Official 2014 Vegas To Reno Update Thread

We were stopped at pit 5 for 3hrs before getting back on the track, by that time the TT's were coming in. I got passed by atleast 15 TT's from 192-370mi. It was insane the closing speed they have on us, check you mirror, nothing there. Look up again they're on your bumper. Most gave me a few secs to get out of their way. One truck Nerfed the shit out of us with no warning horn nota. One sec were running 45mph through a wash then instantly accelerated 20mph easy, it was violent and painful. I can't remember which truck but my gopro was on so I can go back and look.
It was insane the closing speed they have on us, check you mirror, nothing there. Look up again they're on your bumper. Most gave me a few secs to get out of their way. One truck Nerfed the shit out of us with no warning horn nota. One sec were running 45mph through a wash then instantly accelerated 20mph easy, it was violent and painful. I can't remember which truck but my gopro was on so I can go back and look.

For anyone who hasn't raced with TTs, this is NOT an exaggeration.....literally ALL clear behind dust trail second, and the next second your rear view mirror is full of Trophy Truck. Even the most vigilant co-driver will get caught by surprise because you just can't account for their closing speeds. I hope they figure out a safer way for all of you def needs to happen!!
Oh and the pass alert system does not work. It's a great idea but never once notified us of a closing truck.
Oh and the pass alert system does not work. It's a great idea but never once notified us of a closing truck.

This year's nor last year's system worked

And yet we the racers continue to pay for these trackers & alert systems. I know of a few teams who were tired of the data logger not working, that they demanded their money back after the races that the system did not work. Some how all of the sudden they got the system working. It seemed like there was always some excuse as to why it did not work.
I was the driver of dan fishers car #1910 we got caught just befor pit 12 by voss and pulled off cause we knew he was coming... The second truck to catch us was herbsy at around mile 385 pulled off the course cause his heli came up on us so we knew he was coming.., at this point we knew we were going to have trucks and cars coming up on us... We were not passed again until about mile marker 415 just befor pit 13 on the silt power line road... My co driver was keeping an eye on the rear view mirror but due to the amount of dust we were kicking up we noticed dale dondale on our ass... He was on our ass for no more then max 3 seconds when he hit his horn and I began to move off the two track trying to avoid the rocks scattered along the edge befor I could get half way off the course ( this is all in a matter of maybe 4-5 seconds at 65mph ) he pushed us from behind ( a trophy truck touching a UTV does not have to hit u all they have to do is touch u and push the throttle) it pushes or back end around and we flipped 3-4 times luckily not injuring us to bad and were able to limp the broken car to pit 13 about 2 miles up the road... I confirmed with everyone at pit 13 that dale dondel was the 3rd truck through the pit... When we confronted dale at the GSR he stated he didn't do it but he also stated he didn't go through pit 13 in 3rf which I confirmed with iRC... He then later admitted later to a buddy talking to him that he will get behind UTV and push them out of the way..., per the rule books no contact is supposed to be made with any blue light vehicle in racing... I know that it is excepted but a 7000lb vehicle "pushing " a 1800lb vehicle will cause damage and injury.... I love racing and always have but this is the first time I truely thought that this is stupid and completely unsafe when another driver doesn't care for the well being of another driver or have enough respect or patience to let them get out of the way... A UTV cannot just pull off the road at 65mph without finding a place to safely do so... Not can I hot my brakes to slow down cause I have a truck on my ass... If this race doesn't tell we need change not only in starting positions but drivers actions I don't know what does... Someone is going to get killed... While we were broken at pit 13 a 18 year old kid came in throwing up and with obvious medial issues and a ass end of his quad destroyed from a trophy truck hitting him from behind... I get racing and I get competing for a spot and time but not at the risk of someone's life and that is what it is coming to...
That is some serious bs. That guy deserves an ass kicking. Glad you guy were ok.

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Man I'm glad you guys are ok. I wouldn't of had the restraint you had if I would have been on the receiving end of that one.
Its just plain wrong on so many levels. We all try to do the right thing and get over but the overtaking race car is responsible for making a safe pass! This above the rules attitude needs to be taken care of!
The way I see it All of the 1900 class needs to not sign up for the next BITD Race and I think they will do something about it cause they need your Money.
Luckily this is only an issue twice a year. SS300 and V2R. There will be no more races this year where this can happen.
That is some serious bs. That guy deserves an ass kicking. Glad you guy were ok.

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I guess I could never race.... cuz I'd either been kicking his ass or getting my ass kicked while swinging... but there would be a fight.

Thank goodness Kevin you guys are ok !!!!

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