Official 2014 Vegas To Reno Update Thread

I was told Jesse Jones hit Burnett.. Are you saying Herbst hit him? Herbst helo was in the area and stopped but I do not think that Herbst was involved in the collision. I was told by Multipe TT drivers that I am friends with that it was Jesse.

Did not hear about Dondel / Fisher incident.. details?

This is all BULL SHIT and is a long time coming for TTs and UTVs to start colliding. This is a major reason that all UTV racers at BITD should be DEMANDING to Casey to start UTVs where they belong, with the other 4 wheel vehicles just like Baja.

Its not fair for UTVs to have to be fearful of the biggest, fastest machines in the race running them down and it certainly isn't fair to the top TT teams that they have to navigate through a ton of small UTVs that kick up dust like trucks. This was bound to happen.

Probably deserves its own thread for discussion...
Rick Johnson

<a class="uiLinkSubtle" href=""><abbr title="Friday, August 15, 2014 at 5:57pm" data-utime="1408150666" class="timestamp livetimestamp">22 minutes ago</abbr>

Just got word MARC and FERN are both awake and out of the car. They are both hurt, dont think any bones are broken. To early to tell. TT19 was who hit them. Reid will bring you the details later

I'm just quoting this previous post.
I'm just quoting this previous post.

Gotcha.. missed that. I was told by others it was Jones.. I was also at first told way worse news.. which I refuse to post without the facts. When I posted of the incident I made sure people understood it was UNCONFIRMED.. Either way it sucks bad. Just glad they are alive.
I was told Jesse Jones hit Burnett.. Are you saying Herbst hit him? Herbst helo was in the area and stopped but I do not think that Herbst was involved in the collision. I was told by Multipe TT drivers that I am friends with that it was Jesse.

Did not hear about Dondel / Fisher incident.. details?

This is all BULL SHIT and is a long time coming for TTs and UTVs to start colliding. This is a major reason that all UTV racers at BITD should be DEMANDING to Casey to start UTVs where they belong, with the other 4 wheel vehicles just like Baja.

Its not fair for UTVs to have to be fearful of the biggest, fastest machines in the race running them down and it certainly isn't fair to the top TT teams that they have to navigate through a ton of small UTVs that kick up dust like trucks. This was bound to happen.

Probably deserves its own thread for discussion...

Absolutely Joey,

My buddy and I are discussing running BITD next year. Getting our asses run over by a truck that's twice as fast and 3 times heavier is definitely a deciding factor.
My buddy Trent getting passed at the 2011 Baja 500 on his quad, never saw/felt/knew he was there, but scared the crap outta him!!! Its not fun being run down by a 7000lb 900HP vehicle.

From the pictures of Marc's 1905 Mav he had a camera facing backwards. Hopefully is was on & working. You will get a nice piece of footage to shove in Casey's face!

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