Official: 2014 Mint 400 race thread

I will speak on behalf of dave lytle and victor herrera drivers of the 1963 pro 850 kawasaki teryx. When victor came into the pits after completing the first loop for a driver change,he had mentioned he missed a stop . Once he realized he past it, he safley turned around and went back through were the course worker nonchalantly waved him through. If she had been manning her post correctly, victor and (others) may not have missed it initially.
Dave and Victor were adamant about resolving ,he blew right through it and got in contact with Casey.
Casey contacted the course worker and she explained ,yes he turned around and came back though which, she failed to explain the first time they spoke.
Its obvious there was a lack of communication between them.
The stop check penalty was almost as week as the trash penalties, my partner Victor did lap one and has more experience then 90% of the racers out there, Class 1, class 10, 2/16, 5/16, 7, 12 multiple championships and multiple Baja 500 / 1000 wins..

Hes no rookie and is a solid driver and person, he crepped up to one of the stops and never saw anyone, so he thought it was a little further up, at very slow speed he past the check point and his co-driver saw the flagger off to the side not flagging, and told him he thought they had passed it.

Knowing you dont back up on a race track even a few feet, he took the time too slowly go forward around all the pit vehicles then back to the stop where he was finally acknowledged by the flag person..

We spoke to Casey about this and he had to recontact the pit chief, or ? Who then told Casey Yea, he did barely miss it and then came back all the way around and re-stoped.

When Casey asked the pit chief why they didnt give him all the details, the first time, they said they were too busy? They need to cut that volunteers pay!

We worked hard on this new Teryx, and are still working some bugs out of it, we had no 4wd the whole race which really slowed the car down and then my first ever racing flat at the biggining of the long uphill wash made it tough. We passed a lot of cars and led phyically almost the entire race, even though we were the LAST car off the line!

Additionally some of our friends were at that same pit and they said contless race vehicle in race two didnt stop and one even ran over the stop sign and almost hit a worker, no penalty for them?
Funny I was just saying how there isn't any drama going on here anymore, well, I got my drama! Happy everything worked out. We will see you at the SS300!
I know we are all consumed with the bulk of the penalties which were the trash penalties but one of these penalties affected the winner of the 850 class.

David Lyttle won in the Kawasaki Teryx, but then received a penalty for missing a stop / check. That gave the win to Scott Martinez in the John Deere. Now Casey reverses the penalties and that included this stop check... I felt/feel bad for both guys. Happy for David for sure, bummed for Scott.

To address what Matt said. I agree. What makes this class special is the camaraderie that is shared amongst all the racers. The class shares laughs before the race, then during the race everyone tries to kick each others butts respectfully, then after everyone celebrates. In many ways this class stands together against the rest of off-road racing. I carry a chip on my shoulder for this class and I know all of you also do. We want to earn the respect and I feel like we have made amazing strides in doing so. The Baja 1000 was impressive for all to see and The Mint really let people know there are a lot of us. Lets keep the ball rolling and keep blowing this thing UP!!! The Mint was so much fun, it was crazy seeing all these UTVs line up and race. It makes me want to get out there and kick your butts!! hahah

I agree Joey. There are a lot of good times spent with fellow racers and the camaraderie between the guys is great. Many racers even band together when the times are tough on course. Just as we heard that Brian Bush got some tire help from others. We got some MAJOR help from a couple guys that were out of the race. These guys stayed out on course to help change our tranny out in the field. The team that came from down south helped us with a visual on our car in the pits. We also got all our tools and and was preparred to help them change a rear axle on the fly. There are a bunch of great guys out here. These are a only of i bet a dozen incidences that happened at the MINT. Respecting each other and working together. Myself I was pretty baffled to hear there were so many cars on the pad is why the 1900 class didnt get staged correctly. Thats a bummer for all the 1900 cars as knowing where you are going to start a race plays a huge roll in strategy.
plus if you have a clean up crew that you pay, casey has a fall guy. ex dont pay bill tell BLM inspects area.any problem they run out there to make it me they want there money. Imagine parker main pit area really cleaned.
The problem I see with this is. The people that have the mentality to leave trash in the first place. Will use the fact that they are getting "charged" to completely trash the pits.

Pictures and proof to protect ourselves. Sad it has to come to that.
The problem I see with this is. The people that have the mentality to leave trash in the first place. Will use the fact that they are getting "charged" to completely trash the pits.

Pictures and proof to protect ourselves. Sad it has to come to that.

i agree but just like when you rent house you destroy it you pay or insurance. same thing instead of what ever price you come up with you raise price. ex 5000 for every race now 10000 because crews were slobes. just like your shop iam sure you have a clean up guy but if he see your guys just throwing there trash on ground he will let you know. same thing if i see racer or crew member throwing trash trust me i think everyone will say something and take pics and let casey know.police our selfs but have a back up plan just like you have a clean up guy at your shop.
I dont understand why everyone is so surprised that the Utv's catch flack in BITD. Its a gigantic ego contest. So the guys who spend more money and have the faster cars are going to flaunt around like they are the greatest thing to ever happen to BITD. Now because we don't have the backing that the bigger teams do it forces the UTVs to work with each other in times of need and has made everyone into a community. Race organizations also aren't going to like vehicles when their sponsors don't support the race organization. Our sponsors are UTV sponsors not "off-road" industry sponsors. Polaris yes…. but they alone are a league of their own. We as a community need to make sure our sponsors support racing and the race organizations themselves. UTVs are money in the bank for casey so at the end of the day if he sees money that will support his organization he will do what it takes to accommodate the UTV's any way necessary.
I thought nerfing wasn't allowed. ;)

Its not by a Sportsman to a small bluelight car ... who's just prerunning for the Next race... doubt Cory would complain about it...but its plain outright dangerous- eventually somebody is going to get seriously hurt. You can see that big 600-800 hp car just tossed Cory up into the car... and had plenty of room to pass to the right. Its like a Killler whale playing with a seal before a meal. That Pic should be sent to Casey... and displayed at the next drivers meeting...and the driver made a example of.
I tried to post this picture on RDC for Steve Sourapas to see but RDC would not let the picture post? Its funny since he was bent that a Jeep Speed Nerfed his "Perfect Shape" Alimicraft. Sourapas also talks about starting in front of the UTV's and his quote; "Tried to give them the right of way as I know they were racing but on the uphill washes they were so slow I had to pass them back which I didn't like to do at all."

So if someone can figure out how to get that picture to post on RDC feel free. The discussion was on the thread (Who else crashed on this corner.)
Sourapas is saying they didn't touch the UTV it's just Cory getting bucked from the whoops
If he didn't touch him that was one he'll of a time to take a pic. Lol he has his breaks locked it looks like.

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That is a cool pic. Steve is correct he never nerfed us. We passed each other several times and he never nerfed us. Steve drove very professionally as I would expect. Thank you Steve!

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