Welcome Post- What do you want to see more of on this forum?


Super Moderator
This post is simple, the purpose of this post is to introduce myself to the forum and ask you (the fans/ users), what do you want to see more of on this forum? All feedback and opinions are greatly appreciated, thank you all in advance for any participation!
More technical info like Badassmav used to post, or the Unlimited YXZ build and like ShockTherapy posted about wheel offsets and scrub radius...i feel like that type of in depth info is what set this forum apart from the cake decorator forums, don't get me wrong they have some good info on those forums as well, you just have to know who to listen to and who is blowing hot air.

Don't need to give away the farm, but a little bit more technical insight into the builds/ race builds would be cool
Thanks for the input guys, we will do our best to get more consistent detailed posting into the forum. Help us out by encouraging avid posters to continue with quality content. Our goal is to provide an environment that is not only continually updated, but that is supported by an active community also. We want to have as much feedback and progress as possible to keep our users happy. Please, feel free to reach out and keep sharing!
More technical info like Badassmav used to post, or the Unlimited YXZ build and like ShockTherapy posted about wheel offsets and scrub radius...i feel like that type of in depth info is what set this forum apart from the cake decorator forums, don't get me wrong they have some good info on those forums as well, you just have to know who to listen to and who is blowing hot air.

Don't need to give away the farm, but a little bit more technical insight into the builds/ race builds would be cool

Nailed it! I asked Joey about a Yamaha build from the SSSS pics and I am sort of waiting patiently for the write up.
Lars is a pretty Unique name..... I only know one...Is it the same Lars Joey?

No, not the Lars you and I know. This is the new Lars hahah

Lars has been added to our team to help with content and social media and you all will get to know him! He is committed to getting our forum up and running again with more content.
Technical info and more users posting their custom stuff. I always like seeing how others build/ fabricate/ modify their rides. I also always enjoy when you showcase a shop or manufacturer within the sport. A little behind the scenes look into their company is always of interest and can influence a purchase.
Reid did lol

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Reid is the only guy that dropped his pants and showed it all.....there is so much design and development that goes into having a leg up that guys dont show and tell that kind of info.
Reid is the only guy that dropped his pants and showed it all.....there is so much design and development that goes into having a leg up that guys dont show and tell that kind of info.
Lmao!!!! I understand. It's just interesting stuff.

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No doubt I agree. It just a hard to give up secrets....i came from the drag bike hill shooter stuff way back and we wouldnt tell you shit....our answer would be IDK its all stock!
One of my favovorite lines!

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