
Oh yes, forgot to ask. Does any one know what kind of rims these are? I've got a 5th one that was torn up and want to send it in. All I know is that they are carbon rims. Thanks for any help!
We will be doing Cactus Flats to Rattle Snake this coming Saturday! Come along it will be a good trip with lost of 4x4ing!
Also a big surprise coming to this trip;)

Hope my wallet will show up! LOL :rolleyes:
Hey Papa, did you see the message below.

Rich or Papa Bear can one of you explain the path we took, my friend is asking me the roads we cross and so on. Thank you.
Well it seemed like every body had a nice and I would like to thank every body for letting me spend the weekend with them and there family's. I had a great time ,it was quiet last night with no one there but nice just the same and it was strange this morning with only the sound of my generator going .

WE had about 26esh on the ride so Dan you won the bet , George is probably wearing your prize right now so get a hold of him , but you might want to wash it first.(ya it's a thong color red)

So we did the waterfall with a BIG group and I think it went very well, like all are rides do SAFETY, FUN AND LA FAMILIA THAT'S way we always roll.

Would like to Thank every body for being safe and helpful on the rides and all the radio Dwags and all the peeps that waited at the turns for the rides behind them and the peeps that helped the rides that had some trouble on the spot or to get back to the staging area.THE PLAN changed a few times and we always had some one to pick up the slack and a new plan was born . PB thanks for bring up sweep ,we new the back was being handled.

OK for those that didn't make this ride and not sure if it was the real thing , I have the the thumbs up proof from the La Familia own ,Cisco the kid him self.

We will be doing Cactus Flats to Rattle Snake this coming Saturday! Come along it will be a good trip with lost of 4x4ing!
Also a big surprise coming to this trip;)

Hope my wallet will show up! LOL :rolleyes:

PB did not see any wallet sorry.
What was the deal with this Rhino? Why was it sitting so low in the back? Was it a temporary fix with standard length shocks in the back?

The back shocks were blown. Already have them off and ready for a rebuild and stiffer springs.

The last ride back was the best. The suspension worked the best the faster we went. Hey freezin, were in orange do you live?

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