Party in the pits

The Party was so awesome! Thanks to all of you who came out and paricipated! Big thank you to all the sponsors who helped us put this on! Junior and Blue Quisquis, special thanks for helping cook and my partner Rusty for also helping out big time! Mike Lasher, your a stud! It was so much fun hanging with everyone!! Also a big thank you is in order for the DIrt alliance! Without them we couldnt have dine this!!!!
wait wait wait a minute were are the pics of you drunk monkeys family wagon drank a few for me couldnt make it fellas please
I dont know if we got any pics of the party???? LOL we were all jammin out, drinkin, eatin, talkin, laughin, just having a great time! Hopefully someone got a few!
I had you covered at the party king.... I think I prob had one or two for you ! Lol Also had a couple more on Sat at the races and if you don't show up this Sat I will drink some more for you. You have to make it out one of these times man. Hurry up and get your house that way you can come play or just drink hahaha
i hope real soon bro dam these pads i go looking at are f@#% up cause of graffiti tagging all in side sometimes even the pools are trashed i wanna go pound with you guys bad .........sorry im missed out.....
You tryin to move into the hood or what ? There will be more opps to get your pound on don't trip without you there just leaves more beer for us !! Haha
Thanks alot Joey , The party was happening and the food and booze were exceptional ,the racing was awsome too. Keep up the good work. WallyWorld
No problem Wally! It was our pleasure to put this event together! It was awesome hanging with you this weekend!
The gorillas suck a$$, I have them right now and they are the prob. I was talking to a guy Fri and he said that he can get me some #00m axles for my gorilla CVs so thats the way im going to go. :D Hit me up Troy I need a axle

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