WORCS #7 Glen Helen

gsxr702, I see you got the Can AM to the track, in the pics it looks great. What happened in the race?

RJ I hope you can make the 2 final rounds of the season, WORCS is new to dealing with 40 car fields and getting everyone lined up properly might take some more effort in the future.

Maybe a small round blank sticker given with your registration to put on your hood, then as you pass through to the line the official that tells you what line to go in can write it on the round dot, then a few minutes before go time, a WORCS official can just walk down the line and double check by glancing at that sticker? Just a thought....
Ryan, Good to see you join the forum. Lots of good stuff on here and lots of intrest in the WORCS series. Will be nice to have your insight here on the forum.

El kido, ICI will be a few days... Thurs or Friday I would say....
Also ATV riders will have pics up anytime. They have been covering WORCS for years. Go to the home page and click on the WORCS logo for report and pics.

I was setup in the front line of my class and the official walked down the line and made me go in the last row with a total of 4 utvs in my row and 6 utvs in the front row. I don't really care but was just wondering why?
I wanted to battle it out but I guess it's better because I could have been in the rhino mess on one of the turns.
Luckily the guy (mike) that rolled on his hand ended up just bruising it up and he's gonna be sore for a while. Luckily he's fine. I say, window nets....
Haagsma wheres the video you can ad to your previous classics

Mrbad where were you I thought for sure you would have made this one?

I wanted to really bad. Recently layed off, no money to fix the rhino and a new job are my excuses. My buddy Luke won the 700 tho. I'm pumped for him. I'm really gonna try for the next one.

How did you do?
as far as safety goes window nets ,doors ,proper roll cage , fire suit , neck roll , helmet and goggles are very important I love magnum stickers and beer but not at the track!
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as far as safety goes window nets ,doors ,proper roll cage , fire suit , neck roll , helmet and goggles are very important but if luke rogers and his buddy show up drinking beer before a race again i will have you removed from the race you risk all of are safety when driving drunk . fing retards

Not trying to defend anyone, nor do I care to. But if Luke was supposedly "getting drunk", then why did you walk over to him and tell him what you told him pre-race? Seem's to me you and your boy Dan are just trying to stir the pot. I spoke with Luke post race and he says your story is WAY off, and that you had a hard-on for him the minute you and Dan saw the MAGNUM stickers on his car. I'm flattered that just the sight of my sticker gets such a response.

Moral of the story, being the professional you are Trevor you shouldn't go online and attempt to bash someones character with bogus claims. Especially someone you solicited only moments prior. I'm just doing the right thing here and defending someone that isn't here to defend themselves.

Happy Racing!:D
racers drinking in the pits before the race is not cool. not only does it put yourself at risk but other racers too. some racers need to be a litlle bit more professional at the track and have some respect, everything is all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
Heres part 2 for anyone who is bored and wants to watch something. raw footage compressed.

Future videos will be properly edited and under 10 minutes :p Oh and at 14:13 you can see the hood fly up and smack me. shoulda zip tied it. Made a good passenger lol

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BhnZ2CVbhc"]Worcs Glen Helen UTV Race Class 1 Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
Heres some video of class 3

Some of Haagsma, Larry, Staggs, Rogers

In regards to the accident between Kayla and larry, We should all hope our 15 yr olds were as tallented as she is, It was an accident everyone missed that turn and shes about 5' tall belted down to the floorbaord and strapped in, cant see anything behind her, anyone of us 30-40ish drivers could have made the same mistake..So please keep it i mind!!!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVjz5MNCDvw"]glen helen final - YouTube[/ame]
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