Official 2014 Vegas To Reno Update Thread

Just pulled in, so some quick facts, cause I'm beat and need to sleep:
It was The #19TT of Herbst that plowed into the rear of the Monster Mav. at RM 443. It tore the left rear shock reservoir off of the shock, spewing shock oil all over the hot ehxaust mufflers, causing a flash fire. Seeing this, the co-driver of the Herbst truck immediately jumped out of their vehicle, and extinguished the flames. The moment they knew there were no serious injuries (Marc will visit the doctor Monday. He got a pretty good wallup in the helmet from it slamming against the cage when the truck impacted the Mav., and his back is pretty sore as well). I'm sure Marc will post tomorrow on his Fbook page
so I will not elaborate on what I am not sure of here.

The Herbst helicopter did land right after the incident, as they were following the truck when the accident happened. They too left immediately after confirming there were no serious injuries. The accident caused heavy damage to the car from the rear bulkhead back. The damage was too severe to continue, and it ended our podium effort, and I am confident we would have been 3rd, based on the time we were making up after the belt, flat, and vaporlock issues. After a hundred miles or so, we worked our way up to second place, which we held until the belt let go at around RM 212 where we were passed by 5 vehicles before getting back on course. I'm glad that the Cognito guys finally got to dice with us for a while. I'll write up my race report tomorrow in the Chronicles)

Again guys, we had over 45 minutes of down time, and were still postured to podium the race. Because there was not enough significant rough areas for us to wipe and shine in, we had nothing for the X or Coastal cars. That's for sure.

I will finish by saying that Fernando Flores, our capable co driver who I like to call "The Hairy Mexican", gave Marc a frantic warning when he saw the #19 TT coming in hard in his side view mirror. Fern said he could clearly see the Herbst truck in the mirror, therefore, they could clearly see us. (This is not the last you will hear about the Monster sponsored trophy truck ignorantly, and violently taking out the Monster sponsored UTV. I promise you, there will be more to follow on this matter, because it is NOT just a racing incident. It was just one of two violent impacts between a TT and a utv, that will hopefully be the final straw. C'mon Casey. Dig a bit into your common sense vault and take those stupid flashing lights off off the back of our cars, and start us with the other 4 wheel vehicles.) Marc immediately pulled over hard right, well off of the course, which I will share pics of the scene tomorrow. At which point the charging and impatient jerk-ass Herbst, without letting off of the gas, veered the same direction. He launched off of a rise on the silt hill they were climbing, and landed right on top of the drivers side rear portion of our race car, propelling them and our race car forward an additional 30 feet or so where they came to rest atop the Monster Mav., having to put it in reverse and back back off of our car.

Casey's BITD workers manning the #14 pit/checkpoint area did not put a priority status on this incident. After I made them aware of what happened (they heard the news from me, as I immediately ran over to them after Marc radioed in to me what had happened), it took over an hour for a BITD represented vehicle to depart to leave to go to the scene, but not until stopping at another incident first. I fought with them 3 times trying to convince them the urgency of the incident. It was getting dark, and Marc was sounding weaker with each communication we shared. He had a potential head and back injuries, and was quickly becoming less coherent. After what seemed to be an eternity, I took off in one of our pre runner Mavericks to go help them myself. Shortly after I left, I got word that help finally arrived. Nearly 4 hours after the accident. You will hear me bitcjh about this shortly.
Its racing, I would like to hear the Herbst's story, of all the top tier truck teams, Tim and Troy would be two of the one's who would not intentionally run a lighter class car off the road. Aggressive drivers no doubt but experenced and savy racers. Closing speeds and terrain have factors too, but UTV's should not be in front of unlimited vehicles too.
Its racing, I would like to hear the Herbst's story, of all the top tier truck teams, Tim and Troy would be two of the one's who would not intentionally run a lighter class car off the road. Aggressive drivers no doubt but experenced and savy racers. Closing speeds and terrain have factors too, but UTV's should not be in front of unlimited vehicles too.
After the incidents between faster and slower class vehicles that this race produced, one would think the promoter would wisen up, and see the liabilities that he is allowing to manifest his organization. If it is all about a permit, and the time that the cars are allowed to compete on the course that causes this dangerous overlap in classes, then why not use some of the 200 or 300 k received in entry fees to buy another day? A day that protects everyone involved. The decisions made by the promoter are bordering on negligible in my opinion. Someone will eventually die if it continues, then the loss to everyone would be insurmountable.

We too, would like to hear the other side of the story. I can say this: It will not include anything along the lines of us not moving out of the way, that is for sure. If it did, it would be a fabrication, and I don't think the Herbst family is that type of organization. To say this incident is just "racing" is ignorant. You were not there, and do not know what happened.
It is an emotional time for our team, and I apologize for referring to the Herbst effort as being "jerk-assed". A lot of the blame can be laid upon the promoter, but instead of pointing fingers, wouldn't it serve us all best if we just were not put in such a dangerous situation next time, or anytime in the future for that matter? It is well documented in these forums that the starting order format is not a desirable one, so it would serve the promoter well to listen up and take heed, even if it means less profit for what I'm sure is his livelihood.
Reid, I am not making light of your situation, get some rest, take a deep breath and come back to it tommorow. If needed I susgest you take a drive to guy who lives near you who drives for the Herbst's and has a little desert time too, maybe talk it out, Your both Monster Teams.
Racer safety is what I know and do, its almost a full time job for me so I dont make light of it, that being said, protecting racers on a 500 mile point to point course is all about triage and gambling on where incidents are gonna happen.
I was not there, and I also know racing makes for many variables that cannot be factored, and thats where I say, its racing.

After the incidents between faster and slower class vehicles that this race produced, one would think the promoter would wisen up, and see the liabilities that he is allowing to manifest his organization. If it is all about a permit, and the time that the cars are allowed to compete on the course that causes this dangerous overlap in classes, then why not use some of the 200 or 300 k received in entry fees to buy another day? A day that protects everyone involved. The decisions made by the promoter are bordering on negligible in my opinion. Someone will eventually die if it continues, then the loss to everyone would be insurmountable.

We too, would like to hear the other side of the story. I can say this: It will not include anything along the lines of us not moving out of the way, that is for sure. If it did, it would be a fabrication, and I don't think the Herbst family is that type of organization. To say this incident is just "racing" is ignorant. You were not there, and do not know what happened.
It is an emotional time for our team, and I apologize for referring to the Herbst effort as being "jerk-assed". A lot of the blame can be laid upon the promoter, but instead of pointing fingers, wouldn't it serve us all best if we just were not put in such a dangerous situation next time, or anytime in the future for that matter? It is well documented in these forums that the starting order format is not a desirable one, so it would serve the promoter well to listen up and take heed, even if it means less profit for what I'm sure is his livelihood.
Not to diminish the seriousness of the starting order issue but the race itself was one hell of a good race. Right from the start Fraser, Schueler and Ferrell were setting a blistering pace and the pack just behind them was like the whos who of UTV desert racing. The lead changes and close racing looked epic and just when it looked like a team was getting away it would tighten back up with other teams making their way forward. Everyone seemed to have issues to deal with but the racing was hot and heavy. With first decided by 55 seconds in 534 miles and the 1942 car in 3rd until less than 1 mile from the finish where they broke this was a very exciting race. I can't wait to read the race reports.

Reid, I am not making light of your situation, get some rest, take a deep breath and come back to it tommorow. If needed I susgest you take a drive to guy who lives near you who drives for the Herbst's and has a little desert time too, maybe talk it out, Your both Monster Teams.
Racer safety is what I know and do, its almost a full time job for me so I dont make light of it, that being said, protecting racers on a 500 mile point to point course is all about triage and gambling on where incidents are gonna happen.
I was not there, and I also know racing makes for many variables that cannot be factored, and thats where I say, its racing.
That is good advice. After unloading and washing the race and chase vehicles, I will take a couple of days off to rest before starting the long journey of repairing and preparing our car for the next event. I always speak my mind, and it's best not to let my mind speak right now. Do know that what I share here is always direct and as accurate as I know it to be. I would never intentionally slander anyone here. Call names maybe, but not maliciously say something I know to be false.
Good move, I hope to see you racing at the SCORE race, I will be there doing the safety for it and always like seeing your car charging.

I think the feedback to BITD will be overwhelming in the next few days.
Not to diminish the seriousness of the starting order issue but the race itself was one hell of a good race. Right from the start Fraser, Schueler and Ferrell were setting a blistering pace and the pack just behind them was like the whos who of UTV desert racing. The lead changes and close racing looked epic and just when it looked like a team was getting away it would tighten back up with other teams making their way forward. Everyone seemed to have issues to deal with but the racing was hot and heavy. With first decided by 55 seconds in 534 miles and the 1942 car in 3rd until less than 1 mile from the finish where they broke this was a very exciting race. I can't wait to read the race reports.

It was a great race. A couple of the teams finally got to race wheel to wheel with us, and we matured a lot in the clutching of our car. We performed as I expected we would, and Marc and our co-driver seem to be o.k. , so not including the RM 443 incident and the months ahead, I'd say it was a success. Thanks for offering your help to us Tim, we really appreciate it!
Voss had a huge lead at Pit 12. 10:30 or so. Herbst was running hard trying to catch up. I hope this all shakes out for the good. The closing speed of a trophy truck is crazy fast in this race. I would really love to see UTVs move back with the 4 wheel vehicles. Start them behind the Jeeps. I could use some extra sleep in the morning.


I'm so country... I'm my own damn cousin.
If there is a silver lining in Marc's incident with the Herbst, is I have been told in the past when the Herbst have been in a issue like this, they have stepped up and offer to help the other team with repairs or the finances to get their car repaired.

Years ago racing a Score loop race (Henderson 250) in a 5/1600 I got plowed by a TT. All I got from that team was a "Shit happens". The positive from it was Score (Sal) split the classes at the next loop race which was the Primm 300. I was fortunate to have guys like Mike Julson from Jimco, TSCO and a few others call Sal regarding my accident and because of those voices Score spit the classes with the slower classes running early in the morning & the fast guys racing in the afternoon.

Lets hope with enough voices Casey will see the light and possible lighter pocket book and do what many have been preaching for awhile now.
I was co-driving the 1910 car when we were pushed off the course and rolled 3 or 4 times. I know that it was the #7 truck of Dale Dondel. I have no respect for him or his co-driver for lying to our face. After i confronted Dale at the hotel. I was told that there were front and rear facing cameras on his truck. Until i see proof from those cameras that it was not him, I will say that it was him. If Dale is to much of a coward to own up to it then he is not a real man, and nothing but a bitch in my book. All the IRC tracking, and eyewitness accounts point to him. Let me see the video proof Dale. I have sent an E-mail to BITD recounting the incident, and asking them for change. Dale Dondel could have killed my brother and I by that idiotic move.
If there is a silver lining in Marc's incident with the Herbst, is I have been told in the past when the Herbst have been in a issue like this, they have stepped up and offer to help the other team with repairs or the finances to get their car repaired.

Years ago racing a Score loop race (Henderson 250) in a 5/1600 I got plowed by a TT. All I got from that team was a "Shit happens". The positive from it was Score (Sal) split the classes at the next loop race which was the Primm 300. I was fortunate to have guys like Mike Julson from Jimco, TSCO and a few others call Sal regarding my accident and because of those voices Score spit the classes with the slower classes running early in the morning & the fast guys racing in the afternoon.

Lets hope with enough voices Casey will see the light and possible lighter pocket book and do what many have been preaching for awhile now.

Yeah the one thing in Life for sure is when Money is involved Shit gets solved. Problem I see is nobody will Boycott and it will get blown off like usual. If all of the 1900 Guys stick together and not show up for the next BITD race no matter what the race is just nobody go and pay entry fees they will respond. Otherwise you all have better luck Pissing up a Rope.
Ok now that I have had a few days to calm down.... I look back and still do still believe it was dondel but if it wasn't then that is fine... I think the whole thing is that it doesn't matter who it was and I'm am sure that whoever it was didn't intentionally try to harm us or cause damage to the vehicle... I think the who fact is the safety issue with being in front of these heavier faster classes and the attitude of honk once wait 1 second then hit... The mentality of some racers is the problem and that won't ever change... But the one thing that could change is our starting position or starting gap times.... I will be honest I was furious and wanted someone's ass for what happened that was literally out of my control apart from pulling to the side of the road for a few hours till the some 60 unlimited class cars went by... The whole point of me sharing the story well at first was cause I was pissed the fuck off... I have my first child on the way and that was jeopardized by someone who couldn't give me 3 more seconds to finish moving to the side... But now the main reason is to help shine light on why we need change not for pride or media but for 100% safety... If someone dies everyone needs to realize that it could easily shut an organization down... I know offroad racing is dangerous and that is the inherent nature of it but it should be in your control how safe u choose to race your race not someone else...
Man... looks more like "survival" than "racing".. you couldn't get me out there on dirt bike or atv for nothing. Insane

Thats my video and I was definitely in survival mode. Once you are caught by the TT's you have to change your mindset from racing to just making it to the finish. At that years baja 500 we broke an engine case and spent a long time repairing it at Borrego before resuming. I knew I would be going out on the high speed mike's sky ranch loop with the mid pack TT's catching me so I was in survival mode. The year we won the sportsmen class at the 500 we were not caught by any trucks, same for the every V2R ad SS300 races we have finished. You only get caught if you have mechanical problems.

Regarding the BITD issue, in my experience Casey will listen to any and everyone and make changes. He has personally returned every call I have ever made to the BITD offices. He doesn't read message forums or emails (they do print out emails for him to read if they are important)

I hope the UTV's are moved back to the caged vehicles where they belong, it will be much safer. Sure the course and silt will be rougher but at least the UTV's have 4wd.
First little bit of action early on. I hard wired the gopro and with a 64gb card set to 720p we were able to record the whole race. I'll end up doing a real edit not with my phone.
I talked with Mark Holz after the race, they had 5 flats ran out of spare tires and got some plugged at the BFG pit, broke one belt and still somehow pulled off the win.
First little bit of action early on. I hard wired the gopro and with a 64gb card set to 720p we were able to record the whole race. I'll end up doing a real edit not with my phone.

Dayum.... maybe I'm getting too old or got the LOW T syndrome I see advertised on the commercials... but you guys got some serious balls to race in that dust, I can't see a F-ing thing.

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