Not what he told me. When I asked him if the 364's are more durable than the 212's. he replied:
<table class="cf gJ" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr class="acZ"><td class="gF gK"><table class="cf ix" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td>
Adam Harvey
</td></tr></tbody></table></td><td class="gH">Aug 27 (2 days ago)
</td><td class="gH">
</td><td class="gH acX" rowspan="2">
</td></tr><tr class="acZ xD"><td colspan="3"><table class="cf adz" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td class="ady">to me
reid absolutely!!!
the race belt was the 280-364 that was only available with the purchase of the new maverick. it was a completely different belt from the 212 belt that you get as a replacement from a dealer. simon used to sell them to me, but i dont have the ability to purchase race parts anymore.
Also, the 364 belts are approx. 5% thicker than the 212's (measurement taken at the maximum o.d. of the ribs. .691" compared to .662"). An argument can be made as to why a belt using different part numbers, or why a more durable belt would be used on Factory delivered vehicles, than is sold separately. This however, is a fact finding mission, not an argument! Unfortunately, people in the know are not as factually forthcoming as I, so I always find myself in a lop-sided conversation. Maybe I'm pinching a value less than pennies here, and am spinning my wheels. Unless our car is weighing in equal to other can ams, there can be no apples to apples comparison of belt life, driving habits not withstanding.
IMO, there is a difference, performance wise. Dimensionally at least, and a bit in the color as well.