Help Wanted!

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate

I commend you guys for the actions you’ve taken over the last month! Way to step up and represent!!!

When I came to this sub-forum it was never my intention to maintain sole ownership over it or its content but that is the way it ended up and I became burnt out trying to maintain it in a manner commensurate with my commitment to and passion for the subject matter.

I’m sure there are many people in this Community who value Public Land Access and believe in Advocacy and Activism!

It would be great if there were folks who could spare a few minutes to check out what is going on out there and post up items in this sub-forum from their perspective of what is important to the OHV Community regarding Access issues.

Included are some of the links that I’ve found useful over the years to collect information about issues that should concern us as an OHV Community. Many of them allow you to subscribe and receive emails on the latest information they present.

Some of them fall in the category of . . . “Keep Your Friends Close, Your Enemies Closer†but don’t let that dissuade you from visiting their sites as they do stay up on the issues. Others are National Organizations who exist to preserve OHV access to OUR Public Lands, blogs of people in the know or Legislative informational sites.

If you care about Land Access issues and can spare the time, please feel free to use these links and get involved.

Here they are in no particular order . . .
BlueRibbon Coalition: Preserving your recreational access to public lands.
Welcome to MUIRNet-News ...for the recreation advocate
Welcome to!
United Four Wheel Drive Associations Official Site - United Online - An International Organization
Tread Lightly - Home
National Off-Road Association - Why is NORA Different?
California Association of 4WD Clubs, Inc. :: Latest
Dune Guide News
Del Albright's Blog
The General's (aka Don Amador) Recreation HQ
Daily Wilderness News Clips | Campaign for America's Wilderness
Our Public Lands
Deeper Inside the Mountain
U.S. Senate Home
Senate Calendar of Business: Browse
U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
United States House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 1st Session
Floor Summary
THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Research Congress -
OpenCongress - Track bills, votes, senators, and representatives in the U.S. Congress
About « The Majority Tracker
.: United States Senator Tom Coburn :: Welcome :.
Motorcycle Industry Council
Specialty Vehicle Institute of America
Center for Biological Diversity

There are many other informational sites, seek them out!

Thank you in advance for your assistance and contributions to the preservation of the OHV Communities continued Access to OUR Public Land!


Thanks for all you do Bob!!! is proud to be members of the BRC and we look forward to helping in anyway we can!
thanks bob for your hard work, now get back to work. lol
hey man thanks a lot for all you do for this site and letting us know what is going on with our land. mucho thanks man haha :)
Help STILL wanted!!!

"Crowdog" doing a GREAT job but is spread real thin . . . dig deep and contribute some information guys!!!!!
see what I can do coming up, lots of travel but the time I Spnd bs'n I will try and do some research to lend a hand Bob. Glad u have shown soo many the light, seriously!
Take a few minutes everyday and helpout guys and gals. Everyone can help to protect your riding areas.

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