I might try and make it

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Dave ,Put you on the list as a maybe just to kinda keep a idea of group size 20 pages from now . Lol

PEEP'S Let us know if your plan on camping so the campers can get can talk and plan there night time fun.

1. John Berry, RIP
2. Rich (camping )
3. truckndave / stumpy
4. Grumpy
5. Freeezen (tentative based on kids basketball schedule)
6. Bill (outofround )
7. DD & Dune Bunnies
8. Jack & Jan
9. Dan & Chris ( pending work)
10 Gilbert & Eric ( pending work )
11. Kyle / 66cummins
12. Dave / Dezerterx (maybe)
13. Mike B.
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Rich, for now, just day tripping. Please add Mike B. to list for day trip too. Thanks
ride should be allot a fun. talk to neighor its snowing at highter eleveation. snow melt means creeks with allot of water.
ride should be allot a fun. talk to neighor its snowing at highter eleveation. snow melt means creeks with allot of water.

And mud:eek:
I will be there, just not sure if I'm camping or not:confused: Prolly will camp cause it's way more fun to BBQ and drink beer after the ride than pack up and go home:D
1. John Berry, RIP
2. Rich (camping )
3. truckndave / stumpy
4. Grumpy
5. Freeezen (tentative based on kids basketball schedule)
6. Bill (outofround )
7. DD & Dune Bunnies
8. Jack & Jan
9. Dan & Chris ( pending work)
10 Gilbert & Eric ( pending work )
11. Kyle / 66cummins
12. Dave / Dezerterx (maybe)
13. Mike B.
14. George / RZRLUVR (Camping maybe )
We'd like to go but not sure if we'll have a ride or not by then.

Buggy is going in shop and RZR is in shop.

Maybe we'll just go and hang out at camp for the day and relax.

Need to get the Ice cream maker warmed up for summer :cool:
You can sit on my lap:eek:
You can also stay in the Man Cave and not worry about bringing the trailer:D There will be plenty of extra seats if your cars arn't done:D
One of you can ride with Chris, 'cause I'm ascared now that we have mondo protection!!! He's a wild-man!!! LOL!!!:eek: JK.....

It would be nice to see you, and we also have plenty of room for resting your head...

Just come and don't worry, be happy!!! La Familia's got you covered!!!

Dan ...:)
Rich - Please put us on the list for cqmping and we'll figure something out. Hard to pass on a good time with great friends even if we just hang at camp for the day. :cool:

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