's 40 of us out watching each other.
See everyone in Havasu
In #3 you assume everyone has a rearview