Official: 2014 Mint 400 race thread

Not sure what your implying Reid, but when I left my pit I picked up all the stakes and caution tape that were posted there for me. I also picked up the trash in the 3 other pits around me, Then crossed the track and pick up trash that had blown into the desert. I disagree with the way Casey has handled this situation. I do believe that the UTV teams are all good people and would not leave trash behind, although Casey must have found something with the accused # on it, to issue a penalty. I will be speaking to him on behalf of all the penalized teams to vouch for the integrity. I would also be happy to inspect any UTV teams pit, before they leave their pit, so that this never happens again.
I firmly believe jagged x went out and place these trash bags and all the trash in these pit locations. They are the ONLY team that drinks beer during the race cause I saw it with my own eyes. I believe this was a well thought out plan to take the top two steps of the podium before the race even started.

WOW, I skip a few races off, and look at all the good stuff I missed, I need to build another Polaris race car and get back into all this good stuff, racing and trash that's all I know, I gotta get back in to 1900 class:D!
WOW, I skip a few races off, and look at all the good stuff I missed, I need to build another Polaris race car and get back into all this good stuff, racing and trash that's all I know, I gotta get back in to 1900 class:D!

HURRY UP!! We miss ya!
Gotta say this thread has been hugely entertaining and worth the price of admission. Kind of a microcosm of our society today if you ask me ...:):D:(:confused::confused::confused:

If I was a betting man (and I am) I would bet it had something to do with a certain X team drinking lots of Cognito beer while Heybeerman jumps around proudly displaying the new rainbow JX sticker...or something like that... LOL

Regardless, it is somebody's fault just not sure whose???
No. We only pitted at the Can-am trailer in spaces 250-255. Someone left signs for alot of the Can-am teams in another stall without consent, and Casey is holding the teams named on those signs responsible. You're right about my postings. I shouldn't post in the passion of the moment, and I shouldn't post anything negative about anyone, true or not. Because I am an open book, and speak accordingly, I often offend those who may be a bit more guarded. I think I'm going to spend my time on the car instead of a forum from now on. It will please more people than it will disappoiont. Any members who would still like information, or design parameters on the work I have done and exposed here, can email me personally, and I will reply with what pics or Information I might have. Thanks to my handful of supporters.

Don't stop posting I guess I have become a badassmav fan myself. Although I am a fan of the Jagged X team too I do like rooting for the underdog. I also enjoy reading all the stuff you post up. I'm sure there are people who don't care for me on this forum but who cares that's there problem. Lol I just want to say keep posting!

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Don't insult my intelligence, dude. You're mocking me. Look, you and I had our spats in the past. Now's not the time to start another. I'm going to leave your sandbox to you and your friends. I came in way too strong, and I realize that now. Laugh, or discredit our efforts. It matters none. We are going to be very hard to top in SCORE this year. I'm sure of it. I'll allow our car to do the talking. It wont talk smack, unlike you and myself. If I'm not mistaken, you're with Cognito, yes? Jim and Justin are cool guys, and are one of the few teams who have respected and befriended me, even through my boasting. So, follow suit, and let us put an end to childish behavior.

Reid, Don't get so upset, your posts can be abrasive, entertaining, and informative all in one. Just prepare yourself for critics. You know your abilities and are proud of them....which is what makes you abrasive because you sometime come off as you say "cocky". Its all good. Don't sweat the petty shit, pet the sweaty shit.:D
Not sure what your implying Reid, but when I left my pit I picked up all the stakes and caution tape that were posted there for me. I also picked up the trash in the 3 other pits around me, Then crossed the track and pick up trash that had blown into the desert. I disagree with the way Casey has handled this situation. I do believe that the UTV teams are all good people and would not leave trash behind, although Casey must have found something with the accused # on it, to issue a penalty. I will be speaking to him on behalf of all the penalized teams to vouch for the integrity. I would also be happy to inspect any UTV teams pit, before they leave their pit, so that this never happens again.
Just as you thought there was some sort of connection between Marc helping out Roger at SCORE and our SF win, I find it oddly coincidental that most all of the Can-am's but yours was penalized for leaving trash. Trash that most of us adamantly deny. I'm happy to hear that you disagree with Casey on this matter, but may I ask what number pit stall did you occupy? By the way, Marc had a healthy conversation with Casey yesterday, and Casey said there was a stick with our name and car number on it found in a stall with trash left behind. We're on the same team Cory, why the speculation regarding our great start this season? Have we done something to warrant it? Is it my posting smack that upsets you? The more Can-am's podium, the more they can offer to racers such as yourself, or the Leticias and Lansky's in the field. It's ALL good, isn't it?
Just as you thought there was some sort of connection between Marc helping out Roger at SCORE and our SF win, I find it oddly coincidental that most all of the Can-am's but yours was penalized for leaving trash. Trash that most of us adamantly deny. I'm happy to hear that you disagree with Casey on this matter, but may I ask what number pit stall did you occupy?

Never stop posting Reid!!!

Are you saying Casey is manipulating the outcome of the races?
My pit stall was 240 and the other UTV's that I prepped were in 239,238,237. The email I send to Rodger after San Felipe asked if course marking was open to everyone. There was nothing said about Marks "legitimate" great finish, there was no "speculation", no comments about a "Mark/Rodger connection". I was very happy that Mark got a win and a finish. I know how discouraging that first season was for your team. I am happy you guys have worked the bugs out of you Maverick and are doing well now. Casey treats all racers the same! I receive absolutely no benefits from BITD. I pay entree fees, membership fees, irc fees, I get no inside info, etc.... The only difference with me, is that I get chewed out by Casey for anything that any of the UTV teams do wrong. I have already been chewed out for the trash thing and will now need to make sure that all UTV racers pits are clean before I leave, so this never happens again.
Any chance that the "golf carts" are being singled out by the powers that be? Got to be somewhat embarrassing for the "real car and truck" guys getting bump passed by a golf cart. Seems UTV's are somewhat treated as second class citizens and in the case of the pit trash incident singled out? Of all the entry's in that race the UTV teams were overwhelmingly most responsible as the ones who left trash? Way too many solid citizens of those penalized, something definitely smells and it's not the trash left behind...
i cant believe 12 cars out of 340 left 5 truck loads of trash. I understand casey is frustrated but there has to be a better way to handle this. I have been to many nascar/NHRA/NFL games and every pit area/every area the team was at, was a disaster area when they left. But they have a crew that comes clean up like nobody was there. Just maybe iam saying you need to put 2%-3% of entry fee to this or what you made off spectator area. Just like casey said this was the biggest event ever. Do we penalize casey for the scew up at the start line. His crew his responsibilty that is what he is saying to the 12 driver's of record. or Do we all take pics of pit before and after we leave to have proof it wasn't us.
Enough with all the Black Helicopters.

I would never in a million years think that Casey would manipulate the outcome of a race.

I see this mostly as teams had their names on pit marking stakes. Then a bunch of trash was left in the pits by others. After the "2 lap race" racers completed their race and left the pit area. Or like some stated the pit was marked by others to save it for them, and they used a different location.

I left the pits Sunday after the awards. It was disgusting!

All teams need to be held responsible. The teams responsible should be getting a lot stiffer penalties than 30 min. I hope this can get resolved for the wrongly accused.
WOW, I skip a few races off, and look at all the good stuff I missed, I need to build another Polaris race car and get back into all this good stuff, racing and trash that's all I know, I gotta get back in to 1900 class:D!

lol polaris I thought you wanted to do yamaha viking.
Never stop posting Reid!!!

Are you saying Casey is manipulating the outcome of the races?
No. I did not say or mean to imply that, and don't think that any type of collusion between Cory and Casey takes place in regards to favoritism. It is though quite the coincidence, no? Casey said that if the morning racers removed their stakes w/team numbers on them before they left, that the trash left behind by the 2nd race guys would not have been pinned on us.
Regarding my posts, I want only to follow through with posting on this subject, and have no plans on further postings. Thanks again to all of my loyal forum friends, but others can find another member to laugh at or pick on.
No. I did not say or mean to imply that, and don't think that any type of collusion between Cory and Casey takes place in regards to favoritism. It is though quite the coincidence, no? .

You state "you didn't say or mean to imply that"

Then 2 sentence's later you imply it AGAIN!

I counted 8 car/truck trash penalties and 7 UTV. I don't belive we are being singled out.

Is Casey 100% sure that trash was left by the teams that were pitted there?? If so how does he know for sure what kind of proof does he have? I know our team left after the morning race and luckily no one else parked there and trashed it after we left... I just don't know how he can penalize unless he is 100% positive he knows the trash came from said team??
To say that I'm a little bummed about this would be an understatement..... In my first ever BITD race to place "3rd" in the "Super Bowl" of desert races was such an accomplishment for me, and then to have it taken away was a serious blow to my team and I. Congrats to my friends at Jagged X you guys are top notch in my book!!!!! When I left on Saturday I cleaned up what was around our pit and left. I was not aware that the numbered stakes in our pit were ours and I assumed they were put there by BITD and needed to be left there. Rules are rules and I respect Casey's decision to penalize us. It would have made a little more sense to me if we got penalized as a team and not singled out within the team, but there is nothing I can do. At this point I will suck it up, learn from my mistakes, and move on..... I guarantee that the next race SS300 that I will run harder and make sure each rule is followed!

Thank you,
Branden Sims
I was pitting on Freemont at RM Glitter Gultch. It was full of trash when I pulled in. We staked out our spot but were forced to leave once.......... Forgot what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.


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The results are a little vague without taking to Casey personally.. Or better yet, walking a mile in his shoes .

But I will say, the line in the sand has been drawn, not one person has an excuse now. Pits are not a spectator area and we as racers should be 100x cleaner (if not spotless) than any other single area.

It was great racing none the less, the UTV's absolutely killed it!!

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