I sure had a blast out there,
qualified #6 and led for a little until Bobby smoked by me, then Rj, then later Code. I got a little tangled with Austin on turn one, (sorry I hit the breaks) and then was holding 5th at the half time caution, went low into turn one, just on the gas and got broadsided harder then I could ever have imagined, all the way into my ribs. ( dang I'm sore) I never gave up and finished the race. I do not even know where? lol
The Ol girl banana, is tore up pretty bad. a few have pics, I am sure you will see. My little Benchmark 686 duner motor held it's own out there ( way better than my driving
lol) even with the stock clutch on it.
Good to meet a few new faces out there, and thanks for all the support.
On a second Note, Team HRT's new Prokarts took #1 D. Mason Jr. #2 Brandon Arthur, and our old Kart with Conner Hart took 3rd. way to go.
IF you were not There to See Brandon Completely Clear the Table top ( the only one) you missed a great show!!!!!!
Congrats to Bobby, RJ, Austin and Code.
Good to see Cory W and Doug R. again.
Again What a Blast, I cannot believe how good this car handles and takes everything anyone could throw at it..
"Jolly Roger" LMAO