Official UTVUG LOORRS RD5/6 Pics and Results Thread

Good save ;)

My son who reads everthing here pointed this out to me so I just wanted to clarify something.
When I said "fuel issuie: it was not about the testing (and Im glad they are testing) it was about the vendor...kinda.
I bought fuel on Sunday, then when I poured it into my tank it was a different color than what I bought on Saturday and I was POSITIVE it was wasnt.

Seems the vendor ran out of what he sold me on Saturday so Sunday when I asked for my favorite flavor he sold me one step up from that since he ran out of my blend and didint tell me so I kinda panic'd. :o:o

And yes they test, I watched the tech inspector do it twice.

I had a chance to meet your boy at our pit saturday night while we were repairing Tylers car... Nice kid !! ;)
I had a chance to meet your boy at our pit saturday night while we were repairing Tylers car... Nice kid !! ;)

Ths reminds me of something I wanted to point out and say.

I know that as racers sometimes you all let the competitive fire get to you and you dont always see eye to eye. As a person who floats around to almost every pit I get the opportunity to listen too and absorb the diferent opinions, complaints, and praises that surround the sport.

This fuel issue I know upset and annoyed some, others let it not bother them, and some got offended. At the end of the day nobody was really hurt by it and it seems everyone learned and will work to help either change or get the rules modified to better help the UTV classes in LOORRS.

I know that there was some dispute regarding on the track driving between racers, and there almost always is. If it isnt one thing its another and as competitors you all see things differently and in some cases see them the same. But one thing remains the same, you are all ont he track to win and be compeitive and I dont think anyone gest into their suits with the intention of being a dirty or unsafe driver.

As racers you all are in this racing thing together and Saturday night reminded me of just how much love and support is floating around those pits despite compeititve differences. So many times I see direct competitors sharing parts, tips, and tricks and when a racer is in need you see competition come togeather to help eachother out.

Saturday evening just after the Pro 2 race wrapped up I headed down the pits to go visit with one of our biggest supporters, the Wagon Burners team of Tyler Winbury. Patrick WInbury (Tylers Dad) was pulling the car apart and already assesing damage from the UTV main. Tyler had a violent roll over and was hit really hard by a spinning LSRGreg in his SR1. The hit he took from Greg really messed his B-Pillar (?) behind the drivers seat up. I mean REALLY MESSED it up. It pushed the tube almost into the seat and snapped the weld. During his rollover (which was not caused by Greg or anyone else) the front drive shaft broke out of the motor causing a loud banging noise and masive slamming of metal inside the chassis. Tyler also folded the front bumper, bent the main frame rail at the lower a-arm rear picot point, and caused some minor sheet metal damage. Patrick was looking at hours of work, and quite possibly a DNS for sunday, Until the Funco Team came rolling into the Winbury pit.

Grant, Gill and the rest of the team pulled up in 2 Teryx's and quickly began to asses the damage. I swear, its the eye of the friggen tiger with these guys. Grant's like "3 hours of work MAX", Granpa Gill says "we will cut this and that and weld a tube in here easy..." These guys attacked that car like it was one of their own. I mean it is one of their own considering they built the car for Tyler last year, but point is these guys took charge, let Pat know they had his back and on Sunday Tyler was all togeather and on the starting grid ready for battle.

For those of us who are in the pits regularly this isnt anything out of the ordinary. These teams all want to win, they all have commitments, and they all work hard to get themselves into position to win. But more times then not you will see these teams do whatever it takes to help their direct comeptitin also be in a position to try and win and thats what amazes me. Weather its Funco in the Winbury's pits laying down welds, Weller in Kimbrells tent tuneing a motor, Bobby pulling out his R1 to give to Dan Kelly so that he can run again like he did in AZ, or the XMF boys revalving Gary Thompsons Walker Evans shocks, everyone is there to help eachother.

This was a friggen article, and I am trying to write a release but I just felt compelled as a UTV racing groupie (one of these days I want to get on the box myself..ONE DAY) to share the thing I see while wandering around from pit to pit.........

sorry for the spelling...hahaha
Joey, you are spot on with the help in the pits.....the fact is, as much as we can all get a little passionate about our races, we all still need each other to make this a successful season for the UTV classes. I know that I feel it's not a real race until our grid is full - that means do whatever it takes to get everyone to the start of every race! :) I think the UTV classes have always been good about that.....and I hope we always hang onto that!

That being said, HUGE thanks to LSR Greg for the front tire on Sunday...and HUGE thanks to XMF for the shock shaft so I could race on Sunday! And just for everyone who helped with the little stuff here and there......can't wait to see you all in Utah!
Nicely said Joey! When did Winburry crash?? I had no idea. I have a red mark on my front bumper, but I thought that was from when I was sitting sideways on the track, and he glanced off of me as he went by. I had no idea he rolled. Wow. That sucks!

As being the newb of the group, I must say its great to be apart of it. I feel like the UTV class (sr1 and pro) is like a family. We are all there to win, but we are also there to help out anyone we can. At a moments notice, it seems like anyone is willing to help out if needed, and that is awesome. It makes the whole expirence that much more enjoyable. I have gotten parts from other racers, and given parts to other racers. Its cool to know everyone has each others backs. Tyler Herzog almost missed his race because he couldn't get his car started after draining out all the fuel, and we along with Jimmy from XMF were securing panels and zip ties just before the race to get him going.

I just want to say thanks to everyone involved in the UTV class. I really enjoy being apart of it, and all those involved just make it that much better!

I agree , for the most part Joey's post is right on ! We are all competitors and want to beat each other on the track. If we can help each other in the pits we do!

Us Kimbrells and Bobby have exchanged parts multiple time this year.As I am sure other have.It is virtually impossible to have every part in every instance!I hope we all will continue to do so.

No here is where Joey is off just a little in his post.

With respect to the "cheater fuel issue. Yes I call it cheater fuel. Joey says "he does'nt think it really hurt anybody". Well maybe not this race but how about in the past?
How long and how many have been using it ?

I guess there is no way to know and the good thing is we should get consistant testing going forward.
I agree , for the most part Joey's post is right on ! We are all competitors and want to beat each other on the track. If we can help each other in the pits we do!

Us Kimbrells and Bobby have exchanged parts multiple time this year.As I am sure other have.It is virtually impossible to have every part in every instance!I hope we all will continue to do so.

No here is where Joey is off just a little in his post.

With respect to the "cheater fuel issue. Yes I call it cheater fuel. He say he does'nt think it really hurt anybody. Well maybe not this race but how about in the past?
How long and how many have been using it ?

I guess there is no way to know and the good thing is we should get consistant testing going forward.

Looking at it from that persepective you do have a valid point Grant, one that as a "groupie" is beyond my level of was looking at it from the weekends perspective however.

Racers seem to always be looking for an edge and in that quest rules will be bent to the limit and sometimes broken. I dont condone cheating, dirty driving, or off the track rude behavior but I also understand that all of this is nature of the beast and sometimes the competitive drive causes one to make bad decisions.

LOL... I was going to say with matches and mustaches.... straw and lighter might work better. BTW great pics Joey.

thanks Mike!
Nicely said Joey! When did Winburry crash?? I had no idea. I have a red mark on my front bumper, but I thought that was from when I was sitting sideways on the track, and he glanced off of me as he went by. I had no idea he rolled. Wow. That sucks!

As being the newb of the group, I must say its great to be apart of it. I feel like the UTV class (sr1 and pro) is like a family. We are all there to win, but we are also there to help out anyone we can. At a moments notice, it seems like anyone is willing to help out if needed, and that is awesome. It makes the whole expirence that much more enjoyable. I have gotten parts from other racers, and given parts to other racers. Its cool to know everyone has each others backs. Tyler Herzog almost missed his race because he couldn't get his car started after draining out all the fuel, and we along with Jimmy from XMF were securing panels and zip ties just before the race to get him going.

I just want to say thanks to everyone involved in the UTV class. I really enjoy being apart of it, and all those involved just make it that much better!


G- I think they said you got him when you spun and were trying to get back into the gas, he came by and you clipped him / maybe he clipped you. It was a racing incident and they were bummed but if anybody understands whatthey are up against as a race team its the Winbury's. They take it in stride and work to get back on the track. As Pat said "Its all good baby!" LOL
I think the testing is a great idea...hopefully they continue to do so all season.
well said Joey, I noticed that cross team support two years ago when i watched at CORR and also last season. The UTV racers really want everyone to start every race. I was very proud to race in that community last year.

I had fun this past weekend watching all of you on the track, and also it made me miss it more that I already do. :(

I may be back as a crew chief, late this season or next. good luck to all.

see ya in Glen helen.

COngrats to the First lady of UTV's and Austin Kimbrell :D

funny yopu mention that Rog..I heard that someone with an older yellow race rhino had a lot of questions about the SR1 class??? hmmmmm.... now wouldnt that shake things up a bit!
G- I think they said you got him when you spun and were trying to get back into the gas, he came by and you clipped him / maybe he clipped you. It was a racing incident and they were bummed but if anybody understands whatthey are up against as a race team its the Winbury's. They take it in stride and work to get back on the track. As Pat said "Its all good baby!" LOL

Cool.. I had no idea, i thought he just brushed me/or i brushed him enough to get some paint on the bumper from his fender. I know i was stalled out, and watched a bunch of cars go by as i was trying to get it started again.

Do you know their user name? I need apologize. RJ came up to me after the race Sunday and apologized for running into the back of me while Holz was sideways in front of me stopped in the 1st turn. I knew there was nothing he could do, but it was cool that he took the time to say something. I need to do the same to the Winburys.

I for sure don't like the feeling of being a sitting duck out there stopped on the track.. you never know what is going to happen.
I had a chance to meet your boy at our pit saturday night while we were repairing Tylers car... Nice kid !! ;)

Thanks Grant.

Bobby pulling out his R1 to give to Dan Kelly so that he can run again like he did in AZ,

Again?! lol, I really need to buy a spare engine.

With respect to the "cheater fuel issue. Yes I call it cheater fuel. Joey says "he does'nt think it really hurt anybody". Well maybe not this race but how about in the past?
How long and how many have been using it ?

I guess there is no way to know and the good thing is we should get consistant testing going forward.

Grants right, with the right combo of...enhancements there is real HP to be found just by filling the tank with the right gas. Take VP U4.4, they advertise up to 6% hp gain over a traditional non oxygenated leaded race gas. If you tune right to take advantage of that fuel 6% of 80hp is nearly a 5hp bump just in the fuel alone. Im not calling anybody a cheater but that is cheap & easy hp by just filling the tank.

However, wasnt it Ricky Bobby that said if you aint cheatin you aint tryin? Just kidding.

And more for the circle of love, Gary gave us a tire, Dan fixed Garys shifter, Fox did our shocks, pretty sure it was Tyler who gave Corry a spindle, etc. Parts, tools, labor, we really do need to work together to saty on the track and I need to carry more spare parts.
funny yopu mention that Rog..I heard that someone with an older yellow race rhino had a lot of questions about the SR1 class??? hmmmmm.... now wouldnt that shake things up a bit!

Oh Yes SIR! :D

Drivers be on your A- game if he comes out :cool:
Good point Joey, I have a big thanks to the LSR team. My damn car wouldn't start just before the race. They jumped right in to help. Also Jimmy from XMF had to get his hands in and show us yungsters how to get things done.(Thanks to the little man, we got back out there). I also wanted to clearify my problem on saturdays race. I was frustated i got spun out first lap right away again. Thats Racing. I know there was some talk floating around with people thinking i was mad at a certain driver. I wasn't mad at the driver just the situation. Then afrter the race i had to work on my car for five hours. Thanks to the Kimbrell and XMF team for letting me use just about every tool they had to get my SR1 fixed. I explained better in the morning to the other driver (female) all the details. Everything is good now. One more Team to thanks was RJ's Walker Evans Team. RJ got me into the Speed Tech Super Lite camp to use their bender so I could fix my sway bar issue.Thanks again RJ and Randy for everything you guys do to help me out. Last but not least Thanks Brian and Suzy with IVY Trucking and Grading for giving me a chance to have all this fun. And I am not looking forward to the drive to Utah.
Aw could I forget to thank Tyler and Brian for the spindle!!?? That was huge!! Thanks to them for helpin' a girl out! New spindles getting ordered asap! :)
As long as we are talking ...

Starts ,
Does anyone know what is up with no inversion for UTV ?

I will tell you that I started lobbying LOORS for starting us in our own classes. SR1 with SR1 and Unlimited with Unlimited.
Even though we are usually similar on lap times , how we get there is 180 degrees opposite.

There are a couple of ways to approach it. My preferance would be to run the unlimiteds on in the first group.We always have a wet and muddy track and we are less likely to spin in turn 1. Not because of ability but just having 4WD with reverse if there is a problem.

The second and probably rthe most obvious is whichever class has top qualifier for the group, then that whole group starts in the first group.

Ok ,then how would we like to see the inversion work?
how about , 4x4 inside and SR1 outside , top qualifiers in thier respective rows.

From what I saw, the acceleration is diff between machines, obviously. I think this may keep things in order through turn one maybe a lil better?

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