Official: 2014 Mint 400 race thread

Anyone that was docked time for trash left in pits now has there original finishing position back! Per Casey!

Congrats Branden!
now that is awesome! and the right thing to do.congrats and a well deserved reverse decision to all who was affected by this.
I am very happy to see this decision, (even if it takes us out of the #2 spot !) As Matt posted before we want to do our racing in the desert. Penalties like this are not how we want to get points.

I would however like to point out that Casey has warned many times that he would take this type of action if needed to solve the trash problem. The fact is this: there was a bunch of trash left in the pits by the racing community that we all are part of.
Whether it was a UTV team or a trophy truck team or the friends or even a spectator of a team it is still appalling that it has to happen. BITD should never have to pick up after any of us for any reason.

I will say from experience that I would vouch for most of he accused UTV teams in saying that they were not guilty. These are the teams and people that I have known and raced with for many years. This is why I would vouch for them, I know what kind of people they are. Not saying that I think the others are guilty just that I don't know some of them.

We really should use this as a warning shot across the bow because I can assure you that if this sort of thing ever happens again (and unfortunately there is a good chance that it will) Casey will not back down again. He is a man of conviction and he is going to fix this.

The UTV community has fought hard to gain some traction in getting the respect that we all want and this is a good opportunity to continue this trend and maybe help further it.

We (JX) are willing to reach out to BITD and see how we can help to insure this never happens again. If it just means that we need to offer up some help to police the start/finish at the races or the pits? We need to be the positive example not the negative one.

It is very unfortunate that there are people with a mentality that even allows them to litter. I have seen it and I don't understand it, but they are among us. If we want to preserve our privileges to do the things we love, we must overcome these jackasses and their bad behavior.

Anyone that was docked time for trash left in pits now has there original finishing position back! Per Casey!

Congrats Branden!

ALL UTV TRASH PENALTIES ARE GOING TO BE DROPPED!!!!! New official results will be posted later today.

Great news! I get that Casey needs to do something about the trash, and that the BLM is on him hard for this. But a pit stake that so many have claim they did not put there should not be considered trash.

I'm glad he came to his senses. Now I wonder if all trash penalty's will be reversed or only for the UTV's? Because I assume the other teams trash was most likely stakes too?
Marc sent off an e-mail to Casey this morning asking (with influence) that he reverse the trash penalties, and in that e-mail, he had what I thought was a good suggestion to avoid this issue in the future. If Casey added a $10 or $20 fee to the racers for each pit stall assigned, it would give him plenty of cash to hire a company to confirm, and clean if necessary, all of the pit stalls at the end of the event. This does'nt mean racers can recklessly leave trash behind. It only guarantees no fallout after the event with the BLM, or activist groups. We're sure willing to pay an xtra 20 bucks above the entry fee to assure a clean desert, as well as no penalties. Congrats to Simms for a re-instated podium finish in his inaugural race with the pro UTV's. Impressive! I also heard that Cory lobbied hard on our behalf. Thank you, Cory!
In the end it seems that justice has been served, glad to hear it for the teams that battled their asses off to the finish. Never understood the mentality of people that leave trash anywhere but a proper receptacle. Helped run 3 - 2 wheel events a year for my MC club for 25 years and it always saddened me how much trash club members had to collect at the end of the event. Made a point of teaching my two kids on every trip, to take home a little more than we brought out and ended every trip with trash collection. Our camp and any trash we could see ours or not. Seems like a good idea to charge an extra 20 in race fee's to pay for trash collection, good insurance for the sport.
I would advise every team to do more than just take pics of your pit when you leave. Unfortunately there are still people that just don't like golf cart racers and I would not put it past them to trash your pit afterwards. Or maybe even a jealous fellow racer, you never know.
Marc sent off an e-mail to Casey this morning asking (with influence) that he reverse the trash penalties, and in that e-mail, he had what I thought was a good suggestion to avoid this issue in the future. If Casey added a $10 or $20 fee to the racers for each pit stall assigned, it would give him plenty of cash to hire a company to confirm, and clean if necessary, all of the pit stalls at the end of the event. This does'nt mean racers can recklessly leave trash behind. It only guarantees no fallout after the event with the BLM, or activist groups. We're sure willing to pay an xtra 20 bucks above the entry fee to assure a clean desert, as well as no penalties. Congrats to Simms for a re-instated podium finish in his inaugural race with the pro UTV's. Impressive! I also heard that Cory lobbied hard on our behalf. Thank you, Cory!

instead of 10-20 per driver of record why not make it $1 for every crew member/ wrist band and $5 for every pit pass. But at any lap race parker/Henderson/mint area must be cleaned 5 days prior to event.
Yes this was the right thing to do. I think the UTV teams got a bad wrap for leaving trash that was likely not ours. I went forwards then backwards in the rankings, but I am ok with these 'passes' didn't take place on the race course.

Those that know me also know that one of my goals in racing UTV's is to grow the UTV class. Cory S (#godfather), JX and other have the same mentality too. We want to see how far we can take this thing. How many entries, how fast compared to the other classes etc.

Getting 31st (not me) and 32nd at the Baja 1000 overall did help get some cred for the UTV class. At the Mint, getting 52 Utes to the line then nearly averaging 50 mph for the Pro UTV winner (again not me) says something. Loved the video of 1905 nerfing the truck!

Let's grow this sport that we love call 'UTV Racing' and not get bogged down with petty posts. The fact is that we were exonerated from 'UTV-Trash-gate 2014.' So now let's show the desert racing community what we are all about. Eg...not leaving trash in the desert (which I don't think we did) not accusing fellow racers of cheating and not constantly talking chit. Some think the crap talking on UTVUG is good/funny. I do not. I think a new team that wants to get into UTV racing would go on here and think we are a bunch of nut-jobs with some of the recent posts. Let's be supportive to the sport of UTV racing and sensitive to new racers.

Question: wouldn't you want to race against 100 other teams at next years Mint and/or 50 teams at this years Baja 1000. I say 'yes' and yet to get there we need to take a big picture approach.

That said, we are a BIG UTV community and need to act like one. Kudos to Cory for standing up to Casey in regards to the trash penalties and congrats to all of the teams that got moved to the positions that they earned on the race course.

Since we are a UTV family, just want to remind you that the next race is the IV250 then the SS300 then the BAJA 500. Game on ladies! Woot...woot! :)
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I know we are all consumed with the bulk of the penalties which were the trash penalties but one of these penalties affected the winner of the 850 class.

David Lyttle won in the Kawasaki Teryx, but then received a penalty for missing a stop / check. That gave the win to Scott Martinez in the John Deere. Now Casey reverses the penalties and that included this stop check... I felt/feel bad for both guys. Happy for David for sure, bummed for Scott.

To address what Matt said. I agree. What makes this class special is the camaraderie that is shared amongst all the racers. The class shares laughs before the race, then during the race everyone tries to kick each others butts respectfully, then after everyone celebrates. In many ways this class stands together against the rest of off-road racing. I carry a chip on my shoulder for this class and I know all of you also do. We want to earn the respect and I feel like we have made amazing strides in doing so. The Baja 1000 was impressive for all to see and The Mint really let people know there are a lot of us. Lets keep the ball rolling and keep blowing this thing UP!!! The Mint was so much fun, it was crazy seeing all these UTVs line up and race. It makes me want to get out there and kick your butts!! hahah
Good to hear .
Hey Joe! Welcome to the Underground. Are you going to the Imperial Valley race next month? I forgot. Do you also do video, or just stills? We are really needing some old fashioned video (non Go-Pro) coverage, you know, with actual panning and zooming. Another race north of the border. Yay!

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