BAJA 500 thread

When I installed them at 4 this morning, they weighed a ton which, coincidentally, is just under what our car weighs!

So anyway Johnny, when are you heading out? We're testing in about 3 or 4 hours from now in P.C., then some minor adjustments to the car before I leave on Thursday. You know Johnny, some of my new Underground pals have been sending me care packages like stout beer and cool t-shirts, and computer stuff too! So I started thinking that you and I are getting kind of chummy too, and since we're now pals, and you just happen to own a UTV megastoropolis outlet center chingaderra, that maybe you could send me out sumpn' as well. Some tassles for my grab bar would be so thoughtful of you! :D:D. $hit,. I'm nodding out. Gotta go. I'm, a man, and I have work to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Johnny, where'd you go? I brought out my pail and shovel, but there's no one here to play with (actually, I'm bbq-ing a badass filet mignon for lunch, and was just checking if you had a chance to mail anything out yet). If you sent out a Polaris, I guess I might keep it, at least for a little while!!!!!!!!!
Chummy Pal shit lol you need sleep ... my utvmegamall lol I give you a steekers in Bajaw don't get the wrong idea im here for my 1000.00 that's it I already have a friend I think
as the world turns is almost over, I just got back from my morning at the spa had a nice massage with a touch all you want happy ending all jazzed up went to bed last night at 9pm and didn't wake up till 5am this morning ... ahhhh so relaxed sitting here in my easy chair ...

pulling out at 6am tomorrow look me up in Mexico Id love to shake your and Marks hands
Reid WTF where did you go ? so my new bestest friend in the world wide web left me here alone with my bucket and shovel ....... jezzz brochaco
oh well im skipping on the beach with my bucket and shovel picking up piles of sand dollars and talking to "Wilson" my real brochaco ... I knew better but I still opened the door and let you in Reid and now this is how your going to treat me
They have beaches in AZ? Lol Maybe you hanging out at lake Pleasant? I use to like going there as a kid and snorkel around and find drunk people money on the bottom. It was a good time.

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Heading down tomorrow at o'dark-thirty. Can't wait. Glad we put off the pre-run, because I have heard that the course is WAY different now versus a week ago. Locals flooding areas, silt, course changes per SCORE...etc.
Heading down tomorrow!! Can't wait to cross the border! First stop is Puerto Nuevo for a little Lobster lunch.. then hit the orphanage to donate a bunch of goods we picked up today at Costco and then ENSENADA!! YEEEIIIIIIIII
I think someone is drunk on Jeritol, talking to balls n what not. We will see you guys tomorrow

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