Official UTVUG LOORRS RD5/6 Pics and Results Thread

i think every thing should stay the way it is. i mean there are always crashes in the first two turns because every one its trying their hardest to get up front relax and dont try to win the race in the first two turns u have 7 laps and at half way they get every one back into one pack and restart the race!! lucas should just leave it the way it is and the races spotters should do a better job at letting their drivers know where people are and also tell their drivers to calm down and they have a whole race to get up front!

im not saying this to upset any one if it did i didnt mean it to but i think every thing is fine. its the way racing should be!
No offense, Rog, but I don't want to be relegated to the outside on the first corner. Suckiest place to be, IMO - SR1's can cut the inside just as fast as the Unlimited's....

The split start according to qualifiers is the most fair solution so far....

I am sure we will wind up voting on this in Utah and get it figured out.

none taken, it was just a suggestion. From the stands the full field start is great. Nice save in turn one when you were up on two wheels, ( looked like you hit a rut) I thought you were gonna lose it for a second. ;)

theres more then one old yellow race rhino?

"funny yopu mention that Rog..I heard that someone with an older yellow race rhino had a lot of questions about the SR1 class??? hmmmmm.... now wouldnt that shake things up a bit! "

that would be refferring to Todd, not the rhino itself.

and actually there were 3 yellow race rhino's from HRT, Regis was the other driver, and todd drove Flyin banana #1 and #2.
Hey - thanks! Yeah..mighta peed myself a little on that one - lol!
RJ is referring to Code being in front of him at the caution restart, when Code had no shot at Dan Kelly I told him to move over for RJ. Same thing happened to Code in Phoenix getting held up by the Holz RZR at the restart and a possible shot at Tyler and the podium, oh well. Two classes together causes these problems but is kind of the current nature of the beast when there are not enough of either of type of car to support the class on their own.


Actually Doug, I am not reffering to you, I even told my dad that I thought Code let me go. And I really appreciate that, the problem is though, majority of the other spotters dont see it like that, they see it as your problem to get around their guy. The bottom line is, it is what it is, and its unfortunate for both classes...
No worries RJ, I never ment it or took it as anything other than what was going on and I should have prefaced that statement with "I think".

The spotters between the classes do need to work together better though.

Now, how about mud flaps? I was against them at first but the front of our car is taking a serious beating, kinda going the other way now.
No worries RJ, I never ment it or took it as anything other than what was going on and I should have prefaced that statement with "I think".

The spotters between the classes do need to work together better though.

Now, how about mud flaps? I was against them at first but the front of our car is taking a serious beating, kinda going the other way now.

I know how to fix the mudflap problem .... Detune the R1's about 50 HP:eek::eek:
Ah..yes...the mudflap debate! We made mudflaps a requirement for the SR1 class because we had already experienced the roost from the Super Rhino...we knew it would be a good idea to do what we could to help tame it down a little. LOORRS actually added the rule at the start of the season for ALL UTV's, then changed it to no mudflaps required - just a front screen.

I still think the SR1's should to run them, but this is LOORRS ballgame, and they say we don't have to. I choose to keep mine on, and so do a number of people - to me it's a safety thing for people behind, since it's a requirement for the SR1 class in other series, I don't have to keep taking them off/putting them on,and so on and so forth.

Vegas just plain hurts no matter what - lots of rocks in that track, still....!
I have mixed feelings on the mud flap thing. It does help but also adds about 50 pounds to the ass of my car every race. My tank weighs enough as it is. I don't need to help with weight. AS far as the class dispute on the track. I think it makes for a very fun race to watch. Yeah it sucks sometimes for each class but it is what it is. I've had it hurt me and help me. Just depends on race to race. The biggest problem could be resolved with the spotters. Just be respectful to the other class. Hey, I'm a believer of what comes around goes around. The last thing I want is a little bad jew jew while I'm on the track. I think just leave well enough alone, It's worked so far lets not rock the boat with Lucas. Once we get better lap times then most of the Pro-Lites, then throw our weight around
I agree on the spotters playing more of a part in it.. at least let the driver know another class car is behind you, and if they are faster, should give them a little room to get by. I will talk to mine, and fill him in. I think if we are all on that same page, it will make things a lot better for all of us, and still keep the excitement up for the fans. There is nothing more frustrating than having to check up on jumps, and in corners trying to get around a car that isn't in your class that won't give you a little room.

As for the mudflaps, i think we should all run them. I spent a lot of time behind the unlimiteds at the muddy speedworld track starting at the back, and i went through tons of tear offs and got blinded in every corner trying to make up ground, so its not just the SR1's throwing the roost.

Its not a big deal to me either way, as we all have to deal with the same thing, so if nothing changes, i am still having a blast, and for sure don't want to rock any boats or anything.. just voicing my small opinion.

Can't wait for the next one!!
I have mixed feelings on the mud flap thing. It does help but also adds about 50 pounds to the ass of my car every race. My tank weighs enough as it is. I don't need to help with weight. AS far as the class dispute on the track. I think it makes for a very fun race to watch. Yeah it sucks sometimes for each class but it is what it is. I've had it hurt me and help me. Just depends on race to race. The biggest problem could be resolved with the spotters. Just be respectful to the other class. Hey, I'm a believer of what comes around goes around. The last thing I want is a little bad jew jew while I'm on the track. I think just leave well enough alone, It's worked so far lets not rock the boat with Lucas. Once we get better lap times then most of the Pro-Lites, then throw our weight around

how about we call it "Bad JU-JU" Tyler??? LMFAO.....

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