SLash Trophy Truck

I considered one of those.....but I wanted the ground clearnce of the truck....If they made a truck that size .....That would be the shit
those are the same platform as the buggy right? WTF do they charge $400 more for the truck over the buggy. you can pick up the buggy for 8bones.
hahahaha check out what that guy is walking around in!! dont pin me for a racist on this one, i know thats what they wear... but its almost like he is walking through glamis with a robe!

the truck is virtually the same chassis plus a bigger bumper with skid and fake lights... added roof support over the spark plug and minus the wing.. you can buy most of the aftermarket parts they make for the buggy and put them on the truck
those are the same platform as the buggy right? WTF do they charge $400 more for the truck over the buggy. you can pick up the buggy for 8bones.

It is almost the same chassis, but has shorter arms, different shocks and or course, wheels, tires and body are different... I guess they want the additional $400 because they can :confused:

There's a guy that runs a 5T down at Fiesta Island, it's cool, but the higher center of gravity makes for more rollovers. I personally think the 5b is a better platform.
No, Magnum has like a million vehicles in their shop right much to pull in and out so we postponed.....I will keep you posted!! Get well.....
Hopefully I will have a few of the UTV's out the door by then. I'm shooting for a Monday night rally if anyone is down!
check this out a little vid of me trying to control my brush less lipo slash sound sucks it was a little windy [ame=]YouTube - brushless & lipo in my slash[/ame]
sweet, do u ever jump it?? haha.mines still busted. will be rollin tomarrow though. wanna race??
yeah stock 12Turn with 4500 RocketPack 7cell battery's.......plenty fast enough for me....battery lasts about 30-45minutes depending on the driving.........The Brushless and Lipo setups look like the bomb if your running paddles and driving in the dunes!!!
it is stupid fast. just got mine fixed tonight. broke the yoke on the driveline. dont really need paddels in the sand. but it would hook up sick if i did. it will wheelie over in the sand with no paddels. THE SHIZ

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