I snuck up on him for this one at the Sand Sport Show this year!!! LOL CHEESEBURGERS! I wanted to kill him and Lasher one night! LOL

i was at the hospital a few hours after scott got in the other night the first thing he said to me is i ziged when i should have zaged haha what a guy gett better buddy
Spoke with Scott this morning, says he feels like he got hit by a bus. He is in good spirits though. Andrew is still pretty drugged up, but doing ok. Should be out of ICU today sometime. Scott said he would post up as soon as he found his phone.
Thanks guys for keeping us posted Court and Austin. We are thinking of all the Mears family this morning...Merry Christmas guys!!!
thank you for every one who has been posting and donating. you guys really are an amazing and awesome group of people! thats what makes this industry what it is!
thank you Nick! You really stepped up here and thats huge. Shows what your really about and that goes a long way!

I got a chance to speak with Scott's wife Kiwee this morning. She is in good spirits and just happy that Scott and Andrew are alive and going to be able to recover and live a normal life again.

Andrew (Scotts 15 yr old son) had to have surgery to repair both wrists and 2 fractured arms. He is trying to get the pain managed, as you can imagine he is having a hard time getting the pain undercontrol.

Scott was scheduled for a 2pm surgery to re construct his knee. He has completely shredded his right knee...torn ACL,PCL, MCL is pretty bad, they will be possibly putting in cadaver ligaments to repair some of the really bad ones. As is the case with all reconstructive surgeries the recovery and rehab will be the longest and hardest part. Scott will be limited in his activities for a while which will be hard. On top of all that Scott also has a fractured Clavical on his left side so he is really banged up!

Kiwee and Scott are really grateful for everything everyone has offered to do to help them get through this terrible situation. It was bad enough they wrecked and got so badly hurt, it was even harder that it happend on a family vacation during Christmas.

Medical expenses are not a huge concern but is definitley something they will have to deal with and could use help with. Based upon numbers from when my daughter had to get life flighted after a car accident they will have about $60K in bills just for that being they had 2 seperate flights. Factor in emergency room, surgeries, and everything else involved with a week long hospital stay for 2 and you are looking at well over $100K in bills. Grant it Insurance should cover them quite a bit but they will be left with a good chunk so all the the $$$ we can raise in the Mears Family Fund will be HUGE!!!

For all those who have already donated THANK YOU! For those who have not yet please do not feel obligated but know that it will be huge if you do and will go a long way. We can all relate here and at any moment we could find ourselves in the same situation.

Thanks Everyone!! Lets help The Mears Family get back up and rolling again!!!
Please continue to keep us posted, Joey! And we are hoping the surgeries go the best they can, as well as rehab.....!!
It always sucks to hear when stuff like this happens to such a good guy/family. Scott, hang in there buddy. I know you'll be back at it in no time.

Thanks for the updates Joey, the az crew, and everyone else, its good to hear some possitive things
awesome news Court! Thanks!!

Guys, I know Doug, Myself, and Mike Lasher have mentioned buying dinner for the Mears this week. Is anyone in on this action? It would be huge to help Kiwee out with some meals for the family!
awesome news Court! Thanks!!

Guys, I know Doug, Myself, and Mike Lasher have mentioned buying dinner for the Mears this week. Is anyone in on this action? It would be huge to help Kiwee out with some meals for the family!

what are you talking Joey ?
Each one of planned to buy a dinner for the Mears family. Doug mentioned a website that you can schedule dinners from local resturaunts...I will look into it tonight....But I am thinking in the $40.00 range for each of us? Nothing huge, but enough to fill the family up with some good eats and Kiwee doesnt have to cook....
Just got off the phone with Scott........he is in good spirits and wants to thank everyone for the outpouring of support. He has certainly been taken back with all the love that has been shown towards him and his family. He feels very grateful and blessed but is also in a lot of pain.

He mentioned how Court (AZCourt) missed his own family on christmas eve so that he and Price could go and recover all their stuff from Gordons and drive it back home. When he told Court they needed to pay him Court responses with an F-NO! LOL Your the man Court!!! People should be thankful to have guys like you and Price in their corner!

I wont go too far into details but Scott is lucky he did not bleed out as his knee was bassicly being held together by the artery and few loose peices of flesh....He is lucky his blown up knee wasnt worse...The story of the accident, the 3 hour wait for the heli rescue is just heart wrenching yet amazing.

It was awesome talking to him, he looks forward to getting online and thanking each and everyone one of you that have come out and shown support. He truly is thankful.

Like I told him, he is well deserving of this response. He is and has been such a great person and friend and he really deserves nothing less.

Now lets keep the fund raising going cause next up on their plate is the bills!

Mears Family Fund
Glad he is doing good considering the sit. that he is facin and has faced ! prayers still go out for him and his son and the Mears family.

As for Court i can say that he is one cool/caring person and is willing to help anyway he can and this just shows it. My hat is off to you Court that is a true friend right there only if there were more peeps like you around !!!!!
Andrew is doing really good, Scott is laid up and in a ton of pain....he is going to be laid up for months and although they are not asking for anything the hospital bills are INSANE! Please guys, if you havent yet throw in a few bucks for the cause!

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