who wins V2R

I have a dent in the center of my bumper from BAJA, LSR can confirm that this was that mark. I now have a marks on the far right side of bumper that go down all the way down to bottom. I still do not believe there was ever any tire to tire contact. If there was than the car would have climbed and went up, just like I believe Lambert had stated, not under and to the side. I believe your steering broke when my car went sideways and your car went through the side causing my rear tire to jam up into your lower a-arms and steering.

Either way there was no warning or chance givin to move over and this never should of happened, especially this hard and on the section of road where we were.
around what mile at the baja 500 was the bump we gave your car? i will see if i have footage if it wasnt too late in the race.
I have a dent in the center of my bumper from BAJA, LSR can confirm that this was that mark. I now have a marks on the far right side of bumper that go down all the way down to bottom. I still do not believe there was ever any tire to tire contact. If there was than the car would have climbed and went up, just like I believe Lambert had stated, not under and to the side. I believe your steering broke when my car went sideways and your car went through the side causing my rear tire to jam up into your lower a-arms and steering.

Either way there was no warning or chance givin to move over and this never should of happened, especially this hard and on the section of road where we were.
i found the video of the bump my guy victor gave you at the 500. your guy didnt move over, the bump honestly didnt look very hard. Sorry for that tho. if you want to see it i will have it cut tomorrow.
here is a few passes from V2R, one includes the first time we passed Cody Nygren #1916. As you can see we dont have it out for you Cody. We got stuck in pit for a skid plate repair and you got back by us, then when we went to pass you again, we had the incident. It was not intentional, sorry you feel that way, it was a racing incident. We can chat on the phone if you like. Thx

here is a few passes from V2R, one includes the first time we passed Cody Nygren #1916. As you can see we dont have it out for you Cody. We got stuck in pit for a skid plate repair and you got back by us, then when we went to pass you again, we had the incident. It was not intentional, sorry you feel that way, it was a racing incident. We can chat on the phone if you like. Thx

I see nothing wrong with anything in this video. Props for posting it up.
Nothing good comes from nerfing....... It is a dangerous proposition.
A lot can go wrong when it was not meant. Both cars are usually driving in ruts, silt, rocks or worse.

Most nerfs go somewhat wrong, just due to the fact one car Zigs while the other Zags. The car in front chops the throttle for something only it can see just as the nerfer is coming up to nerf. Its almost always a bad deal.

If you get caught get the fuck out of the way! Give the car that caught you room, pull over, chop the throttle for a second. The less time two cars spend side by side the safer it is for everyone. If you catch someone give them some time to get out of the way. It may seem like they wont move but some times its hard to find room to pull over at 60+ .

Passing is when both cars are at the most risk.

If you get caught and clearly know there is a car behind you.....THAT CAUGHT YOU. And you still don't move then expect to be helped off the race course.
Nothing good comes from nerfing....... It is a dangerous proposition.
A lot can go wrong when it was not meant. Both cars are usually driving in ruts, silt, rocks or worse.

Most nerfs go somewhat wrong, just due to the fact one car Zigs while the other Zags. The car in front chops the throttle for something only it can see just as the nerfer is coming up to nerf. Its almost always a bad deal.

If you get caught get the fuck out of the way! Give the car that caught you room, pull over, chop the throttle for a second. The less time two cars spend side by side the safer it is for everyone. If you catch someone give them some time to get out of the way. It may seem like they wont move but some times its hard to find room to pull over at 60+ .

Passing is when both cars are at the most risk.

If you get caught and clearly know there is a car behind you.....THAT CAUGHT YOU. And you still don't move then expect to be helped off the race course.

Ok lesson learned. It feels harder in the car. In hindsight we should have moved over for you guys since your in the points race. I didn't think about that at the time. I thought our speed was pretty close after u caught us we picked it back up......should have let u go tho. Sorry again.
i have 100 minutes of video from the 500, i dont have your bump but i know it was bad, sorry again about that.
I was just giving you guys a hard time and I really would like to see the video. And I totally agree with you on the video that you did post. You guys did nothing wrong there at all, in fact I would not have shown the same amount of patience that you did. there is nothing more frustrating than working your butt off and risking everything driving through the dust just to have somebody not pull over when they are clearly caught.
Dont throw me under the bus for that. What nobody seems to understand is that I had just passed them. They saw the chopper and got excited and made a very risky pass attempt with little siren at the last minute.

O now Brian B. Seems time has changed your memory. you notice I have been quite about this cause we settled it privately, but seems you have a new version so here is a refresher in reality. Good thing we have video to refer to. You passed me at MM20 on the lake bed. ( and rather easily cause we saw you coming and pulled over) After the sun came up at MM58 it was go time, you were in the way for 2 miles. I know, 2 miles on your rear bumper and you did not see me..... must of had my cloaking device on. On my 1st pass attempt you cut me off , then pulled off to the right, so I passed you, you punted me into the desert. Not throwing you under any bus here, #truth. Time has created this fantasy that we were excited.... We were faster period, your car blocked a legit pass. Everyone has seen my in car. Let it be and move on, but do not make me the scape goat for the errors in your car. The co dawg has a job to do, and it was either not done or you tried to block us.
What's kinda funny is there are two threads going about nerfing! I'm driving and literally lol This subject that everyone says is a non issue. Regardless of your opinion that's pretty funny! Joey gonna have to start paying me. Lol
What's kinda funny is there are two threads going about nerfing! I'm driving and literally lol This subject that everyone says is a non issue. Regardless of your opinion that's pretty funny! Joey gonna have to start paying me. Lol
I am not sure what is so funny. I don't want what happened to Cooper, to happen to me. That was a $15k repair

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I am not sure what is so funny. I don't want what happened to Cooper, to happen to me. That was a $15k repair

Let's not forget the bruised retina that kept me out of the car for 4 months. If you are caught move over. I have never been nerfed nor have I nerfed anyone. I respect my fellow racers and my Co-Dawg is the best in the biz. He knows if there is a wiff of another car near us.... Race on gents, pay attention, throw a hand up if you can't get over. Don't drive like mr magoo and you wont end up in a confrontation
here is a few passes from V2R, one includes the first time we passed Cody Nygren #1916. As you can see we dont have it out for you Cody. We got stuck in pit for a skid plate repair and you got back by us, then when we went to pass you again, we had the incident. It was not intentional, sorry you feel that way, it was a racing incident. We can chat on the phone if you like. Thx

To bad you don't have 5 more miles of footage! You can also see in these videos that as soon as you get right behind me I move over. You can also see that it was George at the road crossing not me and after passing him they still had to pass Schueler before catching me.

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