V2R 2012 Race Updates

1. 1934 Scott Kiger mile 516
2. 1932 Matt Parks mile 492
3. 1917 Jason Murray mile 490
5. 1918 Justin Lambert mile 467
4. 1991 Bill Schueler mile 466
6. 1926 Jason Fraser mile 425
7. 1946 Kent Perkins mile 420
8. 1930 Sean Cook mile 392 stopped
9. 1935 Rocker Head mile 377
10. 1957 Richard J Ratto mile 346 stopped
11. 1936 Joseph Vinagro mile 335 stppped
12. 1943 Gabe Guerin mile 329
13. 1911 Scott Martinez mile 327
14. 1949 Dennis Jean mile 308
15. 1950 Sean Lindberg mile 279 stopped
16. 1987 Doug McCrady mile 241 stopped

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OK this looks like it after 534 miles looks like 1934 will take it. :)

1. 1934 Scott Kiger mile 534 Winner after 12 and 43 minutes
2. 1932 Matt Parks mile 515
3. 1917 Jason Murray mile 509
4. 1991 Bill Schueler mile 489
5. 1918 Justin Lambert mile 488
7. 1946 Kent Perkins mile 437
6. 1926 Jason Fraser mile 433
8. 1930 Sean Cook mile 401
9. 1935 Rocker Head mile 390
10. 1957 Richard J Ratto mile 363
11. 1936 Joseph Vinagro mile 354
12. 1943 Gabe Guerin mile 349
13. 1911 Scott Martinez mile 327
14. 1949 Dennis Jean mile 327
Just got off the phone with Mark Holtz.
Great day only a CV boot and a Muffler gave them issues. beat all the big cars in and only 1932 gave them the full court press getting within 15 seconds of them when the muffler was giving them issues on power. half the team is on a plane to the Heartland challenge right now to go win that.
Wow what a race. Hands down, funnest UTV race I have ever chased and covered. The top 5/6 cars were strait battling! Huge props to Mark / Scott / William / Robert of the Coastal / Holz team for strait putting on a clinic through second half. Awesome story from these guys but in a nut shell - they lose an exhaust, pull into pits, RJ Anderson who is chasing for Coastal drills holes to make broken exhaust work. Yokely drives first leg, Kiger the middle. Once Scott is done Mark takes over and Kiger and Yokely drive to airport to climb on private plane to fly back to Indiana where they would later race the Hearland Challenge. All in a days work right? lol they would end up not winning that race but Mark Holz would pilot the Coastal car to not only a dominating win in the UTV class but also become the first UTV to ever finish the V2R race ahead of cars/trucks in physical position. Bad ass run for the boys.

Same could be said for Matt Parks in the 1932 jagged X machine. He would suffer 3 flats, a broken belt, and a broken axle. He would also stop to make a preventative maintenance repair after hearing that teammate Brandon Schueler in the 1919 suffered an oil delivery problem. In the end they would finish second.

I will tell more about the rest of the field in our homepage feature on Monday.

Stay tuned!
Joey, any info on the guys (1936) that lead the first 150+ miles of the race? Those guys were killing it until the steering rack broke..:( Not too bad for a few guys on a VERY limited budget, and a good very limited modded motor...
I never saw then through the second half of the race. Once we start running with the top pack I need to keep pace otherwise I wouldn't beat the winners to finish. I made over 11 stops to film and take pics that was up to RM375. From there we had to b-line to the finish where I would beat Coastal by 20min.
I missed the first couple hours of the race but spent the rest of the day watching dots on a computer.Its amazing how addicting it can be.
Wow! What a race. Several lead changes, and a super close battle for 3/4 of the race. Congrats to Kiger/ Holz on the win, and Parks on running a strong race ending in second. We fell back with a minor issue and cruised to hold 3rd. Amazing how fast these times are. Almost 2 hours faster than last years...... with this year a very high finishing percentage as well. Look forward to hearing all the stories.
If anyone knows #1926 Jason Fraser someone on RDC says they have his hood.I would post a link but I am a computer moron.
I just got home from Vegas to Reno...what a great race! We had so much fun and I love racing with Best in the Desert. Jason Spiess typically is my co-dog, but he stepped up and drove the second half of the race. He did a great job and brought 'er home...thanks J! Woot...woot!

Jason went to the awards to represent 1932 JX, for our second place finish. The team knew that I have been gone since August 9th on International business travel, so I needed to get home, but I still feel bad missing the awards banquet. Keeping peace at home is important in desert racing...right? :)

Thanks to Landon for riding with me, and you did a great job. Sorry I made you puke 3x. Sorry to Mike Carr who got the stomach flu the night before the race. Yuck! Mike was supposed to co-dog with Jason for the second half of the race.

Special thanks to the entire Jagged X team for all of the support before, during, and after the race. Very cool guys and always fun to hang with. The car worked awesome and is getting faster every race. Thanks Justin and Brandon for building an awesome RZR XP-4! Speaking of Brandon, he had some chitty, bad luck with a stupid aftermarket part, that's only job was to show oil temperature. But he will definately will come back at BWDC for some azz whoop and/or bumper lov'n. Look out UTV vatos!

Special thanks to Chad Riccio, who was our 'life line' in 1932 Chase 1. We also had Jeff Mower, Father-in-law Bill and Kenny Bartee and Pops keeping 1932 moving forward during the day.

Congrats to winning Polaris Team from Coastal. Mark, Scott and William did work, but I think we kept them honest all day. They finished before all of the Trophy Trucks. That is a first for a UTV at V2R, and will likely shut up some people who call us 'golf cart's' or still think we race 'rhinos.'

Also congrats to Jagged X Big Bill Schueler for doing the Iron Man thang in a stock RZR XP-4, and getting 4th overall. He and his co-dog 'Mighty Mouse' Craig Scanlon were beasts by working their way up to the front. And he could still go to Johnny Rockets for burgers at 1 am in the morning. Stud horse!

Also congrats to the Murry's for their 3rd place finish. Super cool guys, class acts, and always fun to race with.

Even though my candy, beach loving azz was a tad toasty during tech and contingency, it was awesome to hang with all of the UTV racers and chasers. Super cool bunch.

And finally thanks to our UTVUG Godfather, Joey D. He was there from 'o'dark-thirty' till the end. Alway making us laugh and represent us UTV amigos.

So here is my 'woulda, coulda, shoulda...2 flats, stopped to plug the oil sending unit that took Brandon out, blown belt, two puking co-dogs, and a broken CV. But OMG it was fun! :D
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Congrats to all the UTV racers. It was an awesome race to watch via the gps trackers so I can only imagine what it was like to be live and in the dust!

A big congrats to my buddies at Jagged X for a 2 and 4 place finish. That is very cool. Brandon I know you will be back next time with a vengeance.
It was big fun to watch on IRC. Bummed I wasn't there in person, but IRC worked pretty damn well this race from my computer. Really would have been interesting to have 1919 in the mix as well. Props to all that finished!
What a great weekend we had! Thank you Matt for posting up with the condensed race report. The full version would be a long read for sure.

My hat is off to our entire race team of friends,family and fans who support our program at every race. There is no way we could do it without you all.

Our field of three race cars comanded the support of 22 team members and 7 support trucks which acrued over 11,000 total miles. What an impressive effort! Everyone worked their tails off to bring our two finishers to the podium,
And the huge effort to try and get Brandon back in the game.

I will prepare a more formal PR ASAP.

Again thanks you to all and congratulations to everyone who finished.
I want to start off by saying that was a long 2 day's me and my crew really didn't sleep tell saturday night. We drove all the way back to peoria az to be home by 7:30 pm saturday.I think the dodge never shut off for 3 days.
we were staged 5th off the line we had 2 street bike guys and 1 xp and 1 can am to get in front of to get clean air. By pit 1 we were in the front leading the pack. joe was on the radio saying everything felt good. By pit 2 we had the lead still and everything still felt good. then pit 3 came and we weren't planning to stop but joe came on the radio and said he had a tire down. So we decided to put gas in any ways. by the time i finished the tire jerome still was putting gas in and we sent him. we still had 5min lead. after the car left started to check other tire there was a huge hole in the rim like one of the bolts did it. So on pit 4 we had them stop i checked the bolts and they were tight so good to go. still in the lead by 6min now. we started to feel good until the driver got on the radio and said they were lost. they had followed some dirt bike dust onto wrong road plus our gps decided to not work. never by gps without external antenna. thats the second time its done it to us. at pit 5 we were 4th about 15min behind leader. So on to pit six we moved into 3rd and were gaining ground. at pit 7 that is when everything came falling down. they hit something to hard it lunched car onto 2 wheels. so they radio in car has noise in front end still holding good pace. they come in another broken wheel and broken rack. so its time to weld rack back together we do and get car back together. they switch positions and they are off. well thats when the crew has a problem cant get the 6ft draw in on the tool box. we beat and bang ratchet strap jump on it hit with a hammer 45min later we get it in. i think every crew there applauded us. so we missed the car at pit 8 and 9 but they were motoring along when about 20 miles out motor shuts down. we have them check fuel sounds like vapor lock. they get it going about every 2 miles it would do it again.then the last 10 miles it comes alive to get to us at pit 10. so i take all the filters apart clean them all out. nothing i can find wrong then my dad tells me rack broke again. then jerome find plastic line kinked found problem. cut out bad section and send to weld area. we weld rack again and tighten all bolts again. now joe wants me in car to make sure everythong is ok. so we are off we are moving along but everytime we get into silt bed water temp get up to 225 and no power. but we back down and keep moving. pit 11 we come in and they send us back out so we keep motoring along. at pit 12 we were puting joe back in at driver and mike back to co drive. but now 2 flats so we change 1 and fix a flat the other and beat the rim in to hold air. they motor off to pit 13 the one we cant make, so we wait at pit 14 for them. they come in finally car down on power but still moving so we gas and go and we will see them at finish line. they get past pit 15 and then the gremlins come out the rack broke 2 bolts but weld held. I got to say thanks to a course work berry for helping them get it back together. they take back off and berry yells at them the rear ro broke. so they beat bar back into submission but lost spacers so had to ride on 10mm bolt in a 1/2 heim. a little klunky. but they got it to the finish line about 2:30 am long day. i have to say mike is a trooper he never got out of the car what a man.
Special thanks to jerome, joe, mike, and my dad george. The 5 of us did 533 miles in the desert and finished it.
thanks to our newest sponsor mark Queen of queen racing motor ran good until it got hot and pinched fuel line. Bigger radiator and different fuel rail for sure. thanks again mark we will get a win for you.
thanks to XMF for the a-arms they didn't brake but i am pretty sure we bent one. thanks jimmy we will get that win.
thanks to tim kelley @ gogo rhino for the tires if it wasn't for all the broken rims we would of only had 1 flat tire. i need some more rims,thanks tim again.we will get them.
thanks jerome @ ACS with out you this would of never happened. we will get that win if thats the last thing i do.
special thanks to my dad without you i would probably have a melt down you know when cool me down and get the job done when i lose it.
thank you to my wife and mom and everyone elses family for putting up with us will we play in the desert.
Glendale steel,acs companies, the stripping shop, jr vinagro company thank you all
Congrats on all of you who raced this race!! I watched from my 'puter and tracked when I could!! I bounced back and forth between here and RDC to keep up! Thanks to Joey for the updates all throughout, and the terrific write up afterwards!!

It's great to see the UTVs getting faster and better every year!! One of these days I will make a desert race in the SR1, but until then, I do enjoy watching all of you guys kick some a$$!! :)

Congrats again to everyone!!

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