It is a financial gamble if you are getting into it to someday get out of it for the amount of your initial investment or close to it. The way technology is changing, there are a lot of dynamics going on with UTVs and thus UTV racing. Some people like this, some people dont, some people just want to slow it down. I would bet in the other classes to where the vehicles don't change year to year that it is easier to buy a used class 10 car and then sell it a couple years later for 80-90% of what you bought it for used.
Because of this constant and quick change of technology, buying a used car and then trying to sell it a year later for the same amount is not going to happen. Most people getting into utv racing accept this, they love being a part of it, but not everyone is going to understand. They dont look at it like a gamble, they want to do some affordable racing and it is worth the money to them even if they cant get half out of their utv when they are done.
You have a lot of good insight into racing and the history of racing due to your experience, most people that are utv racing do not, and they look up to you for your knowledge and your posts on here. I hope they still retain their own goals and thoughts and desires because a lot has changed since the last time you saw something like the Mini Mag and Pro Truck fail that you mentioned. Mature adults don't want to learn the hard way so they are listening to you, but i hope they also realize they have different eyes than you do, and just because something failed in history doesn't mean it is going to fail in the future since so many other things have changed that are a factor.
When I speak of the investment or gamble, its not necessarily the cost of the UTV and getting your money back. This is racing and I get it, been there, done that, and anyone getting in should get it. Your expenses are worth cent's on the dollar when you calculate it out. And you are 100% right you are not racing or should not get into racing with the idea of being able to cash out and re-coop 80% of your investment. It happens, but that is not the norm.
When I say the gamble or investment, I'm speaking of the class. I used Mini Mag and Pro truck as a perfect example as those were two classes that no longer exist due to the long term goal of the class did not come through. And because of this you no longer had a class or place to race these vehicles, as they too were heavily invested in one or two series, like the UTV class is with BITD. Luckily the Pro Truck with "Heavy" modifications could race in other classes, not so much the case for the Mini Mag. Yes both were on a Spec platform, but classes like 8, 7, 6 and Stock trucks were not and they failed do to rising cost, ever changing models and the loss of manufacture money coming in. Its taken years to finally see class 8 start to have a resurgence, but class 7, 7s & 7SX are all but dead. Stock truck in BITD is dead.
If and when the manufactures leave the 1900 UTV class (Nothing last forever. History will show you that.) then will you still invest the money its going to take to race at the level you are now without manufacture money? Will your competitors? I'm pretty confident to think teams like Jagged ,Marc Burnett and a few others would not stick around the UTV class if the money was not coming in.
Will it be cheaper to race in another class like 1600, class 12, class 10 that has shown staying power in all the off-road series, not just BITD? The UTV class is for the most part an entry level class. (Notice I said class not cost) Its got manufacture support right now, which is a major draw for the class, but also raises the cost for anyone without Manufacture support. Its that idea that maybe you can get some sponsorship that has lead many to the class. Sure you will always have teams progress and move up into faster classes, but you also need new blood coming in. The concern is when the money dries up, will people still want to race in this class? Will the vets stick around? Will new blood come in? Where else can the desert UTV be raced? You cant modify it to race in another class like some did with Pro Trucks, or how some have re-worked a class 1600 to race in class 12 or some have re-worked a class 12 to race in class 10. I even remember when the trick was to take the lighter class 10 and stick a LS engine in it and race class 1.
The UTV class is just so manufacture driven right now, and the leadership running the 1900 class has not changed. I would hate to see the long term future of the class be lost, because of what the manufactures and their teams want today. And when they decided to walk out and turn off the lights, I hope the 1900 class does not die with them, and those who want to race a UTV will still have a place and some competition.
That's the Gamble that I see!
I would not be posting or even be on this site, if UTV racing was not something I wanted to see be here long term, even without a dog in the fight.