who wins V2R

Cody I nerfed you dead square in the middle. That's why our tires touched. You started to spin BC the tires touching. I'd never nerf anyone to the outside bc the possibility of spinning them out. Our tires touched and that's why it destroyed our steering rack.

I have a dent in the center of my bumper from BAJA, LSR can confirm that this was that mark. I now have a marks on the far right side of bumper that go down all the way down to bottom. I still do not believe there was ever any tire to tire contact. If there was than the car would have climbed and went up, just like I believe Lambert had stated, not under and to the side. I believe your steering broke when my car went sideways and your car went through the side causing my rear tire to jam up into your lower a-arms and steering.

Either way there was no warning or chance givin to move over and this never should of happened, especially this hard and on the section of road where we were.
We get bumped just like you do, my rear bumper has a fresh new gnarly dent in it from Sappington. The fast guys are in a hurry to get to the front, we are not only trying to finish, we want to win. Heck I had to nerf a 7200 truck, he didn't move over until then. I am trying to gather up go pro footage of your incident, I will review it. I understand you all think we are trying to use our bumper, it's not the case, believe it or not. We are not out for anyone. People need to realize that the slower car in front needs to move over, the faster car behind can't just jump over and pass, it is not safe. We can't see what is in front of you, plus we don't know if you are going to pull over on us like Brian Bush did on Paul Cooper at the mint, I am sure you saw the results of that.

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I agree like I stated nerfing and rubbing happens and is justified in certain instances, this danm sure wasn't the case. Trust me im not the type to cry and bitch but this was worth bringing up. Especially when you hear it from other fellow racers. If this keeps up you guys are going to get someone hurt and possibly yourself. All this kind of shit does it create enemies within the class and amounts to more damage.

Im out there to win and get to the front as well. You keep saying slower cars and acting like your the only one trying to finish and win. When at this point I was running in the top 5, yes over you at the time, so overall I must not be that slow! Actually I was in front of very proven drivers at the time as well. Just cause you catch someone doesn't mean they're slow. Everyone runs different strategies at every race some start fast and back off some start slow and pick it up as they go but lets face it anyone in the class at any givin race can win, that's what makes this class interesting!
The video will tell the whole story. I was really hoping that I would make the cut on your Baja 500 video but I guess it did not record any of that, just before it and after, weird huh.
I really want to believe you guys when you say that you don't mean to do what you have done. But when you continue to post pictures of your bumper on social media and give some definition of what a "war Hammer" is, it makes it really hard to believe. I am all for racing and getting raced and I have no problem pushing someone out of the way if they don't move after given the chance but this kind of stuff is out of hand.
The video will tell the whole story. I was really hoping that I would make the cut on your Baja 500 video but I guess it did not record any of that, just before it and after, weird huh.
I really want to believe you guys when you say that you don't mean to do what you have done. But when you continue to post pictures of your bumper on social media and give some definition of what a "war Hammer" is, it makes it really hard to believe. I am all for racing and getting raced and I have no problem pushing someone out of the way if they don't move after given the chance but this kind of stuff is out of hand.
If I start putting your race numbers on my front bumper, then you can assume we are out for you. Until then, if you want to make assumptions, that's all you

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I wish I could say I did it intentionally for running the instagram 1900s Meme page and talking shit about everyone
This was our 5th v2r. Our first v2r was 4 years ago, that race was our second desert race ever. 80 miles in, I thought we got hit from behind by a dump truck, it was Murray's in their new commander. We went on racing and decided we should watch our mirror a little more and we did just that. We definitely talked about it on the way home, but learned from it and moved on.

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If I start putting your race numbers on my front bumper, then you can assume we are out for you. Until then, if you want to make assumptions, that's all you

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Is that a no on the video????
Trust me I am not saying that you're out to get me, or anybody for that matter. I'm just pointing out things the way I see them. And I am also speaking from my own personal experience.

But I would still like to see that video ;)
like any of this shit is new after every race somebody got pounded by cognito .. then cognito comes on and says it wasnt that bad lol dont get mad get out of the way or get even cause they really dont give a shit ..
I had a beer once with Cognito.. we were in a strip clu..... never mind..

Anyway, I was with Cognito one time having an adult beverage at a local establishment and BigJim told me he hates all of you guys and has put a demand on Justin and Justin to ram the shit out of all of you or he was going to kick their asses.. in the pits... And I was like, why? why would ANY team want to fight each other in the pits? I mean, thats ludicrous.. teams fighting in the pits? really? Come on Jim, be a little more professional and drop the bounty already!

Is that a no on the video????
Trust me I am not saying that you're out to get me, or anybody for that matter. I'm just pointing out things the way I see them. And I am also speaking from my own personal experience.

But I would still like to see that video ;)
The Baja 500 video?
Point stuff out all you want, the way you see it and the way we see it doesn't match, no surprises there.

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plus we don't know if you are going to pull over on us like Brian Bush did on Paul Cooper at the mint, I am sure you saw the results of that.

Dont throw me under the bus for that. What nobody seems to understand is that I had just passed them. They saw the chopper and got excited and made a very risky pass attempt with little siren at the last minute.
Dont throw me under the bus for that. What nobody seems to understand is that I had just passed them. They saw the chopper and got excited and made a very risky pass attempt with little siren at the last minute.
We saw the video

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The Baja 500 video? Or the Cody Nygren video?

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The Baja 500 video or both if you have them. I know you have the Baja 500 video.

All I'm trying to say is you don't have to ram someone to pass them. I passed 30 UTV's in the first 115 miles at V2R and did not touch one of them.
I wish I could say I did it intentionally for running the instagram 1900s Meme page and talking shit about everyone

Lmfao really get the fuck over it cause its not me! If you look at some of the post on there, there are post from races and shit that I haven't attended. There are racers that memes are posted about that are my best friends there are even ones about guys I don't even know and come on if it was me trust me I would have at least thrown myself a meme to throw people off. Whoever started this rumor has you all fooled and like B said they are slacking!
The Baja 500 video or both if you have them. I know you have the Baja 500 video.

All I'm trying to say is you don't have to ram someone to pass them. I passed 30 UTV's in the first 115 miles at V2R and did not touch one of them.
You didn't win either

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