Fixed just need the bottom bolt , had a arm at home that worked out just fine and thank you very much Cisco for the offer of the one you have .

Let me check I think I have the bolt, send me a pm with your address, ;-)

Love yea ;-)
If your wider then 70 " give me a pm .
Hey Rich, if my dad and I don't camp out I will probably take the Bronco up for the day on Saturday. If so, I can lead people that are too wide around on the highway to Pinnacles and those too ascared by what lies after Deep Creek back to Miller Canyon.
Its been a while since the last trip up there. Willow Creek is gonna be pretty interesting with all the snow and rain:eek:
Hey Rich, if my dad and I don't camp out I will probably take the Bronco up for the day on Saturday. If so, I can lead people that are too wide around on the highway to Pinnacles and those too ascared by what lies after Deep Creek back to Miller Canyon.
Its been a while since the last trip up there. Willow Creek is gonna be pretty interesting with all the snow and rain:eek:

That's real cool thanks , but don't you want to take the bronco all the way up the trail ? Yes I'm wondering what the trail will be like . But I know one thing it will be fun . :D
That's real cool thanks , but don't you want to take the bronco all the way up the trail ? Yes I'm wondering what the trail will be like . But I know one thing it will be fun . :D
I would love to but its my Daily Driver lol. And plus I don't think that it would make it up unscathed with all the rain we've had.
Hey guys I'm thinking I might try to come out and make this one... I've always wanted to do this ride and would love to learn the trails from some people with experience... do you think my Teryx is too wide??? +6 arms... Looks like that rzr in that picture barely makes it through the gate... I don't think I'll fit...
Hey guys I'm thinking I might try to come out and make this one... I've always wanted to do this ride and would love to learn the trails from some people with experience... do you think my Teryx is too wide??? +6 arms... Looks like that rzr in that picture barely makes it through the gate... I don't think I'll fit...

Josh, I'm pretty sure those poles are 70" apart, so you would just have to measure how wide your Teryx is sitting now.
Hey guys I'm thinking I might try to come out and make this one... I've always wanted to do this ride and would love to learn the trails from some people with experience... do you think my Teryx is too wide??? +6 arms... Looks like that rzr in that picture barely makes it through the gate... I don't think I'll fit...


This is just one small spot where this is an issue. We already figured out how to circumnavigate this, and it didn't take a bunch of Rocket Scientists. LOL!!!! :D

Josh, I'm pretty sure those poles are 70" apart, so you would just have to measure how wide your Teryx is sitting now.

If I remember right it 72" but the ground is uneven so it tilts you in to the pole were you might hit your cage , But like Dan said there is another way .

Josh ,This guy is plus 6 also if I remember right so just to give you a idea .
If you guys want we can do a short ridge run on Sunday before every packs up and goes home ?



Thanks guys for all the responses... I'm gonna do my best to squeeze this one in... Hopefully it works out for me!
Put on the list Josh , would love to see that + 6 crawl the rocks .
1. John Berry, RIP
2. Rich (camping )
3. truckndave / stumpy
4. Grumpy
5. Freeezen (tentative based on kids basketball schedule)
6. Bill (outofround )
7. DD & Dune Bunnies
8. Jack & Jan
9. Dan & Chris ( pending work)
10 Gilbert & Eric ( pending work )
11. Kyle / 66cummins
12. Dave / Dezerterx (maybe)
13. Mike B.
14. George / RZRLUVR (Camping maybe )
15. Roy & Deb.
16. Jim & Melisa ( CAMPING now )
16. Josh / Ali Baba
just got back from on the hill for three days almost froze my cocanut off . snow still on ground crestline /bluejay 4500', should be great riding by the time we go. rich I' be there friday thur sunday/monday I'll do like last time. are we going to get a food list going friday/sat. hoping jim/melissa will come an I'll bring extra 5gal propane for fire ring like we did at frazerpark.
Grumpy, I won't need to worry about freezin my coconuts off, cause my wife keeps them in her purse for me;):eek:

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