If you guys want we can do a short ridge run on Sunday before every packs up and goes home ?




When are you planning on getting up there? It would be great to do the Ridge Run on Friday like we did last time:D
At the miller staging area . Dry camping no fires -BBQ'S are ok, it free but every body needs a adventure pass witch is about $5 a day or $30 for the year .I will have to check if the price has went up . I get mine at rei and the chevron was selling them as you get off the 15 frwy but not sure I will find out.
This link should help with the passes
Adventure Pass - Passes & Permits - Pacific Southwest Region

These pix will give you a idea of the camping




Looks like another place I can't get into. :(
When are you planning on getting up there? It would be great to do the Ridge Run on Friday like we did last time:D

We'll be there Friday around 4'ish....:D

Friday evening sounds like a good time to ride. I don't know if we'll have much light, but maybe with daylight savings kicking in next weekend, we'll have until 7 or so before dark.

just got back from on the hill for three days almost froze my cocanut off . snow still on ground crestline /bluejay 4500', should be great riding by the time we go. rich I' be there friday thur sunday/monday I'll do like last time. are we going to get a food list going friday/sat. hoping jim/melissa will come an I'll bring extra 5gal propane for fire ring like we did at frazerpark.

Yes on the list and thanks for the report
ride on friday sounds good, what time you be there george, what theme for saturday dinner, mexica, italian , hot/burger
ride on friday sounds good, what time you be there george, what theme for saturday dinner, mexica, italian , hot/burger

Been putting on a few pounds the last few rides:eek:, how about an Ethiopian theme this time? LOL!!!!:D
Been putting on a few pounds the last few rides:eek:, how about an Ethiopian theme this time? LOL!!!!:D

We could have a salad bar, YA RIGHT :D

I think some thing simple and quick so the day trippers can kick back a little and eat and then head home. But I'm up for any thing , it can all be premade and then reheated or BBQ
hey rich, can't wait. i have one maybe two more that want to tag a-long. thanks .....bill

]Ya me too. No problem did your bud ever get a sxs after the july ride ? Give us a idea for the list if there going we still have plenty of time and the list is just to keep a idea of car count not mandatory .
okay, still working on him to get something.. his brother-in-law and son-in -law are comming. they each have rhinos. so that makes 3 sxs's. not staying over night just a day ride.......bill
1. John Berry, RIP
2. Rich (camping )
3. truckndave / stumpy
4. Grumpy
5. Freeezen (tentative based on kids basketball schedule)
6. Bill (outofround )
7. DD & Dune Bunnies
8. Jack & Jan
9. Dan & Chris ( pending work)
10 Gilbert & Eric ( pending work )
11. Kyle / 66cummins
12. Dave / Dezerterx (maybe)
13. Mike B.
14. George / RZRLUVR (Camping maybe )
15. Roy & Deb.
16. Jim & Melisa ( CAMPING now )
16. Josh / Ali Baba
17. Bills (outofround) friend #1
18. Bills (outofround) friend #2
1. John Berry, RIP
2. Rich (camping )
3. truckndave / stumpy
4. Grumpy
5. Freeezen (tentative based on kids basketball schedule)
6. Bill (outofround )
7. DD & Dune Bunnies
8. Jack & Jan
9. Dan & Chris ( pending work)
10 Gilbert & Eric ( pending work )
11. Kyle / 66cummins (Camping)
12. Dave / Dezerterx (maybe)
13. Mike B.
14. George / RZRLUVR (Camping)
15. Roy & Deb.
16. Jim & Melissa (Camping)
16. Josh / Ali Baba
17. Bills (outofround) friend #1
18. Bills (outofround) friend #2
well I'm out having knee surgery the thursday before the ride. its weird how every time this ride comes around i can't go. well next time.
Hey guys I am new to the site and looking to find more people to ride with. I have been hearing about this ride and would like to join in. I have only had the razor for about 3 weeks and took it out about 4 times just in the open dezert. From the pics I have seen looks like there is some cool trails out there, but would you say the might be to advanced for me with not as much experience? I would like to go out in some group rides and meet everyone.

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Hey guys I am new to the site and looking to find more people to ride with. I have been hearing about this ride and would like to join in. I have only had the razor for about 3 weeks and took it out about 4 times just in the open dezert. From the pics I have seen looks like there is some cool trails out there, but would you say the might be to advanced for me with not as much experience? I would like to go out in some group rides and meet everyone.

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Come on out!! You don't need to be advanced, but you may need to bring some extra radius rods:eek: JK. This is a fun trail and riding with La Familia is guaranteed to put a grin on your face you won't be able to wipe off for a long time!!!:):)
Ok sounds good. I will be there :) cant wait! How long of a ride is it? Will I need to bring a gas can or will a full tank be enough for the ride?

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