Ok guys- These are the first vids I have ever made and still learning how to do it. So bare with me if they arnt the best.
These are some clips from my camera and qwkrhinos camera that we bought from BYC Motorsports.
My computer isnt the greatest so I was limited on the editing.
SO let me know what you guys think.
Also the first vid is where the sand car and I hit. Its hard to see but im the first car in the pack leading-you can see how I saw the black flag and hit the brakes but it happend so fast. I think you can even hear that he said he never saw me. Just glad we all were ok.
Second vid is just a little duning.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2POo5ClGW5U]YouTube - the crash[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYk4DlGpP8I]YouTube - Glamis-Prez Day 2010[/ame]

These are some clips from my camera and qwkrhinos camera that we bought from BYC Motorsports.
My computer isnt the greatest so I was limited on the editing.
SO let me know what you guys think.
Also the first vid is where the sand car and I hit. Its hard to see but im the first car in the pack leading-you can see how I saw the black flag and hit the brakes but it happend so fast. I think you can even hear that he said he never saw me. Just glad we all were ok.
Second vid is just a little duning.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2POo5ClGW5U]YouTube - the crash[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYk4DlGpP8I]YouTube - Glamis-Prez Day 2010[/ame]