All UTV's Mark Turner needs your prayers

Wow Sorry to her about you Mark. God Speed brother for fast recovery. We need you back on the track ASAP.
I got an email from one of Mark's guys that said the following

"As far as I know he is still in the ICU. He had surgery on his arm Saturday night and is having another surgery on his arm today. The window net on the car broke so his arm was smashed by the cars cage when he rolled. He also has a concussion because his helmet flew off (it broke the d-rings on the HANS) and lots of bruising. It looks like he is going to be ok, just lots of recovery time for his arm"

Mark still needs our support and prayers! I am glad they are thinking he will be OK.

here is a picture of Tyler Herzog's car that Mark was racing so that he can remain in the points for the season...

I called this morning and he is still in icu. He is a strong willed man , nothing will keep him down!!
Mark Turner Injured at the ASCC Season Opener

After racing in the infamous King of the Hammers UTV race on Thursday, Mark “Iron Man†Turner was back in the driver seat Saturday morning for the season opener of the Arizona regional Lucas Oil Series. Unfortunately, an incident during practice resulted in Turner being injured. Speculation on exactly what happened and the extent of Turner’s injuries has been rampant since the disastrous practice session; hopefully this communication will help dispel the rumors.
Though it is unknown whether the accident started as the result of a mechanical failure or something else, what is known is that Turner’s UTV started sliding sideways on the front straight of the Speedworld track about four laps into his practice session. The conditions were very muddy, making it difficult to correct the slide. Just when he needed a break, however, the car caught a rut, causing the car to begin rolling over sideways. At some point during the roll, Turner’s window net failed, which allowed his left arm to be outside the car. Based on his subsequent injuries, it is assumed that his arm was briefly pinned between the rollcage and the ground during one of the three rotations. His helmet also became dislodged during the event, but thankfully no serious head or neck injury took place.
Aside from some fairly significant bruising and a few cuts, Turner suffered a fractured left arm and a broken collarbone. Though still hospitalized, Turner is expected to make a full recovery following surgery to repair some damage sustained to his arm. The Turner Racing Team expects Mark to be back behind the wheel in no time, and probably well before his doctors give him the full green light to do so. Mark is in good spirits and thanks everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and support.
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<div style="text-align: center;" align="center">Mark Turner Injured at the <br />ASCC Season Opener<br /></div>
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<p style="text-align: center; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><img height="400" vspace="5" border="0" name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.204" hspace="5" width="600" alt="Mark Turner Thumbs up" src="" /></span></p>
<p style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: black; text-align: left; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; margin: 0in 0in 10pt; font-size: 10pt;">After racing in the infamous King of the Hammers UTV race on Thursday, Mark "Iron Man" Turner was back in the driver seat Saturday morning for the season opener of the Arizona regional Lucas Oil Series.<span>&nbsp; </span>Unfortunately, an incident during practice resulted in Turner being injured.<span>&nbsp; </span>Speculation on exactly what happened and the extent of Turner's injuries has been rampant since the disastrous practice session; hopefully this communication will help dispel the rumors.</p>
<p style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: black; text-align: left; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; margin: 0in 0in 10pt; font-size: 10pt;">Though it is unknown whether the accident started as the result of a mechanical failure or something else, what is known is that Turner's UTV started sliding sideways on the front straight of the Speedworld track about four laps into his practice session.<span>&nbsp; </span>The conditions were very muddy, making it difficult to correct the slide.<span>&nbsp; </span>Just when he needed a break, however, the car caught a rut, causing the car to begin rolling over sideways.<span>&nbsp; </span>At some point during the roll, Turner's window net failed, which allowed his left arm to be outside the car.<span>&nbsp; </span>Based on his subsequent injuries, it is assumed that his arm was briefly pinned between the rollcage and the ground during one of the three rotations.<span>&nbsp; </span>His helmet also became dislodged during the event, but thankfully no serious head or neck injury took place.</p>
<p style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: black; text-align: left; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; margin: 0in 0in 10pt; font-size: 10pt;">Aside from some fairly significant bruising and a few cuts, Turner suffered a fractured left arm and a broken collarbone.<span>&nbsp; </span>Though still hospitalized, Turner is expected to make a full recovery following surgery to repair some damage sustained to his arm.<span>&nbsp; </span>The Turner Racing Team expects Mark to be back behind the wheel in no time, and probably well before his doctors give him the full green light to do so.<span>&nbsp; </span>Mark is in good spirits and thanks everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and support.</p>
<p style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: black; text-align: left; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; margin-top: 0pt; font-size: 10pt; margin-bottom: 0.0001pt;">&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
<p style="text-align: center; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Turner Racing would like to thank the following sponsors for their support:</span></p>
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I got a small update on Mark today guys....

He has been moved to a new room

Mark was able to check out UTVUnderground and see this thread and from what I was told was in awe over all the heartfelt condolences and well wishes. I am sure it helps lift the mans spirits a bit as he is set to go through a long and no doubt hard recovery process.

Keep him in your thoughts guys. I will be trying to reach out to Mark in a day or so to check on him myself.
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I talked to Todd today Marks mechanics he is going to see him tommorow and let me know if it is ok to go see him I will let you know what he says tomorrow. But thing are looking good
I talked to Todd today Marks mechanics he is going to see him tommorow and let me know if it is ok to go see him I will let you know what he says tomorrow. But thing are looking good
I went and saw mark yesterday and printed all of your replies from the site so he could see all the support everyone is giving him! Mark and his family told me to tell everyone how much they appreciate it! He looked good and was in good spirits , YOU CANT BRING THAT MAN DOWN! He is going into surgery today for his arm , they were so appreciative to you all!
Prayers for a speedy recovery! Eric had a similar, though less violent crash here in Havasu last March. His surgery went well and with the excellent PT he now has approximately 98% of his arm back.

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