What are your UTV pet-peeves?

New sxs model releases that are just another Farm Machine with same width as crop rows.....
1. The brand bashing and snubbing for sure, we all share the same interest.

2. People who see my Teryx and say... is that a RZR?

3. Same people saying, why did you buy that, why didn't you buy a RZR? lol.

And like the others have said the pointless revving, racing around parking and camping areas and Trash, of all Kinds! :rolleyes:
#1 All the Winey-Ass, Cry-Baby,s That just Cry&Wine about every-thing related to SxS

#2 Can-Not Ride in places we use to,cause of problem #1
OK, Its 3:00 AM at Glamis or Pismo and you need to drive in circles with no muffler WFO around all the people camping. :mad:
I dont have many.

1. Lack of styling options from builders. Create a trend, push the envelope. Build rad stuff people will buy it.

2. Jeeps!!!!!!!

3. Trail plugs.... Jeeps!!!!

Hahaha, Just Joking... kind of.
I hate it when you get s group of good guys to ride with and one a-hole brings a friend that just bought his new duper duper sxs that cost him 40k at the dealer. And the a-hole can't drive for shit which slows down the group and you end up splitting into two groups. One group of men and another group of 20mph pussies.

Nut up and say you are a pussy and let the big boys go for a ride. Hell my 12 year old daughter rides faster on her raptor 250.
The Lack of interest to help a paying customer, As an example I had an expensive set of shocks on my XP 900, Brand name starts with "E". Try getting help from these guys. ( Have a different shock package now ( Starts With Double E Racing) These guys know about customer service

"Build Threads" Pretty weak stuff ( trying to be nice here)

Products put on the market that are clearly not ready to be sold, Clutches flying off, shocks breaking in half, starter gears shearing off, total B/S

I love the sport, wish the racing would get bigger in our neck of the woods.
1.Trail etiquette.... No I'm not being friendly and giving you the Peace Sign. I'm trying to show you that there are followers and your about to get ran down, lol. Lost art for sure.

2. Yes on the trash thing... Have seen some of our favorite spots destroyed by trash and the trash that leaves it. Pack it in, Pack it out. Heck take a moment and grab a little extra!
1.) Sponsorship. This one really gets me and it makes it harder for other folks to obtain sponsorship. A guy goes out and chases down sponsors to help with his up and coming race program. He manages to obtain sponsors as he has a great plan and is a great talker...then he ends up racing a race or 2 and quits or doesn't even race the program he proclaimed he was going to when said sponsors agreed to give him help.

IE. Joe Talker Says he is committed to racing the WORC's, BITD, SCORE or any other series from start to finish. You agree to give him parts or supply him a healthy discount then he misses the first race shows up to the second race then jumps ship to a whole different series then what he promised.

From a consumer standpoint this drives me crazy because now he made it harder for the next guy to get help, from a manufactures stand point it makes you gun shy to help the next guy. This is a LOSE-LOSE for everyone. If you arent going to do what you say you are then maybe you its just a hobby for you and you should not ask for freebee's.

2.) ASKHOLE's This is the guy that calls and wants you're opinion as to what he should do then doesn't do it. You called and asked for advise for a reason. If you're not going to take that advise and put it to use why waste someone time in the first place?
1.) Sponsorship. This one really gets me and it makes it harder for other folks to obtain sponsorship. A guy goes out and chases down sponsors to help with his up and coming race program. He manages to obtain sponsors as he has a great plan and is a great talker...then he ends up racing a race or 2 and quits or doesn't even race the program he proclaimed he was going to when said sponsors agreed to give him help.

IE. Joe Talker Says he is committed to racing the WORC's, BITD, SCORE or any other series from start to finish. You agree to give him parts or supply him a healthy discount then he misses the first race shows up to the second race then jumps ship to a whole different series then what he promised.

From a consumer standpoint this drives me crazy because now he made it harder for the next guy to get help, from a manufactures stand point it makes you gun shy to help the next guy. This is a LOSE-LOSE for everyone. If you arent going to do what you say you are then maybe you its just a hobby for you and you should not ask for freebee's.

2.) ASKHOLE's This is the guy that calls and wants you're opinion as to what he should do then doesn't do it. You called and asked for advise for a reason. If you're not going to take that advise and put it to use why waste someone time in the first place?

Big Jim: Have the "Sponsored team" put up a deposit on the race season, then as they complete each of the agreed upon race events, they receive that portion of the deposit back until the end of the season when if they hold up the agreed upon deal, they will have received all of their deposit back.

Also on the topic of sponsorship, You companies that are supporting the sport (thank you by the way) might consider supporting other areas of the country besides Cali. I know you can only do so much, but here in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas (can't speak for other parts of the country) Its like an untapped market, your exposure would be so much better versus the already saturated market out west.
When someone is looking for helpful advice and vendors just want to sell this or that. Lucky we don't see much of that on here.

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1) Spending a ton of money on a new UTV with what appears to be dialed in suspension, was marketed as dialed in suspension and finding I need to spend a bucket load of money to dial in the suspension.

2)Camp Racers: I am 55 years old and probably have been off-roading longer than you have been alive. I've see cool. You ain't it. Slow down in camp, we don't care how loud, how "fast" how "Cool" you think you are. We think you are a moron. There are thousands of acres out there to make an ass of yourself.
Use them.

3) Loud "music" after hours. What people call "music today sometimes isn't fit for my grandkids ears. At 11PM it isn't cool, at midnite it is annoying, and at 2 am you might get a visit you won't enjoy.
If you want to play that crap, or any other music for that matter, after hours turn it down or put on your headphones. If you are going to be an ass expect me up at 0700 cranking my "music" for you to listen to.
4) People who come to the mountains, desert, etc to be idiots and not to enjoy OHV'ing. Tweakers, thieves, and general assholes.
I used to get paid to deal with you. I don't collect a check anymore. Leave me the hell alone and stay outta my sandbox. Do not Poke the Bear.
I hate it when you get s group of good guys to ride with and one a-hole brings a friend that just bought his new duper duper sxs that cost him 40k at the dealer. And the a-hole can't drive for shit which slows down the group and you end up splitting into two groups. One group of men and another group of 20mph pussies.

Nut up and say you are a pussy and let the big boys go for a ride. Hell my 12 year old daughter rides faster on her raptor 250.

I like that one a lot Mega. Lol there's a lot of that going on. Just cause you got that baddest ride doesn't mean you can hang.

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Not every sxs is a rhino! I hate trying to explain what my teryx is and the girl inevitably says "oh... It's a rhino!" Grrrr!!!!!
I go to the sand and to the desert to camp, away from my next door neighbor. YOU ARE POPPING MY BUBBLE!!!!! There's a whole desert out there, use it

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When someone requests information about your car that you are all too happy to share, and after you give up information (that they would never share about their car with you or any other stranger) they come back with a bratty sounding one liner like "you didn't answer my question" or, "That's not what I was asking". Like they have the fuking right to the hard earned data that you are just sharing with them FOR FREE!! How about being polite, and encourage me that I'm a good guy for sharing my shit. You don't need to bully me for the information. Re-phrase your question if it was not answered to your satisfaction, or don't say anything at all:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Some peoples children:D!!

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