1. John Berry, RIP
2. Rich (camping )
3. truckndave / stumpy
4. Grumpy
5. Freeezen (tentative based on kids basketball schedule)
6. Bill (outofround )
7. DD & Dune Bunnies
8. Jack & Jan
9. Dan & Chris ( pending work)
10 Gilbert & Eric ( pending work )
11. Kyle / 66cummins
12. Dave / Dezerterx (maybe)
13. Mike B.
14. George / RZRLUVR (Camping maybe )
15. Roy & Deb.
16. Jim & Melisa ( CAMPING now )
You can sit on my lap:eek:
You can also stay in the Man Cave and not worry about bringing the trailer:D There will be plenty of extra seats if your cars arn't done:D

Ok you were the first one to go there , So when this thread ends up in the octagon I'm blaming youuuuuuuuuuuuu ! LOL !

Hey Jim that ice cream sure would taste good over some cookies .

What do you guys and gal's think about having a BBQ like the last few times For every body, day trippers and campers just simple stuff that cooks fast so the day trippers can hang out eat and B.S. and hit the road ?
Dave are you bring your tent ? :D
My tent died on the last trip. I guess I'll be sleeping with a large group of men in George's man-cave, from the sounds of it!! I think I hear banjo music in the background.........:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::)
My tent died on the last trip. I guess I'll be sleeping with a large group of men in George's man-cave, from the sounds of it!! I think I hear banjo music in the background.........:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::)

Who said any thing about sleeping .

Were going to be on a night ride
My tent died on the last trip. I guess I'll be sleeping with a large group of men in George's man-cave, from the sounds of it!! I think I hear banjo music in the background.........:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::)

You sure are welcome to the cave! As long as you're the Alpha male, you won't have to squeal like a pig:eek:
Fixed just need the bottom bolt , had a arm at home that worked out just fine and thank you very much Cisco for the offer of the one you have .

I might have that bolt and others for you Rich. Can you get me the length?

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