I just got home from Vegas to Reno...what a great race! We had so much fun and I love racing with Best in the Desert. Jason Spiess typically is my co-dog, but he stepped up and drove the second half of the race. He did a great job and brought 'er home...thanks J! Woot...woot!
Jason went to the awards to represent 1932 JX, for our second place finish. The team knew that I have been gone since August 9th on International business travel, so I needed to get home, but I still feel bad missing the awards banquet. Keeping peace at home is important in desert racing...right?
Thanks to Landon for riding with me, and you did a great job. Sorry I made you puke 3x. Sorry to Mike Carr who got the stomach flu the night before the race. Yuck! Mike was supposed to co-dog with Jason for the second half of the race.
Special thanks to the entire Jagged X team for all of the support before, during, and after the race. Very cool guys and always fun to hang with. The car worked awesome and is getting faster every race. Thanks Justin and Brandon for building an awesome RZR XP-4! Speaking of Brandon, he had some chitty, bad luck with a stupid aftermarket part, that's only job was to show oil temperature. But he will definately will come back at BWDC for some azz whoop and/or bumper lov'n. Look out UTV vatos!
Special thanks to Chad Riccio, who was our 'life line' in 1932 Chase 1. We also had Jeff Mower, Father-in-law Bill and Kenny Bartee and Pops keeping 1932 moving forward during the day.
Congrats to winning Polaris Team from Coastal. Mark, Scott and William did work, but I think we kept them honest all day. They finished before all of the Trophy Trucks. That is a first for a UTV at V2R, and will likely shut up some people who call us 'golf cart's' or still think we race 'rhinos.'
Also congrats to Jagged X Big Bill Schueler for doing the Iron Man thang in a stock RZR XP-4, and getting 4th overall. He and his co-dog 'Mighty Mouse' Craig Scanlon were beasts by working their way up to the front. And he could still go to Johnny Rockets for burgers at 1 am in the morning. Stud horse!
Also congrats to the Murry's for their 3rd place finish. Super cool guys, class acts, and always fun to race with.
Even though my candy, beach loving azz was a tad toasty during tech and contingency, it was awesome to hang with all of the UTV racers and chasers. Super cool bunch.
And finally thanks to our UTVUG Godfather, Joey D. He was there from 'o'dark-thirty' till the end. Alway making us laugh and represent us UTV amigos.
So here is my 'woulda, coulda, shoulda...2 flats, stopped to plug the oil sending unit that took Brandon out, blown belt, two puking co-dogs, and a broken CV. But OMG it was fun!