Sr1 Class To Demo At Stadium Kart World Championship


DIRTY iPhone Photog / Lucas Oil - UTVUnderground A

Milestone Ranch, Riverside Ca January 31st

Chandler, AZ (12/15/09) Weller Racing’s highly anticipated SR1 class, consisting of modified Yamaha R1 powered race Rhinos, will debut their first demo race of the season during the Stadium Kart World Championship race to be held at Milestone MX Park, located in Riverside, CA on Sunday, January 31st, 2010.

This event will mark the first race for this brand new class of 160-180hp, two-wheel drive, chain driven Rhinos, and will showcase the potential of these new machines to hundreds of spectators. While built to run on longer tracks, the SR1s can also handle smaller, tighter tracks with ease, and not only sound cool, but will be fun to watch as well.

In partnership with the Stadium Kart World Championship race, the field of SR1s will take over the track during intermission on Sunday, for a no-holds barred race to the finish. With practice being run on Saturday as well as Sunday, the unmistakable sound of the SR1’s four-cylinder street bike engine will no doubt draw people trackside to see what the fuss is all about.

Stay tuned for updates as this event draws near! For more information about the Stadium Kart World Championship, visit Stadium Kart World Championship.

About Weller Racing, LLC:
Weller Racing has been at the forefront of development, testing and building some of the fastest performance motors in the UTV industry since 2006. Based out of Chandler, AZ, Weller Racing provides custom UTV and ATV products for a world wide client base, and is an established name in the world of short course off-road racing. Duners, recreational riders and racers alike have counted on Weller Racing to provide them with countless hours of fun, and repeated trips to the podium. For more information, visit their website at, or call 480-507-4771.

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Milestone Ranch, Riverside Ca January 31st

Chandler, AZ (12/15/09) Weller Racing’s highly anticipated SR1 class, consisting of modified Yamaha R1 powered race Rhinos, will debut their first demo race of the season during the Stadium Kart World Championship race to be held at Milestone MX Park, located in Riverside, CA on Sunday, January 31st, 2010.

This event will mark the first race for this brand new class of 160-180hp, two-wheel drive, chain driven Rhinos, and will showcase the potential of these new machines to hundreds of spectators. While built to run on longer tracks, the SR1s can also handle smaller, tighter tracks with ease, and not only sound cool, but will be fun to watch as well.

In partnership with the Stadium Kart World Championship race, the field of SR1s will take over the track during intermission on Sunday, for a no-holds barred race to the finish. With practice being run on Saturday as well as Sunday, the unmistakable sound of the SR1’s four-cylinder street bike engine will no doubt draw people trackside to see what the fuss is all about.

Stay tuned for updates as this event draws near! For more information about the Stadium Kart World Championship, visit Stadium Kart World Championship.

About Weller Racing, LLC:
Weller Racing has been at the forefront of development, testing and building some of the fastest performance motors in the UTV industry since 2006. Based out of Chandler, AZ, Weller Racing provides custom UTV and ATV products for a world wide client base, and is an established name in the world of short course off-road racing. Duners, recreational riders and racers alike have counted on Weller Racing to provide them with countless hours of fun, and repeated trips to the podium. For more information, visit their website at, or call 480-507-4771.

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hop wellers done with my r1 sooon
It's going to be the kick off race for 2010... More news will be dropping soon.

I wonder if the underground is down for another BBq/Pitparty? wink wink
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Stadium Style Jumps.. Table tops , Rythem Sections .. 40' lanes , bleachers, Lights to test at night. Hopefully the track will be done in Mid January!!!!

Milestone ranch will be one of the best test facilities around.. and 2 RC tracks
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It's going to be the kick off race for 2010... More news will be dropping soon.

I wonder if the underground is down for another BBq/Pitparty? wink wink

You know were down Ken!!! I will hit you back tommorow!!
You know were down Ken!!! I will hit you back tommorow!!

<!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> <!-- google_ad_section_start -->I'll be looking out for a call. Thanks Man!!
With all of the Weller R1 Rhinos being built & the quality of the drivers. This will be the sidexside event of the decade. Milestone Park on the 30th & 31st of January 2010 will be the place to be. It may be a demo race but these drivers will be knocking the dust off after a few months of not racing. Corry Weller, Code Rahders, Gary Thompson & Mike Valentine are some of the drivers that should be debuting their Weller R1 Rhinos. Corry says there should be @ least 8 cars ready for this demo. The Underground should be well represented in the race & with all of the spectators wearing their underground gear. See you all @ Milestone Park @ the end of January.
Wow - where did December go??? This race is coming up soon!! Woot! :)
I'm sure you will have your car well before that race..... :)

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