who wins V2R

The Baja 500 video or both if you have them. I know you have the Baja 500 video.

All I'm trying to say is you don't have to ram someone to pass them. I passed 30 UTV's in the first 115 miles at V2R and did not touch one of them.
We passed thirty as well and only had to nerf 2 or 3. Most people moved just fine

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You asked which one, the Baja 500 or the V2R video? I replied either one. Your reply was "you didn't win either". This is really going nowhere fast........... I just wanted to see some cool videos.
I had a beer once with Cognito.. we were in a strip clu..... never mind..

Anyway, I was with Cognito one time having an adult beverage at a local establishment and BigJim told me he hates all of you guys and has put a demand on Justin and Justin to ram the shit out of all of you or he was going to kick their asses.. in the pits... And I was like, why? why would ANY team want to fight each other in the pits? I mean, thats ludicrous.. teams fighting in the pits? really? Come on Jim, be a little more professional and drop the bounty already!

wasn't that team desert toyz lol
Love taps are one thing but hitting so hard that you get locked together and causing damage is another!
Whole lotta nerfing but that's not what's winning races but it is damaging cars so there's nothing respectful about that. I have two noticeable hits to a new rear bumper....coming out of the pits this time. There are a lot of cars that will tell u we got out of their way that didn't have to nerf us. It's just a few cars doing it. I think some people just get off on it to be honest.
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