All UTV's Mark Turner needs your prayers


Grabbin' Gears - UTVUnderground Approved

The Underground is behind you Mark! Get well soon and keep the revs up!!!!

Mark Turner Injured at the ASCC Season Opener

After racing in the infamous King of the Hammers UTV race on Thursday, Mark “Iron Man†Turner was back in the driver seat Saturday morning for the season opener of the Arizona regional Lucas Oil Series. Unfortunately, an incident during practice resulted in Turner being injured. Speculation on exactly what happened and the extent of Turner’s injuries has been rampant since the disastrous practice session; hopefully this communication will help dispel the rumors.
Though it is unknown whether the accident started as the result of a mechanical failure or something else, what is known is that Turner’s UTV started sliding sideways on the front straight of the Speedworld track about four laps into his practice session. The conditions were very muddy, making it difficult to correct the slide. Just when he needed a break, however, the car caught a rut, causing the car to begin rolling over sideways. At some point during the roll, Turner’s window net failed, which allowed his left arm to be outside the car. Based on his subsequent injuries, it is assumed that his arm was briefly pinned between the rollcage and the ground during one of the three rotations. His helmet also became dislodged during the event, but thankfully no serious head or neck injury took place.
Aside from some fairly significant bruising and a few cuts, Turner suffered a fractured left arm and a broken collarbone. Though still hospitalized, Turner is expected to make a full recovery following surgery to repair some damage sustained to his arm. The Turner Racing Team expects Mark to be back behind the wheel in no time, and probably well before his doctors give him the full green light to do so. Mark is in good spirits and thanks everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and support.

A unforgunate accident happened at ascc race today , i am not sure of the specifics but he was air vaced out. Great person who just loves the sport! Just keep him in your thoughts , he will appreciate it.
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Thoughts and prayers go out to MARK TURNER and hope he has a speedy recovery.
This guys is a great man and loves this sport for sure!!
The specifics are pretty ugly. Rolled several times just past the first jump on the front straight t speedworld. helmet came off during the first roll. Seatbelts somehow didnt hold him either. Battery came loose and whipped him in the head. Part eject while rolling. Resulting in brain bruising that has him in icu. As well as broken wrist, arm and shoulderblade. Well keep mark in our prayers.
Wow, we are very sorry to hear about Mark and will keep him in our thoughts.

Court, please keep us updated if you can.

Mark and his family will be in our prayers. If there is anything we can do please let me know.
I am just getting online for the first time since getting home today from King Of The Hammers. Just Thursday we were with Mark during the UTV race. I am so so deeply concerned and sad to hear this news. Mark is such a solid guy and has become one of our largest supporters. I already have calls into the Turner Motorsports and Daystar Team and will try to get updates ASAP for everyone but if Court or anyone else hears anything please share with us.

Get well soon Mark, God is with you buddy!!!
I was with Mark today at the Race and He was really looking forward to the race. Still not sure why the helmet came off. The battery did come out but I don't think it hit him the head but it may be why the helmet came off if it did hit him in the head. I went to the hospital and he has seen better days but he has some issues to get over. I don't want to get into the problems he has but he hill be in the hospital for about a week and him arm and shoulder will take some time to get better. I will keep you guys up to date.
Thanks for all your prayers.

Don McMillan
Team Turner / Daystar Products
Prayers sent to mark and the turner family. After being in a serious off road accident at the beginning of january and just getting out of the hospital I can relate. With prayers, family, and my fellow off road community I have been able to make each day better than the day before. I hope for the best and you are in my prayers. If I can do anything to help let me know I'm not back at work yet.
I didnt want to bother his wife and friends today for the sake of letting them do what they need to do but I will try to touch base with Don and Craig of Daystar/Turner Racing tomorrow to get an update on Mark. As FYI Mark's name here on UTVUnderground is Monstrosity so feel free to send him a PM!

Thank you to Don for coming on and updating us, and thank you to Craig for calling me and updating me as well as Scott from XMF. Everyone is concerned and is behind Mark 110%! This guy lives life by the seat of his pants and has had a bad string of luck but I have never met a more positive person who laughs in the face of adversity like Mark does. I cant wait to see him back on the track again!

Oh man! Sorry to hear about this. Mark is a great guy with a huge love and drive for the UTV sport, and it sucks that he just can't seem to catch some luck lately. He races King of the Hammers Thursday, drives back to Phx and races on Saturday! Iron man! Get well soon man!!


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