What are your UTV pet-peeves?

When someone requests information about your car that you are all too happy to share, and after you give up information (that they would never share about their car with you or any other stranger) they come back with a bratty sounding one liner like "you didn't answer my question" or, "That's not what I was asking". Like they have the fuking right to the hard earned data that you are just sharing with them FOR FREE!! How about being polite, and encourage me that I'm a good guy for sharing my shit. You don't need to bully me for the information. Re-phrase your question if it was not answered to your satisfaction, or don't say anything at all:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Some peoples children:D!!

There Skurd!

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1) Spending a ton of money on a new UTV with what appears to be dialed in suspension, was marketed as dialed in suspension and finding I need to spend a bucket load of money to dial in the suspension.

2)Camp Racers: I am 55 years old and probably have been off-roading longer than you have been alive. I've see cool. You ain't it. Slow down in camp, we don't care how loud, how "fast" how "Cool" you think you are. We think you are a moron. There are thousands of acres out there to make an ass of yourself.
Use them.

3) Loud "music" after hours. What people call "music today sometimes isn't fit for my grandkids ears. At 11PM it isn't cool, at midnite it is annoying, and at 2 am you might get a visit you won't enjoy.
If you want to play that crap, or any other music for that matter, after hours turn it down or put on your headphones. If you are going to be an ass expect me up at 0700 cranking my "music" for you to listen to.
4) People who come to the mountains, desert, etc to be idiots and not to enjoy OHV'ing. Tweakers, thieves, and general assholes.
I used to get paid to deal with you. I don't collect a check anymore. Leave me the hell alone and stay outta my sandbox. Do not Poke the Bear.

(5)- Your "Swamp-Series" slip-on may find an obstruction in it in the morning.
(6)- If your 8-million lumens light bar shines in my camp again after 11 P.M. it will be .05 lumens when the sun comes up.
When Yamaha is putting out a new release and I'm told I won't be disappointed!

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#1 for me is trash. Nothing pisses me off more than people leaving trash behind. Especially cigarette smokers who think the world is their ashtray.

#2 is Joey's #10. I agree about the morons racing around camp but IMHO the morning ride at the dunes is the best time to go out. The wind tends to blow at night and the dunes are usually in the best shape and way less crowded than later in the day. I can party with anyone but I only get to the dunes so often and duning is my priority when I get there. No offense Joey. :)

Some of the other stuff can be annoying but the majority of utvers are not fabricators and I am guessing that even many of the racers have no idea what scrub is. Entertaining thread Joey.
I'll have to google dub step because I don't know what it is....lol

1. Got agree with the trash thing and pallets, some people just don't get it.

2. Two for me is don't get so wasted you can't even walk let alone ride. I like the odd wobbly pop to but keep it under control. 420 guys same deal.

3. If your going for a ride do your pre-ride maintenance, ie clean your filters, clean your rad, check all your fluids, belt, wheels nuts, tire pressure etc. sick of guys overheating because the rad is clogged or no fluid in it. Those I don't mind leaving on the trail, dumbasses:)
I hate people who litter. General douche-baggery that makes us all look bad is why our options of places to ride are constantly getting smaller. I also hate when people get mad at people for asking questions, there just trying to learn, calm down.

also, I call UTV's bikes, it's easier to say :D

UTV doesn't even really make sense!
I hate people who litter. General douche-baggery that makes us all look bad is why our options of places to ride are constantly getting smaller. I also hate when people get mad at people for asking questions, there just trying to learn, calm down.

also, I call UTV's bikes, it's easier to say :D

UTV doesn't even really make sense!

100% with you on that one !
When someone watches a vid and says "can't fix stupid" if someone enjoys busting there shit up who cares I enjoy watching. Doesn't mean there stupid. Lol

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We know Frankie hates people calling build threads "build threads" when they should really be called "bolt on threads", and that thread he started made me think. Lets purge the crap that annoys us in our sport.. So here are a few of mine.. this is for fun, so lets not get all butt hurt.. lol

1. I hate when fans of one brand constantly find reasons to talk crap about another one. I mean, I am guilty of it, I hate Chevy, total Ford guy here, but even I can admit they have some decent stuff going on (very little) lol So if you are a Can-Am guy or a RZR guy and you see a thread pop up that says the other brand, you probably know you don't give a crap already before you even read it. If thats the case, read it with a grain a salt and if you don't have anything decent to say then save it for another time..

2. Please bead roll the edges of your aluminum! Whether your a shop or a dude in the garage, if you have the time and skill to do your own aluminum, at least make the edges fit to the dang tubing and make it look right!

3. Builders, please don't complain that someone else "stole" your design. It happens, but others also have the same creative ideas from time to time. There are only so many ways to skin a cat and reality is if you put the effort in to your own work, then the biters will constantly have to play catch up anyway. I am SUPER guilty of this as it pertained to UTVUG in the early years. Even when guys did totally copy our stuff, sometimes word for word, or steal our content I got PISSED and went at them with a vengeance. These days I am like whatever. Copy me and I know I am dominating!

4. Quit it with the whole social media #thatsayssomethingthatwillnevertrendforthesakeofnotjusttypingyourcreativeordescriptivecommentout. Again, I am guilty of this, but I am wayy better about it because its annoying to so many people and the whole point of a "#" is to generate a trend that other people follow!

5. Racers, quit making excuses! Just because you were "leading" on time in the first 30 miles of a 1000 mile race doesn't mean you were going to win if you didn't run out of gas, then get held up by a slower vehicle who wouldn't move and your impact battery was dead and then your co-rider got sick. Or that you were killing it in your short course race and were in the top 3 then you lost steering and rolled but then when you got back on all 4s with a lap down you were charging hard and got spun out by a guy WHO WAS ON THE LEAD LAP! You weren't WINNING anything, your excuse is not to explain why you didn't win, you lost.. its racing, you win, place or lose. Its simple. So just take your licking, prop out your team and sponsors, drop a line about the day and tell us how you are coming back next time to kick ass. Save the long drawn out story of excuses and make the story about the day and the experience. (I am not talking about anyone person so before you send me a hate message note I totally just made all of this up hypothetically)

6. STOP USING DUBSTEP IN YOUR DAMN VIDEOS!!! I have had this talk with my guys and there is a right time for the right song and DUBSTEP is not the right song for anything anymore. Not going to say one of my team may not edit to one, but I have made it a strong request not too. Its played out and lame. If I see one more video with some guy screaming SAIL into my ears I may just quit and disappear forever.. lol

7. If you are going to use a photo, that you did not pay for, from a professional photographer, or from a media site like this one, in your social post, or on your race pr, or on your website, then TAG us or them!! Some people shoot photos for fun, those guys usually don't care, but companies like us and photographers are spending good money to get those shots. At least show us some love by giving credit and or a tag.

8. Do you really need every accessory on your vehicle known to man?? Please have a sense of purpose when putting a product on your car! Of course to each his own and I get that what I like you may not, but it annoys me when I see some of the crap people use to booger up their machines.

9. Wear a damn helmet already! I am not trying to be Obama over here and tell you what to do with your life, and of course I get that you are all big boys and girls and can make your own decisions. But just like when I see a dude doing 80 on the fwy on a motorcycle in AZ with no helmet on, I cringe when I see dudes hauling butt in their UTVs without one. You hitting your head and going all tard on us or worse, like dying, does affect the rest of us and our freedoms. If you are cruising, doing some light trail riding, I get it, we don't need them and I don't always wear one when just rolling around, but if you are going to put a seat belt on, why not put a brain bucket on!!???

10. You are not Robby Gordon and the area around my camp is not your race course. You might think you are just owning the rest of the riding area with your insane driving skills. That we are all sitting at the camp watching you fly by saying "wow look at the dude with the tribal tattoo in the stock RZR doing like 65mph through flat ground by us!" But we aren't! What we are really saying is, if that guy gets any closer I am going to kick his ass.. We are also saying, hey babe, make sure the kids are over here so this jack ass with the gay tattoo isn't going to run them over! Oh and if you ride a Banshee and arrive in Glamis at 2am.. STFU and save the riding for the next day. When I say next day, I don't mean 7am either moron! I mean like 10am, then you can sit there and rev and warm up and then run through 3rd gear all you want over and over within a 1/4mile area.. dumb ass..

Anyway, there is my top 10... Sorry if I hurt any feelings, not my intent, just trying to make our UTV sport a better place...

These should be inscribed on stone tablets and made the commandments of utv
Here's another ... people who buy brand new UTV (pick your manufacturer) and beat on it for a year, then expect to get their loan PAYOFF on their price because they're too stupid to pay more than their minimum monthly payment... OR how about this... they buy a brand new $20,000 UTV, spend another $10,000 on accessories, then list is for sale at $30,000 INVESTED ... really??? INVESTMENT by definition isn't UTV or SxS... it's an expensive hobby, not an investment.
Well I have a small one...when trolling the classifieds I am always amazed at people trying to get top dollar for their ride and they post pix of it dirty or in the garage with shit piled on it. Get your ass off the sofa and detail that bitch out and take some nice photos if you want top dollar or don't get upset when you get low ball offers.
Whenever I tow our Race Rzr around I get asked "HOW FAST WILL THAT THANG GO???" So many times I started to make a game of it. I used to tell them around 80mph, no one seemed too impressed, so now I might say 130 in 5th gear been too scared to try 6th or it's speed limited to 185. And you wouldn't believe how many people think the fresh air pumper is a TURBO.

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