Yamaha Mid Travel Suspension

Rhino Direct

New Member
Looking into the Mid travel Kit - I have an 08 Rhino Se - My question are : I ride mostly trails, What can I expect from the ride quality of this kit. What is normally included in such a kit ? How much over all width will be added ? Will this increase overall height and ground clearance.And can I use my stock shocks, axles and cv's ? I know I'm asking a lot of questions in one Thread, I'm just trying to keep it all together. Any and all info would be appreciated before I spend money on this upgrade.
mid travel is +3 inches each side, you gain more travel not sure how much 2 inches i think, depending what you do for shocks, it give about 100% better ride especially at speed, i know i can bomb some pretty rough trails at 40-50 mph and the suspension soaks it up like a trophy truck. lol
Welcome to the site!! Way to help out Mush!! You have been repped! I personally know nothing about the mid travel kits!! LOL
It will add about 2 inches, no I don't believe you can use your axles and using your stock shocks wont do that much for you. The kits come many ways, I have seen just arms, everything less shocks and complete. It all depends on price. In my opinion you would be better off buying a set of aftermarket shocks first. They can be found used from time to time on Craigs List or on the forums.

I also feel that if your looking for a better ride and more stability just go LT and be done with it. Its 6" wider and gives you 13 to 14 inches of travel. I dont know any one who has regretted it.

Only reason for a mid travel, In my opinion, is if you don't have the space in your toy hauler or trailer. I'm sure there are many who disagree with me but this is just how I feel. Whats right for one isn't right for another.
It will be a great improvement and well worth it, if MikeF sees this or a couple of others will tell you, they are very happy.

you can use the stock CVs.

you should get a kit that everything is setup together, like I-Shock, LSR or XMF, none other would even come close.

For clearance you can add some preload to the springs and get great ground clearance, ( if will ride rougher) but then reset for "normal riding"

with ishock and XMF, you have the added compression and rebound adjuster on the shocks, so you can vary "the ride" even more.

money well spent and still use on most any trail as well as open country haulin Butt!!!

i have a mid travel setup and love it.

The reason I did it originally is to be able to put it in the bed of my truck. When I had a ball tow trailer I could put the rhino in the bed with the stock offset tires and the mid travel and still pull the trailer.

I keep up just fine with the long travel boys and I have never once regretted going this route.

Hope you find what your looking for.
i have a mid travel setup and love it.

The reason I did it originally is to be able to put it in the bed of my truck. When I had a ball tow trailer I could put the rhino in the bed with the stock offset tires and the mid travel and still pull the trailer.

I keep up just fine with the long travel boys and I have never once regretted going this route.

Hope you find what your looking for.

Just curious, If you had to do it over again and width or money was not a concern which would you choose and why?
The cost difference isn't much if you go with after market shocks.

If you use your stock resi shocks you save probably 1500 bucks.

If money wasn't an option and I have my current trailer set up I'd probably go with long travel mainly because of accesability. It seems that everyone has kits, shocks, and axles for +6 setups.
if i had the cash and parts would be easier to get menning axles then i would go LT.......
I keep forgetting some of the new SXS's come with Resi shocks but are they as good as the aftermarket ones available? I have seen the stock resi's sell for quite a bit. Could recoup some of your money that way.
I keep forgetting some of the new SXS's come with Resi shocks but are they as good as the aftermarket ones available? I have seen the stock resi's sell for quite a bit. Could recoup some of your money that way.

i just got the lsr mts and im having my resis revalved. ill let you all know how it works once its running. ive heard good things though about the mts and revalved stock resis
i just got the lsr mts and im having my resis revalved. ill let you all know how it works once its running. ive heard good things though about the mts and revalved stock resis

I would love to read your report. Start a new post when your ready to tell all.
I think most would say if you have the stock non resi shocks and go to stock resi shocks that is much better. Now if you have stock resi shocks and go to after market shocks, That is way better!

It is baby steps going to the best which is long travel. However your needs will play into this. Tight trails with long travel.......well how tight ya driven.

Mid travel in the middle cost is reasonable, but you still can get more travel...are you gonna be satisfied????
IShock Mid travel = 12" of travel and you only go 6" wider there shocks are awesome and are 3-5 way adjustable, most long travel kits only give you 13 0r 14 inches and they put you 12" wider. Which ever way you go it is a unbeatable performance upgrade. I have had my kit for 2 seasons now and the cust service IShock provides is awesome. There +3 System is unbeatable. with there money back guarantee how can you wrong. thats what sold me.
I have the LSR +3 kit and love it you get 10-11" of travel with WERs, I can and do ride as hard and fast as all these guys and the mid travel has never been an issue...plus trail riding there is lots of times where narrow has been better. Yes, it does increase your ride height about an inch(11" front 10 3/4" rear).

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