Help! Rock damage!

Coming back from a Hot Rod show one of the cars had a water pump crack and leak JB weld and good to go ;-)
Dave, if you would have been there you could have! Next time you better show up so you can give good advice! :D:rolleyes:

Good point, next time I will be there PB!! (BTW, you got voted off Survivor last week, but you have a chance to get back in the game on Redemption Island).....just FYI:)
I don't think anyone can slow Angie down..........I'm planning a special ride this Fall on the Miller Jeep with the "Switchbacks" in the new loop, just for her and Cisco......Redemption, baby!!!!;):eek:
I don't think anyone can slow Angie down..........I'm planning a special ride this Fall on the Miller Jeep with the "Switchbacks" in the new loop, just for her and Cisco......Redemption, baby!!!!;):eek:

Hey Hey Hey Hey............. ;-)
Decided to take the RZR apart at the house.

Cisco, just for you...


Stripped down -


Case Crack 1 -


Case Crack 2 -

Hey, I like the Angie Power! LOL It looks repairable by some welding and some grinding! What do you think? Fill and Grind and bingo! I noticed the bolt in the first shot, you hit that rock HARD!

The RZR won't be as speedy with Flintstones power, but I'm itching to ride! Taking case to the shop and on to the welding bench! *Fingers crossed*

The bolt was like that when I got it. ;)
Angie you work fast. BTW how do you like those Walker shocks vs the stockers?

The faster I get everything apart, the faster I get to ride! They don't call me "SpeedyAngie" for nothin'. ;)

I bought the RZR with the Walkers, so I don't know how the stock ones feel. I think they may be set too soft currently though.
Angie, look around on the forum for "parted-out-razr" stuff. You might be able to find a "slightly pre-owned case" for cheap!! Maybe look on the "Other" forum too.......just a thought!!
I like the Flintstone method of propulsion, but I would cut the floor out where Jay sits and let him help out, because if you don't, you will just be doing "right-handed" circles :eek:;)
Hey, hey everyone! Sorry for being MIA lately. Updates: RZR is back together! Took it for a teat spin around the block and no leaks! Will be testing it at Superstition this weekend.

Forgot to take pictures of the welded case, but here's a shoutout to J's Racing and UTVUnderground.


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