Official: 2014 Mint 400 race thread

after a 30 min talk with casey a stake with our name on it ment the trash was ours and we were not even pitted there it just turns out someone saved a spot for us that we didn't asked to be save how you like that we are a team that picks up other trash I told casey that is a huge slap in the face of our team and our children that go on trash patrol before we leave anywhere desert,glamis,the lake huge insult
7 of the 15 "Not Cleaning Pit Area" are UTV's

Not good!!! :mad:

To be honnest I'm kinda call'n horseshit. There was a whole different race after the UTV' could have been anyone.

Now.....for the speeding incidents...I'm not call'n no one out....but 1 of the offenders clearly was hauling ass thru the pits at the henderson race last year...the only reason I know this is i watched the car in front of "said" driver get caught from one end of that pit to another. The team caught was running the speed limit thru the pit.
I firmly believe jagged x went out and place these trash bags and all the trash in these pit locations. They are the ONLY team that drinks beer during the race cause I saw it with my own eyes. I believe this was a well thought out plan to take the top two steps of the podium before the race even started.
I firmly believe jagged x went out and place these trash bags and all the trash in these pit locations. They are the ONLY team that drinks beer during the race cause I saw it with my own eyes. I believe this was a well thought out plan to take the top two steps of the podium before the race even started.

Proof enough for me...... They're guilty!!! LOL:D
Just because it looks like like trash, and had a JaggedX sticker on it. Does not make it Jagged trash!!!!!

That is Cognito's chase truck and it belongs to them.

I think I found a bunch of these laying around in the pits. Why didn't this team get penalized ????
On behalf of myself and the whole LSR team, we simply wouldnt litter, we didnt litter, and our penalties are the result of other people moving into our pits after we left. We're all pretty bummed about the penalties, but more so embarrassed about the bad press. :o
On behalf of myself and the whole LSR team, we simply wouldnt litter, we didnt litter, and our penalties are the result of other people moving into our pits after we left. We're all pretty bummed about the penalties, but more so embarrassed about the bad press. :o

Sure seems pretty arbitrary they dock minutes like that under these circumstances. Specially when you hear from several of those penalized that it's BS. I know you've been a great representative for the sport and believe you when you say you don't and wouldn't litter. Unfortunate at best...
I firmly believe jagged x went out and place these trash bags and all the trash in these pit locations. They are the ONLY team that drinks beer during the race cause I saw it with my own eyes. I believe this was a well thought out plan to take the top two steps of the podium before the race even started.
Now's not the time to be a dousche bag. We did not pit in the space where the alleged team markers were left, nor did we leave any trash in the pits that we DID occupy.. We set up our trailer at the pit spaces marked, "Can-am" (#250-255). They (Can-am) reserved 5 spaces for their entrants, and I believe all but Cory pitted there. Our trailer was parked there 2 days in advance. X guys now 1-2, and somehow, Sappy is the lucky Can-am that was not penalized. Cmon, really? Were not running for points, but with nearly 40 in our class, it will cost us serious payback money, not to speak of a reputation of disrespectiong the land that we race on. Casey is walking thin on these penalties.
Hey Reid..... I think at heart your probably a good guy. You defiantly have a way with words and aren't afraid to voice your opinion. My advice to you is to try not to be judgmental and think about your posts before you start typing. :) I respect your fabrication skills and wished I would of had the opportunity to check out your guys Maverick at the Mint. There's nothing wrong with being proud of your fab skills but it's all about the presentation on this forum.....My advice is to keep your posts to 30 words or less and add lots of smiles :):):D:D:eek::eek:!!! Just some friendly advice! :D...... On another note were you pitting out at pit B?? We came in looking for some tires and ended up waiting there 45min before they showed up. I talked to a guy that had a Murray Can Am sweat shirt on but it looked like you guys had tires and parts for your car??
No. We only pitted at the Can-am trailer in spaces 250-255. Someone left signs for alot of the Can-am teams in another stall without consent, and Casey is holding the teams named on those signs responsible. You're right about my postings. I shouldn't post in the passion of the moment, and I shouldn't post anything negative about anyone, true or not. Because I am an open book, and speak accordingly, I often offend those who may be a bit more guarded. I think I'm going to spend my time on the car instead of a forum from now on. It will please more people than it will disappoiont. Any members who would still like information, or design parameters on the work I have done and exposed here, can email me personally, and I will reply with what pics or Information I might have. Thanks to my handful of supporters.
Now's not the time to be a dousche bag. We did not pit in the space where the alleged team markers were left, nor did we leave any trash in the pits that we DID occupy.. We set up our trailer at the pit spaces marked, "Can-am" (#250-255). They (Can-am) reserved 5 spaces for their entrants, and I believe all but Cory pitted there. Our trailer was parked there 2 days in advance. X guys now 1-2, and somehow, Sappy is the lucky Can-am that was not penalized. Cmon, really? Were not running for points, but with nearly 40 in our class, it will cost us serious payback money, not to speak of a reputation of disrespectiong the land that we race on. Casey is walking thin on these penalties.

Youre on the jagged x team now?
Youre on the jagged x team now?
Don't insult my intelligence, dude. You're mocking me. Look, you and I had our spats in the past. Now's not the time to start another. I'm going to leave your sandbox to you and your friends. I came in way too strong, and I realize that now. Laugh, or discredit our efforts. It matters none. We are going to be very hard to top in SCORE this year. I'm sure of it. I'll allow our car to do the talking. It wont talk smack, unlike you and myself. If I'm not mistaken, you're with Cognito, yes? Jim and Justin are cool guys, and are one of the few teams who have respected and befriended me, even through my boasting. So, follow suit, and let us put an end to childish behavior.
I was pitting on Freemont at RM Glitter Gultch. It was full of trash when I pulled in. We staked out our spot but were forced to leave once.......... Forgot what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.


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