YAMAHA - June 11th, 6PM PST on UTVUnderground.com - 2014 Model Year RELEASE!

You should believe it! Why do you think all the utv manufactures, including Yamaha supported bill AB1595 that became law? AB1595 mandated helmets in manufactured ohv that are under 1000 cc's. The 1000 cc limit was chosen by the manufactures, not some politician.

Why would any utv manufacture build something over the specified limit of a law they supported & paid for? Trust me Yamaha is the last company that is going to be the test dummy for something new. Build something outside the current law that was written to protect them and you are just going to be inviting new lawsuits.

They build 300hp supercharged jet skis why not a sxs. And they are all over 1000cc.
They build 300hp supercharged jet skis why not a sxs. And they are all over 1000cc.

Because the manufactures have not had their asses handed to them in law suits, and the manufactures have not yet paid for a law to be written to protect them.

Think about it. Why would these manufactures spend $100's of thousands of dollars to have ROHVA sponsor and pass a law that spacificlly put an engine displacement in the bill? They did it to protect themselves. I can assure you all the manufactures came together and chose what specs they were all willing to follow and have in the bill.

Comparing watercraft to utv's is like comparing apples & oranges.

Have you ever wondered why the Blm & the ISDRA do not require helmets on motorcycles, yet atv's & now utv's are required by law to wear them? Because both times helmet laws have been passed the manufactures were involved.
OK, call me hooked...sub'ed.

I hope it is a good compromise between work and fun for more than two people.
While I am definitely interested in the hope that Yamaha puts out something cool, I doubt it will be so much better than the current crop of sporty's that would make me sell the XP. Lately these hyped up releases are a letdown.
almost bought my new rig a couple times over the past month. glad i didn't! i'm gonna go out on a limb and say i'll bet this new yammy is gonna deliver this time! i've heard alot of rumors over the past year, and if half of them are true i think we'll have a new legit new ride. can't wait! don't let us down joey!
Few months back... over at RZR forum one of the vendors (or mod or admin, can't remember) was posting up pictures of one of their new rzr builds and testing at Glamis dunes. There was bunch of SxS running together, gathering together. Anyway... in the background was a LARGE Yamaha toyhauler and someone pointed it out and started asking why Yamaha was out there... apparently for testing? I think it was SxS event only... so why would Yamaha be testing an other UTILITY vehicle in DUNES ???

I can't find the thread or picture now. I'm really optimistic this time... and HOPE Yamaha delivers. I need to upgrade my 2010 S ... LOL
Yamaha spends a lot of time in the dunes. Mainly because of their industry best sport quad, the YFZ450
Here is a Worthless Thread. Yamahahahaha Really. give it a rest Please move along Yamaha is done just like Honda was done when they got raked over the coals which many of you were not even around yet. LOL but the Old Guys remember that deal with the ATC. (All Terrain Cycle) yep a Glorified Three wheeler with a Motor and not Pedals. :eek: .
I was a die hard Honda fan boy for a long time so anyone here who still has hope for Yamaha please seek counseling cause nothing big will ever come. LOL:D.
If you remember these night Pics you Experienced some good old Days. If not Sorry but your late to the Game.


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I will be watching, Id love to see a stomper,bigger sxs with travel and a motor, but won't hold my breath....later,cam
spy photo of new Yamaha testing


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