What are your UTV pet-peeves?

The problem is a Trophy Truck going over 100 through 4' whoops is more entertaining to see, than a UTV doing maybe 50-60 through the same section. At least we got to see a UTV tip over a truck that tipped over doing 10mph. LOL!

I liked the coverage and I liked the inboard camera that showed the speed on the GPS.
What I really hate seeing is little kids riding around on quads with no adult around to watch. Several times in Glamis we had to run out of our camp to tip over a quad a little kid flipped on a kiddie track. Parents had no clue.

Kiddie tracks are not baby sitters!
People who instead of pulling over on to the edge of the trail or off the trail completely block the trail and look at you like your the ass when u come trough where there stopped. WTF...:confused: Probably not a big problem in the desert but the tight trails we ride its a real PITA!
A pervasive pet peeve of mine happens every year.....HUNTERS! Now I have nothing against hunting, but the area I ride is a designated off road vehicle area and one of only two within 150 miles. I ride this area a couple times a month but the hunters seem to think they own the place the one time a year they show up. Not only do they object to us recreational off road folks disturbing "their" hunting grounds, they leave more trash behind than anyone else.

And to top it off, those hunters using quads or UTV's seem to think they can ignore the mandatory helmet laws. These idiots don't realize that it's our CA Green Sticker money that keeps these trails open, not their damned hunting license fees.

At least this year so far I haven't got flipped off by the ones I ran into on the trail. Give it time!
1) People that come to race and think blocking is a race strategy.

FYI- if you are blocking someone behind you, then you are probably going too slow, quit looking back and speed up or just get out of the way.... thanks.
1) People that come to race and think blocking is a race strategy.

FYI- if you are blocking someone behind you, then you are probably going too slow, quit looking back and speed up or just get out of the way.... thanks.

interesting. I always though it was a stragegy. Just about every wheeled racing organization does it.

i guess one mans pet peeve is another mans strategy.
People who whine about the content of what others post, when they just don't have to read it if they don't want to.
Blocking is one of the downsides to having spotters. I don't hate having the spotters, they are there for good reasons too, but one of the biggest problems with them is blocking. Obviously blocking happens in all forms of racing, with or without spotting but its a ot easier to make a move around someone when they don't have someone in their ear telling them your every move.
Blocking is one of the downsides to having spotters. I don't hate having the spotters, they are there for good reasons too, but one of the biggest problems with them is blocking. Obviously blocking happens in all forms of racing, with or without spotting but its a ot easier to make a move around someone when they don't have someone in their ear telling them your every move.

I agree and I see you understand what I mean....
Spotters are mandatory, its a safety element that far outweighs the inconvenience of being held up by a competitor. The faster you go the more important they become.

Here's the deal, a spotters job is to inform the driver. Who spun or wrecked, where, etc, but they also relay of an approaching vehicle(s), on what side, how fast, etc. Its the driver that processes this information, then decides how to respond and at what level. Its that response that will tell you the character of the driver and if they were racing hard, or just being a dick.

You race long enough you'll understand the difference.

And Bruce, I know exactly who you are talking about ;)

I also have a rant, that Can Am doesn't support James and Johnny more. Those are the only two Maverick's out there in Production 1000 and its important that they are there, they could use a little love!
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This is a peev in dez racing as well.

I love when we get new racers into the sport. But someone needs to tell these new racers that when, for example, they start 4th and I start 10th with 30 second intervals and I catch them and they start playing blocking games...technically I am already ahead of them by three minutes if the race were to end at that moment. So what is the point of blocking when they are technically already behind on time.

Nascrap and F1 are a whole other kettle of fish. And so is WORCS

My 2 pesos! :)
Spotters are mandatory, its a safety element that far outweighs the inconvenience of being held up by a competitor. The faster you go the more important they become.

Here's the deal, a spotters job is to inform the driver. Who spun or wrecked, where, etc, but they also relay of an approaching vehicle(s), on what side, how fast, etc. Its the driver that processes this information, then decides how to respond and at what level. Its that response that will tell you the character of the driver and if they were racing hard, or just being a dick.

You race long enough you'll understand the difference.

And Bruce, I know exactly who you are talking about ;)

I also have a rant, that Can Am doesn't support James and Johnny more. Those are the only two Maverick's out there in Production 1000 and its important that they are there, they could use a little love!

Yeah exactly, but I noticed for 2 laps, the car in front of us was blocking on purpose more than once. Changing lines right in front of us going down straight aways and out of turns, and that's even after I am telling our driver Tommy to get around without touching at all and taking slow lines around turns to make passes or create something and still getting blocked by the driver in the front position. Little do they know we are not even at %100 until the final 4 laps and trying to get to the front group and stay in the points. It's all good if that is someone's plan after battling a race with the front guys and need to block and such for holding spot, but continuously blocking is annoying and makes for a shitty race to watch for fans. By that I mean when the fast drivers/cars are held up and not able to stay with the front group that is usually pulling away a little....that doesn't make for the best race to watch. I think the best races to watch are when the fastest guys are all battling back and forth and the winner is the best driver at that time....

And for my boys James and John, I think I am just going to start a separate Rant Thread tomorrow saying some stuff that they can't really say. Me on the other can say what I want and give my opinion on this subject. Anyone else can chime in too and I hope Can Am sees this.... Sometimes the truth might hurt...

By the way thanks again Doug, Cody and the Cognito team for helping us with parts. You don't understand how much you saved us....and we appreciate that a ton! Anything you guys need or help with we would love to help out....
Spotters are surely a well used resource for the safety of those on the track. But they aren't dummy proof. I would bet there are quite a few negatives, and dangers that have been created either by spotter mistake and/or drivers not listening. You see it almost every round of LOORRS racing. With that said, its an interesting topic all in itself.

As for John and James.. I am 100% in agreement as it pertains to support. You would be hard pressed to find a harder working couple of guys in this sport who dedicate to everything they do. They are what this class and sport is all about and its a SHAME they don't have a factory deal thats on par with the other great racers in the sport.

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