Official UTVUnderground 2012 WORCS RD2 Primm Pictures & Results !!UPDATED!!

Thanks UTVUNDERGROUND for giving us a place to whine and not get anything productive done in our work places today!!!

Exactly why I say off forums these days... Everyone is a cry baby! I support Joey and UTVUG it's the best UTV site out there!

IMO...As for the motor rule should go like this. $500 just to protest, period! However when the motor gets tore down and if in fact it is a legal then person protesting should be resposivble for the cost of rebuild that motor... If illegal then the person protesting could receive half there money back and the other half goes to Worcs and penalties will be given. Just a thought.

Finally I want to thank the Vanbeekum family for one hell of a week of racing, traveling, hanging out with friends, partying, and some what of a vacation! KOH was tough one but we pull out a win with the 664 MONSTER ENERGY MUZZYS KAWASAKI machine!!!
I dont think people are being cry babies on here, if no voices are heard then we cant expect changes to be made.

Obviously if a driver ended up top of the list, they most likely wont voice a problem or gripe. Further down the list there will be more gripes, a lot i feel are valid. I think it gives WORCS ideas of the concerns people have, and if they are valid then i am sure WORCS will try and fix.

My main concerns are the following:
-better tracking (GPS), more officials, checkpoints, or the like
-course marking needs some improvement. The signs should be a little bigger, also the placement is not good in corners. Turn markers are a lot of times placed in the corner so if someone blows the corner they also take out the marker and then the marker is missing al together.
-excessive rubbing/bumping/slamming. There was room to pass on this track in a lot of spots. I witnessed one car under the rear bumper of the car in front of them trying to roll them over, they then both got tangled up and i passed both. Then pretty soon one of them was trying to roll me over in the corners. Half of the corners were 1 line corners. If you cant pass the car in front of you in the straights, you shouldnt be able to try and roll them in a corner by coming in hot and using their bumper as your brakes.

This isnt a rant, it is my observation of what i feel needs improvement, and maybe WORCS already knows about it, but if i dont make a recommendation, then i cant expect an effort to make a change.
I dont think people are being cry babies on here, if no voices are heard then we cant expect changes to be made.

Obviously if a driver ended up top of the list, they most likely wont voice a problem or gripe. Further down the list there will be more gripes, a lot i feel are valid. I think it gives WORCS ideas of the concerns people have, and if they are valid then i am sure WORCS will try and fix.

My main concerns are the following:
-better tracking (GPS), more officials, checkpoints, or the like
-course marking needs some improvement. The signs should be a little bigger, also the placement is not good in corners. Turn markers are a lot of times placed in the corner so if someone blows the corner they also take out the marker and then the marker is missing al together.
-excessive rubbing/bumping/slamming. There was room to pass on this track in a lot of spots. I witnessed one car under the rear bumper of the car in front of them trying to roll them over, they then both got tangled up and i passed both. Then pretty soon one of them was trying to roll me over in the corners. Half of the corners were 1 line corners. If you cant pass the car in front of you in the straights, you shouldnt be able to try and roll them in a corner by coming in hot and using their bumper as your brakes.

This isnt a rant, it is my observation of what i feel needs improvement, and maybe WORCS already knows about it, but if i dont make a recommendation, then i cant expect an effort to make a change.

I dont think people are being cry babies on here, if no voices are heard then we cant expect changes to be made.

Obviously if a driver ended up top of the list, they most likely wont voice a problem or gripe. Further down the list there will be more gripes, a lot i feel are valid. I think it gives WORCS ideas of the concerns people have, and if they are valid then i am sure WORCS will try and fix.

My main concerns are the following:
-better tracking (GPS), more officials, checkpoints, or the like
-course marking needs some improvement. The signs should be a little bigger, also the placement is not good in corners. Turn markers are a lot of times placed in the corner so if someone blows the corner they also take out the marker and then the marker is missing al together.
-excessive rubbing/bumping/slamming. There was room to pass on this track in a lot of spots. I witnessed one car under the rear bumper of the car in front of them trying to roll them over, they then both got tangled up and i passed both. Then pretty soon one of them was trying to roll me over in the corners. Half of the corners were 1 line corners. If you cant pass the car in front of you in the straights, you shouldnt be able to try and roll them in a corner by coming in hot and using their bumper as your brakes.

This isnt a rant, it is my observation of what i feel needs improvement, and maybe WORCS already knows about it, but if i dont make a recommendation, then i cant expect an effort to make a change.

There were only two places I could pass at Havasu the year I raced it - the 100 yards or so by the lake, and you need to be ready to pass right when you get there - and there is a whooped out wash that you can squeeze past someone in if you hurry. Everyone will have to have their patience in full swing at Havasu. There are plenty of tight, high walled, deep sandy turns and lots and lots of whoops! It's a fun track, for sure.....and I'm glad they are splitting the classes, but even with the class split, it's going to be kinda crazy! I'll have to see if I'm busy that weekend....maybe I will at least come take pics with my fancy camera! :D

we can always use another photog... hint hint hint.... lol
Justin I'm meaning in general not just this Worcs problem. Also I say it in a joking matter to it, cracks me up what some people have to say.

I've been working on and racing UTVs since 2006, been through the ups downs. Our team got DQed at rd1 yet we sucked it up and pressed on...I see that there is problems and agree that something needs the be done. 40 class 1's is enough to have its own race. The time in staging takes way too long. There needs to be no more half ass drivers meetings. Less people in the hot pits only crew members. Those are a few things I can think of.

As for timing system, I think they just need a better back up. An irc is way too much for this type of racing. Gps would be cool though just in case.

The bumpin and rubbin I can speak much for it. I know it happens, it's also something that some be addressed at the drivers meeting.

Your right this is a places to let gripe about this problem. It does no good unless Worcs officials see it. The best way it's what you and the rest of the cognito clan had going at Parker 250 this year. There is a problem with racing UTVs at best in the desert and you guys were talking to all drivers and trying to get it solved. That's the right way to do it and not on a forum. I hope someone is still staying on top of that!
Joey is right about everyone having an opinion and the forum being a place to express it. If it wasn't for the discussion between the consumers, manufactures, racers and race promoters, things would never change in the industry. So I want to start by saying thank you, to everyone. My motives on here are not one of complaining, but rather promoting and growing our sport, no matter what the outcome of the race.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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First of all, it doesn't matter what these issues are, but that we find a solution. As far as tear downs, Trevor Smith did nothing wrong. There was a rule set in place to stop cheating. The rule is that you can protest a motor for $200. If you win the protest you get your money back and the other guy gets disqualified. If you lose the protest the guy gets to keep your money. He didn't protest just to tear a car apart, he protested with a legitimate concern and was trying to keep racing fair for everyone. If nobody every protest, then anybody could cheat. The only real issue here seems to be the cost of a tear down and WORCS heard the concern as soon as the protest took place. It was only moments after, when I had already heard the rule was changing to $500. Looks like WORCS has this issue covered to me! As for the post where someone mentioned piston and rings... you can check bore and stroke without having to replace a whole top end. You can do it for as cheap as a gasket set. For the post about Kayla Smith bashing people... I have had the pleasure of getting to know her at the track and she is not one to intentionally take people out. Try looking at it from her point of view. No one wants to get beat by a girl! Some people will even go as far as taking her out, just in order to not get beat by her. She has been racing a long time and knows the difference between taking someone out and when "rubbing is racing". Her dad Trevor Smith, builds some of the best and safest race cars out there. He has built her a car that will protect her not only when someone does try to take her out but when she has to force the issue to pass those boys who don't want to get beat. If you're complaining about car counts, rough tracks, rubbing and safety. I suggest you go see Trevor Smith at 747Ink, because he knows how to build a car for what the conditions of off-road racing really are. I also want to give a shout out to the Magnum team for tuning a great running car and keeping it legal. Hopefully everyone involved can put their differences, stirred up by competition, behind them and we can continue to enjoy WORCS racing as always. <o:p></o:p>
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When it comes to the dust and trophy truck size whoops, that's just part of racing. Both of my driver said the track was wider and easier to pass on then last year. When I first started racing WORCS in 2005, Lake Havasu didn't get groomed between Saturday and Sunday, but now it does. So WORCS is listening. I can't say whether or not they will do anything for Primm next year but I can guarantee you one thing... it will be better, because it always is!<o:p></o:p>
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I too sponsor race cars in WORCS and seeing 66 cars on the line was great news for business!!! Yes, there was some scoring issues this time, but WORCS is still the best run series out there. "You can build a hundred good bridges and buildings, one falls down and now you're a terrorist." That's a saying which I hope brings light to what negative comments can do. Sometimes even when comments mean to be constructive and not necessarily negative, they still are. The talk about helping is doing much more for our sport. I we should step up and all be doing our own scoring. WORCS does a great job with scoring, but at the end of the day it is your own responsibility to make sure you were scored correctly.<o:p></o:p>
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Thank you all again. I'll see you at Havasu! <o:p></o:p>
Justin I'm meaning in general not just this Worcs problem. Also I say it in a joking matter to it, cracks me up what some people have to say.

I've been working on and racing UTVs since 2006, been through the ups downs. Our team got DQed at rd1 yet we sucked it up and pressed on...I see that there is problems and agree that something needs the be done. 40 class 1's is enough to have its own race. The time in staging takes way too long. There needs to be no more half ass drivers meetings. Less people in the hot pits only crew members. Those are a few things I can think of.

As for timing system, I think they just need a better back up. An irc is way too much for this type of racing. Gps would be cool though just in case.

The bumpin and rubbin I can speak much for it. I know it happens, it's also something that some be addressed at the drivers meeting.

Your right this is a places to let gripe about this problem. It does no good unless Worcs officials see it. The best way it's what you and the rest of the cognito clan had going at Parker 250 this year. There is a problem with racing UTVs at best in the desert and you guys were talking to all drivers and trying to get it solved. That's the right way to do it and not on a forum. I hope someone is still staying on top of that!

the irc tracker i am speaking of (I think it was IRC) is not the same one the BITD uses. This one is the size of a cigarette pack or smaller and you can put it in your glove box or pocket. At Cal city the entry was $100 including the tracker. The IRC tracker used in BITD is different i think because of the satelite phone and communication.
I guess I don't understand how you are allowed to enter the pits backwards and re-enter the course in the incorrect direction and not be penalized and get the same amount of points as others when the rulebook clearly states that vehicles may only travel in the direction of the course. This is a race series and many of us are looking for a series win, but if I am incorrect someone please fill me in...

Alba Racing

lookin at the rules they should have been DQ


A. Race vehicle traveling on the racecourse in the reverse direction of the race, at any time: Disqualification.
the irc tracker i am speaking of (I think it was IRC) is not the same one the BITD uses. This one is the size of a cigarette pack or smaller and you can put it in your glove box or pocket. At Cal city the entry was $100 including the tracker. The IRC tracker used in BITD is different i think because of the satelite phone and communication.

Thats not bad. Thats totally fair .
Damn, this is the first I have seen our UTVUnderground Polaris RZR 570 Demo Unit since it has been transformed into the Polaris / Cognito / UTVUnderground Production 700 race UTV! Looks pretty bad ass with the new Long Travel kit Cognito did!

Boy Seaver was right!! I need to get my car fixed. Some crazy racing is going on and I'm itching for some action... Maybe Havasu is in my future.
Damn, this is the first I have seen our UTVUnderground Polaris RZR 570 Demo Unit since it has been transformed into the Polaris / Cognito / UTVUnderground Production 700 race UTV! Looks pretty bad ass with the new Long Travel kit Cognito did!


I cant say enough about Justin, Jim, and everyone at Cognito Motorsports, they really busted ass getting the 570 to the track these guys are first class. This little car is fun & pretty fast for such a small engine, unfortunatley we didnt get much of a chance to see how it would do this past weekend with a hole in the radiator.

We'll get that fixed, relocate it, tweak a couple of other small things, and head to Havasu!

Damn, this is the first I have seen our UTVUnderground Polaris RZR 570 Demo Unit since it has been transformed into the Polaris / Cognito / UTVUnderground Production 700 race UTV! Looks pretty bad ass with the new Long Travel kit Cognito did!

That's a beautiful picture
Suggestions for Havazoo, its going to be a zoo

1. Get the tool to CC the motors through the spark-plug. Its easy, pump the motor and measure the cc's. No tear down required. Leave cost at $200.

2. Real Drivers meeting before the parade lap for both classes. Discuss passing, bumping and how do deal with lap traffic.

3. Have large front number plates that designate what row people start in. Seems to me most people have rear mirrors and see us coming. No need for bumping and rubbing with someone of a different row. If multiple classes out at the same time have colored front number plates. This should help keep different classes from knocking Nerf bars or block passing

4. Try to make a few more passing locations. Really liked the split parts of the track were people had to pick right or left line . (PRIMM)
side note( any one know who was driving the blue teryx 4 seater I would really like to see his footage from lap 2 or 3 the rear go pro.)

5. Maybe since there is going to be two races of UTV. We can get the 850 and 700 guys to help out trackside for 1000 class and visa versa. There's going to be carnage it needs to get cleaned up quick. Then we won't have to worry about cutters if there's 40 of us out watching each other.

See everyone in Havasu
Results from the 850 Production class have been pulled back for review and corrections. I spoke with Sean and he states they hope to have final results posted by Thursday for the 850 Production class. Times and final positions were pretty far off from actuals and he apologizes for the mix up. They are working hard to correct the issues.
Suggestions for Havazoo, its going to be a zoo

1. Get the tool to CC the motors through the spark-plug. Its easy, pump the motor and measure the cc's. No tear down required. Leave cost at $200.

2. Real Drivers meeting before the parade lap for both classes. Discuss passing, bumping and how do deal with lap traffic.

3. Have large front number plates that designate what row people start in. Seems to me most people have rear mirrors and see us coming. No need for bumping and rubbing with someone of a different row. If multiple classes out at the same time have colored front number plates. This should help keep different classes from knocking Nerf bars or block passing

4. Try to make a few more passing locations. Really liked the split parts of the track were people had to pick right or left line . (PRIMM)
side note( any one know who was driving the blue teryx 4 seater I would really like to see his footage from lap 2 or 3 the rear go pro.)

5. Maybe since there is going to be two races of UTV. We can get the 850 and 700 guys to help out trackside for 1000 class and visa versa. There's going to be carnage it needs to get cleaned up quick. Then we won't have to worry about cutters if there's 40 of us out watching each other.

See everyone in Havasu

I like that.

I will be helping out on the track after my race. Fair thing to do i would say, and if i see people broke on a turn i will actually help them out and tug em out. There was machines literally parked in turns or right after a turn, very dangerous, because they had no assistance out.

Ill have the truck and trailer ready for you guys too if you need help out
Results from the 850 Production class have been pulled back for review and corrections. I spoke with Sean and he states they hope to have final results posted by Thursday for the 850 Production class. Times and final positions were pretty far off from actuals and he apologizes for the mix up. They are working hard to correct the issues.


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